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  1. Karma is like gravity. It works whether you believe in it or not. That being said, everyone is free to believe whatever they want, but calling people "weak minded" when it's you who is ignorant of the facts is rather hypocritical and funny at the same time.
  2. It would be advisable to know what karma is before spouting nonsense.
  3. Normal market behaviour. In the beginning it's the wild west, with time only the best will survive. Same thing happened with coffee shops here in TH. 10 years ago there were only a handful, most of them very basic places. Then there was a boom and coffee shops sprang up like mushrooms everywhere. Of course, with so much competition, the substandard places were weeded out pretty fast. Now there are less but most of them are very good quality. Some are even amazing with lush gardens and refined decor.
  4. Muay Thai is not a spiritual practice. The Hatha Yoga, now so famous around the world, is more like a stretchy exercise for the body and a lot of superficial "spiritual sounding" rubbish. True Yoga is something else. I'm not sure what you're looking for or what you expect Qi Gong or Thai Chi to do for you, but from the way you write (especially your bonus question), I think you should first examine your motivations behind this decision. Good luck
  5. @thaibeachlovers I've been posting on this thread since the very beginning and a lot has changed since then. Both in the dynamic of the thread, as well in my own little world. I used to search for answers wherever I suspected to find answers...books, art, music, people, discussions...but I don't feel this need anymore. I don't feel like reading spiritual books anymore. There is nothing to be added on an intellectual level. Bob Marley said: Once you stop racing, you've won the race. The primary question now is, how much of what I know do I actually live? What more can I add here in this thread? I've covered a wide range of topics...religion, spirituality, art, science (consciousness research), sociology, philosophy, meditation... Those with ears to hear will pick up on the info, others not, no problem. It is neither my goal to convince anyone, nor do I see it as my duty to change anyone. After nearly 3 decades of searching, I feel like a big chapter in my life has come to an end, and a new chapter is just starting. It's like I got rid of old and worn clothes that were too small for me, and instead put on new clothes that are a few sizes too large. I need to grow into them. It will take time. One day I will get rid of these clothes too and walk around naked, metaphorically speaking. 🙂 If you or anyone else has direct questions for me I'd be happy to answer, but other than that...🤷‍♂️
  6. Your assumption is that this "other world" is separated somehow from the "natural" world. It's not. They are one and the same. Let's make an analogy. You are from a planet where people are able to see in colors and end up in a world where everyone else is color blind. They see the same objects you see, yet they are unable to perceive the different wavelengths that we call colors. Now, how do you explain colors to these people? They will much sooner call you a liar and crazy person than listen to you. Will you doubt yourself or know without doubt that you CAN see colors? And if those people are not interested in your "ability", will you spend your time trying to convince them, or just move on and enjoy your life? Plainly, I don't care whether you perceive reality as I do, so that means no need to convince anyone, no need to prove anything. Have a good life.
  7. One more small but important thing I'd like to add... When we start to learn this new skill, the basic attitude should not be of "adding" something to our selves....more knowledge, more peace, new experiences, more happiness and so on. It's actually the other way around. We hone these skills to learn to let go of the things we already have. The basic attitude is one of surrender, of giving up control. Attachments and desires are the very things that prevent us from accessing those qualities we crave for. The more we surrender to what is, the more we allow those qualities to emerge naturally. They are already there. They are just covered by the mental debris we've accumulated throughout our lives. 🖖
  8. Married for 15 years and love my wife. Looking around is not a problem, but I never touch. It's just not worth it. My self-esteem doesn't grow by getting laid with some easy girls, but comes from knowing who I am. As for drugs and alcohol...I don't see a problem if taken in moderation, but as soon as you get too attached to them, you better have a pause and have a good look at yourself.
  9. Those are just the most basic ones. Once those were covered, humans have learned several other things on top of survival and reproduction. Otherwise we would still be little more than cavemen. Do you see yourself as a caveman?
  10. Yeah, I doubt that very much. 😄 I do pray to a personal God. Actually, it's more like a conversation with a father, mother and sometimes brother. At the same time though, I also know that beyond the personal God there is the One Consciousness, which ultimately is none other than my true nature.
  11. Yes, born a Catholic, but it never stuck. My grandmother tried very hard to instill some faith in the rest of the family, without much success. By age 15 I was a fierce atheist, and my grandmother was very sad about it. At age 23 I was shown a much bigger picture, so atheism was no longer an option. I told my grandmother that I wasn't religious, but that I now knew there is something. That made her very happy. That in turn, made me happy. Loved my granny very much.
  12. I agree with your first sentence. Don't understand the rest, sorry.
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