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  1. Enlighten yourself buddy! https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=septic
  2. https://fulcrum.sg/thailands-persevering-police-problem/ https://www-khaosodenglish-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.khaosodenglish.com/featured/2019/01/16/superstar-cop-big-joke-on-his-rise-and-plans-for-expats-visas/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=17167152185820&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.khaosodenglish.com%2Ffeatured%2F2019%2F01%2F16%2Fsuperstar-cop-big-joke-on-his-rise-and-plans-for-expats-visas%2F 'Connections cannot be totally discounted, Wanwichit the lecturer said. Surachate’s father is a close friend of both deputy junta chairman Prawit Wongsuwan and Pheu Thai MP Sanoh Thienthong' I would disagree his father was in very close relationships with Thailand's ruling elite either way it does make an interesting read..
  3. No need to research again anybody with half a brain can see exactly why he has complained about the NACC but I realise you might be struggling with that so will make it really simple for you and the other brain difficient out there NACC investigates a dodgy, thieving, corrupt excuse for a police officer and dodgy, thieving, corrupt police officer makes a noise and tries to cause problems for dodgy, thieving, corrupt NACC I realise you might be a septic and that you might struggle with English but is that simple enough for you?
  4. Hapkarns complaint is a direct result of a complaint from NACC resulting from corruption instigated whilst employed as a senior buffoon in brown. Are you drunk or just very slow on the uptake. I think you need a nap....
  5. RTP are corrupt incontrovertible fact if you don't know that or can't see that you have issues that need to be addressed If you are a senior officer in the RTP you are corrupt everything else is just window dressing Big Joke has lost face hence him throwing his toys out of the pram the fact all parties involved are corrupt is besides the point He's just another hi-so that have look at me issues, just another corrupt, lying hypocrite in a nest of corrupt, lying hypocrites
  6. Not at all this concerns a senior RTP officer and his loss of face nothing more, the fact all parties are lying corrupt hypocrites just adds to the farce...
  7. Well that's cos they are! Thai police are corrupt but for Thailand’s expats, this is hardly surprising - Thai Enquirer Current Affairs Joe Ferrari: The high-rolling life of Thailand's controversial ex-police chief - BBC News Royal Thai Police - Wikipedia The former Thai politician tracking down corrupt policemen and Chinese gangsters in Bangkok (lemonde.fr) Tourists in Thailand Are Being Targeted by Corrupt Police | TIME Tips on Dealing With the Police When Traveling in Thailand (worldnomads.com) Police corruption Thailand - Thailand Message Board - Tripadvisor Thai Parliament Debates Police Reform Amid Latest Scandal (voanews.com) You need more?
  8. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck guess what its a duck!! Would a fair and uncorrupted judiciary who knows? would a corrupt and backward judiciary well I guess that would depend on the size of the envelope... Lets switch ignorance to naivete then I can agree you are! as previously stated if you believe the leadership of an openly corrupt institution isn't a bad 'un then I really can't help you...
  9. No idea what this means if it means don't argue with me as I believe I am right then guilty as charged I guess You're right can't argue with that, I don't mean to be demeaning but the level of naivete displayed makes it difficult I know as much as you or anybody else I also know the RTP is a corrupt, lazy, thieving joke of an institution so anybody at the top is also that but worse It's plainly not guilty by association he has been removed from post on numerous occasions, he freely admits paying off the press to write favourable coverage and also acts like a medieval warlord by surrounding his home with his hench men and minions Whether I agree or disagree has no bearing on if I am a wanxer? do you mean <deleted> if so yep guilty as charged on occasion I am a male after all Nope it is in fact a reasoned, though out argument backed up with personal experience and common knowledge of the buffoons in brown I hope this clears things up, have a good 'un!!
  10. You don't see corruption as a problem? Bloody hell I hope you or your family are never the victim as I reckon you might quickly change your opinion but then again there's nought stranger than folk....
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