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Sir Dude

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  1. I haven't read the entire thread, just some of it, but having a good view of what's going on in the world and understand supply and demand is obviously crucial. I suppose the clear message at the moment is that the world is becoming more dangerous and chaotic all the time currently, so if you are not an "ethical investor" and want to go for stocks/shares, then the defense sector looks like a good bet (the likes of Lockheed Martin/Raytheon/Northrop Grumman etc.)... although it could be argued that this boat has already sailed, I don't see a new era of enjoying the peace dividend will happen anytime soon like after the Cold War and fall of the USSR.
  2. Well, let's wait until the dust settles on Srettha's impeachment on June 18 by the military-learning senators, and how the cards fall with Thaksin's LM charge. Both of them could be being "dealt with" as the deal isn't going as agreed/honoured with the elites. With a bit of luck, they both get stitched up and all their policies are quietly dropped/brushed under the carpet with some bureaucrat saying "Nothing to see here, move along" in classic Thai style... it was all a "misunderstanding".
  3. It's not beyond the realms of possibility and this avenue of "fixing" issues has been used a lot. Also, notice how a LM charge has just materialized against Thaksin all of a sudden for that interview in south Korea in 2015... clearly a few warning shots from the elites about not straying from the deal, and Thaksin might be getting too involved with politics for their liking. As for Stretta, he has up-rooted/U-turned/brought in a far few policies quickly that might be making some influential figures uncomfortable... can throw in the dispute with the BoT over interest rates too. Could be some powerful non-plussed types pulling strings from the shadows at the moment.
  4. The usual opaque nonsense from the clowns in charge and their general ineptitude. This whole idea has trouble and difficulty written all over it, with so many negatives that can/will transpire if enforced. It's not just scaring away the very foreigners they want to attract, both workers (teachers/digital nomads/businesses etc.) and wealthy retirees, but what about the Thais working oversea and their remittances for the survival of families etc.? I forecast the locals getting the hump over this one too... might well be the final nail in the coffin for many too, just not worth it. However, having said all that, it could end up on the books but not enforced once they realize how much damage is done and the resistance to it there is (from multiple quarters), like many other "laws" that are effectively ignored... but they have the optics of it being a "law" that can be selectively enforced if so needed.
  5. Yeah, terrible choice of photo for this article. Notice it's a left-hand drive car too... wonder where that was taken.
  6. They are slowly walking it back and watering it down. By the look from the above, when they are done moving the goal posts, folks will have the options of spending it in 7-11/Big C/Blue Flag shops as they are way cheaper than the Mom & Pop shops... and all the wrong entities to be profiting from this hand out. They might even restrict it to just the government Blue Flag shops so they get as much back as possible... wouldn't surprise me at all if they announce that in the next few weeks. Compete bunch of liars and rotten to the core.
  7. From my observations, it all basically goes wrong for Thai students at high school because it's little more than 6 years of mindwashing nonsense learning fluff or nothing at all... along with nonsense activities. By the time they get to university, it's mainly too late... they sink or swim in class sizes of 50 etc. as that's not "teaching", it's a lecture. You often hear people talking about/promoting how important critical thinking is and how it should be taught etc... but I see very little evidence of it being taught or even of people knowing what it actually is (observation, analysis, logic, systematically following processes of thought, judging relevence of ideas or augments, spotting errors or inconsistencies in comments/arguments, reflecting on your and others' assumptions and beliefs or biases, reasoning, balancing pros and cons/good and bad plus forming defendable opinion with supporting evidence etc.) so as to get to the best conclusion at a given time. However, having a properly educated population that can think critically and freely, simply isn't in the interest of the 1%. Thailand needs a compliant and subservient workforce/populous to the elite. You can see it in the politics and establishment regarding how scared the puppet masters are of change and entities like the Move Forward Party... the dinosaurs even jumped into bed with Taksin and allowed him back with little sanction, just so that they can hang on to power for a little longer and forestall the progressives and change. Although, they are kidding themselves as change is inevitable and it's coming... the internet and social media has seen to that, and these kids that have been leaving university for the last 10-15 years or so won't stand for the same nonsense forever, as they will be entering positions of power shortly.
  8. Blimey, what sort of thicket of idiots puts a police general in charge of a country's education ministry? That's the equivalent of putting Alan Titchmarsh in charge of training commandos.
  9. When I read "DPM" I thought straight away of "damage per minute"... then realised I wasn't playing an online game.
  10. "Viral social media rumors have spread fear that tourists could be kidnapped and forced into scams across the border in Myanmar or Cambodia... by Chinese criminals." There, fixed it for everyone.
  11. Hmm, I don't think retirees have too much to worry about who just live off of their pensions... although I understand the concern shown in the thread due to previous hair-brained ideas governments have had here. Also, there is a good chance that this will rattle the cage of the elite here so much that it is quietly walked-back or dropped further down the line. However, if they did follow through with it, then I'd have serious misgivings about how they would enforce it without out-rightly sparking an exodus of people from multiple walks of life/demographics. Also, for example, how would they police ATM system when someone takes like $300 out of their foreign bank on any given street or place with an ATM... sure, might be possible but the logistics involved are huge, plus the high street banks here might well baulk at the extra cost and time/effort involved. It would require considerable investment in tech and all sorts. The sad thing here is, if you legally work here and have a WP, then you might get screwed if you bring in anything from overseas... and mostly those like this are the ones who might need extra cash. What about if you worked here (like a teacher), and say, your brother sends you $1000 for your birthday... is that liable to tax? It's not "income", it's a gift. Complete BS. On top of that, if more needed to be mentioned, the leeches want more money from us but are not prepared to pony-up anything in return. How about Anutin makes "residency" easier? How about some more rights in return? How about less discrimination on so many things? How about a less oppressive immigration department for the legit folks? How about longer visas for the workers you want to take more from? Someone might live and work here but they are not a "resident" with the associated rights that go along with that word. A completely ill-thought out idea that's loaded with problems stamped all over it. Good way to tank the economy even worse... as even if there is disparity in wealth dispersion, all the money ends up being spent in the economy eventually, which is an overall positive. If they convince people (or money generally) to bail like the CCP has in China... then we can all see how well that is working out. The new government is a bunch of muppets that sold out to the old government and puppeteers just to get their exiled leader back... and now need new revenue sources to pay for the ill-conceived ideas they promised the mob to get the votes, who they also ultimately betrayed. So shamelessly cynical. Okay, rant over.... have a good day everyone.
  12. This is a non-event... and only advertised because the content is woke and fashionable. How many people die and it is nothing other than a footnote at the coroner's office?.... another social-engineering psy-op load of BS.
  13. All of these annoying petition-waving activists should be investigated themselves... bet they have skeletons in the closet too.
  14. Thailand is already a vassal-state of the CCP... it's just that the regular Thais don't know it, and by the time they wake-up, it will be way too late.
  15. Doesn't pass the smell test... a very rural wiff coming from Toady on this one.
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