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The Theory

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  1. IMO Raptor is too wide for Thailand. I prefer my Wildtrak. It is low in fuel use too.
  2. I'm not a "street food eater" πŸ™„ keep going the way you believe in. πŸ‘
  3. I built mine ΰΈΏ12000/sqm , but I did many things by myself, all plumbing, electrical and some tiling. And it depends on material quality/price. I don't think it will cost you less than 15000/sqm by a builder (I did not hire any builder), even more.
  4. Great soups, very high in "sodium" πŸ€”πŸ˜†
  5. I'll leave (peacefully) my gf (10 years, she graduated from university) soon even though I built a house on her land I don't mind to walk away. She got the house and there was a plan to get my new car on her name as well πŸ€”πŸ˜†πŸ€£ very smooth and peacefully.(if you are stupid enough to fall in). Recently her brother has moved in one of their shop in front, dancing for me everyday πŸ™„πŸ˜†πŸ€£ can't wait to be free again and not seeing games everyday. You let us know if you find your true $❀️$. By the way, don't listen to successful stories, in fact they are trapped deeply involved. Either not able to leave all behind and walk away or it is too late for them to start over (whatever) πŸ€” I understand some are going to object to my post and claim that theirs is "different", I believe absolutely.πŸ€”πŸ€ͺ And I've heard that word "speak for yourself" πŸ˜†πŸ€£, of course some living their own world.
  6. Soon obviously he will be cleared about all charges and then run for next election, PM πŸ€”πŸ€ͺπŸ™„
  7. No "Arab" country wants Palestinians, even Egypt that is right next to it. Nobody wants "trouble".πŸ€”
  8. But many still even hesitate to buy a flip flop and keep the wealth untouched.
  9. But he won't sell them easy, because he priced them too high for a big $$$. Keep them for ever.
  10. Chinese get in the US as students then suck all the knowledge they need then go back home and use it against the US. Nothing new about it. Those top universities provide anything they need for their $$$.
  11. Everyday many more civilians get killed and not important to Hamas. How many till this moment 30,000 or 40,000? What they care is only those prisoners, to be released from Israel prison.
  12. Hard to believe that ex TopGun pilots aiding Chinese.πŸ€” πŸ™πŸ˜”
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