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  1. the heroic and diligent budtender sh!tes his pants turning weed to hash
  2. no, as usual you are๐Ÿ™
  3. and you are biased in his favor. wht on earth? who knows. but i am willing to bet that i am more likely right. but... you said he joined because it is his vocation. was he rich at the time he joined? or did he join because of the potential of spoils. when i brought this up you shut up just like a clam. 'because i said so' is the weakest argument there is
  4. and you really believe this? i believe where there is smoke... did he have money in his early 20's when he likely joined?
  5. apart from my personal experience with these guys, this is why i call the pigs. particularly here in thailand where they are above the law and accountable to no one.
  6. sure seem to think they are tough these moped riders. would probably give a real biker gang a run for their money... they already have the mopeds and the patches...
  7. will he be able to get a private room at the police hospital?
  8. and when are you going to put a link back for chatgpt? i can find a link myself, but it was nice when it was here
  9. thank you for that. what this shows in fact is that this guy isnt after the money, but rather the power. which, is even worse, considering that he can afford to bribe, corrupt and manipulate anyone who would dare stand against him. normal people would retire and enjoy life. power hungry fiends just cant get enough... its always more more more
  10. so daddy in law actually foots the bill of 1.5 million and expects no favors in return? in itself, that is corruption. if you think daddy in law, or big joke's wife expect nothing in return for this you are, to say the least, quite naive. about helping reporters? wow... buying the media's opinion so when and if he gets challenged he will have all these reporters who one day may be editors in his pocket. thanks @paul545 you helped me make my point
  11. the ONLY reason i would object is because this puke thai is coming up with all these tax schemes... why not disguise this as a bi-annual inspection where we have to foot the bill? sure seems this is what they are doing. if we paid once, a decent price, that included two inspections i might agree. but since puke thai came to power with clown face and the puppet master, it seems everyday i read about new gimmicks to separate us from our hard earned money.
  12. so is this going into effect, or as our visa stamps, "under consideration"? is this title misleading, or not?
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