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  1. Get off your high horse and go try and fund a Wise transfer from EUR or USD or GBP to another of these currencies (whichever you have an account in) and fund it with a Thai debit card from the screen in my screenshot upthread and tell us what the result is. If it fails let us know where and why. It's nothing about exporting baht it's about overseas spending which I'm sure you know is possible with a Thai bank card.
  2. But the banks do and that is what happens when you use your Thai bank card details to fund a Wise transaction. No need to add it even if the guy who reported on it said his was added. Just use the 16 digit card number, expiry date and CVV when you make the payment. Look, I know the "you can't send baht out of Thailand" story was widely told and most folk just took it as gospel. Then Dee Money turned up and all of a sudden everything changed to "you can't send baht out of Thailand unless you use Dee Money". Well the banks always could even if they made it difficult at times and this is what happens here apparently. I haven't done it but a couple of guys allegedly have as recently as February this year. I don't stand to gain anything by reporting it so anyone should feel free to try it out and if it works it's cost you a few baht in fees but you can confirm it works, or come back here and call me a dolt if it doesn't but please let me know where the process breaks down as it rings true to me.
  3. No, it's been done to prove the point on a Wise Facebook group. When you think of it, it's no different from the bank's point of view as you withdrawing at an ATM in the UK, USA, Eurozone etc, or purchasing a service in these areas. They're pleased to facilitate it as it makes them money in charges. I've not thought it all through but it could also be that Wise is not transferring money out of Thailand (that's not their MO) but just taking payment for their service within Thailand and using their funds elsewhere to finalise the deal, but I think it's the former scenario (like an overseas purchase) as the guy got charged transaction fees by BBL.
  4. It is possible, but it's an inefficient way of doing it due the fees involved. Set it up for example as a GBP to GBP transfer to your "home" account and fund it using your Thai bank debit card. Wise will add an extra fee due to it being a non GBP card. The Thai bank sees it as an overseas currency transaction and processes it accordingly with their regular fees, just as if you were drawing cash out of an ATM when in the UK (in the case if GBP) using your Thai bank card.
  5. I did resubmit but no change after a few hours so I went down and gave Maneerat 100 baht and they're doing it for me. I then went home and cancelled the second application. With it being almost the weekend and me needing the passport for (internal) travel early the following week I thought it best just to get it moving.
  6. Doesn't work if the purpose is to sit on the balcony without being blinded by the sun.
  7. Wise give you a list in their comparison tool. Here's what it looks like currently:
  8. The guy that banged on about it departed as you describe a couple of weeks ago and returned with no problems. His thread has now been closed. There has also been at least one other report that everything was OK.
  9. I'd been one of the smug ones on here that had always succeeded even after re-entering the country but my time has now come. Rejection message was: For first-time requests of a 90-day notification in each country visit, in-person presentation at the immigration office is required. Jomtien immigration.
  10. Still there. Last post was in February this year. https://web.facebook.com/PattayaWatchdog/
  11. I suspect a clue is in the thread title and it's this company. https://coins.co.th/
  12. Your number may be a recycled number that was owned by a tour guide and restaurateur in years gone by. I would think a potential scam is more likely though.
  13. Type the code and pay the 3 baht twelve times then you can forget about it for a year. You'll get an SMS when it's time to do it again.
  14. There will be significantly fewer gates on entry (numbers are upthread) and I suspect this is down to all the different length of stays to be stamped in for which will need manual intervention. Could be that if Visa exempt entries are the highest headcount they are directed to the auto gates and everyone else is manually processed. Overstays would be rejected at the exit gates - computer says no - and dealt with by an officer.
  15. No reiprocal agreement between the "frozen" countries and the UK government.
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