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  1. Another person living in a 'room'. Who on earth considers that to be living.
  2. Living in a 'room' with 330 baht a day to spend. Wow.
  3. Yes. For those who have recently arrived from Europe their body would like it's a late evening stroll before bed. From America, an afternoon walk, until their body clock adjusts.
  4. Thank you very much. I will order it. Keep the top, and send the rest back as a damaged good for a refund.
  5. Thank you. Are you sure? I am now barred from the nearest 7-11. I tell them to give me the official barring in writing but they all tell me to get out and refuse to serve me. How much is this? Colgate Herbal Detox 60g is 59 baht. Is it cheaper?
  6. The 2nd sentence in the very first post. "I noticed this before and kept an old flip top, and screwed it on to a new screw on tube before. I told the helper to not throw it out when finished, to keep the flip top, so it can be put on to another screw on one should it happen again. It happened again. But the helper had thrown it it. "
  7. Thank you. I was told that dabbing some just inside your anus results in flatulence that is scented like fresh mint. Can any posters confirm this?
  8. It must be this one. Thanks. I will go to the 7-11 and open the box to make sure.
  9. Both have screw on tops. I opened them immediately and told the delivery man to take them back. He said no and refused. He was very impolite. That is illegal. I threw them at his head and he tried to assault me.
  10. Thank you very much. I will buy the 60 gram herbal detox tube if the 35 gram and 80 gram are screw on. I will show it to the staff at the 7-11 so they know about the products they sell.
  11. Thank you. a 35 gram tube and 80 gram tube are on the way right now. Does the 60 gram flip top fit the ordinary Colgate tubes? Or are they different shape or styles of tubes?
  12. Yes, this is how to do it. Unfortunately my helper threw out the old flip top even after I told him not to. Perhaps in revenge for killing his dog.
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