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  1. Never heard of Taquiya then, Islam permits lying in its defence and to spread it
  2. No amount of decent people change the doctrine's of hate and intolerance in Islam, you are making the usual mistake of mixing up Islam with Muslims. Many Nazis, communists and Khmer rouge were decent as well, made no difference
  3. It's just Islam hating Jews because their rapist founder did when they refused his made up religion and made worse by Mo being poisoned by a Jew after he murdered her whole family, then blamed her for his death months after. The Quran permits rape of captives.
  4. Right wing? calm down, or are you one of those that think the countryside and now milk are racist and colonialist?
  5. If these lying illegal immigrant boat people arriving in the UK with no passports are eligible then i'm certainly going to make sure I am, after paying national insurance for 40 years!
  6. SIL in Bkk on a nice Sansiri estate has house in next soi with 20 dogs! a wall of sound. But this is a bit better as originally he had over 30, these dog owners crazy as well as selfish
  7. Unfortunately those little <deleted>s are normally long lived, but being small susceptible to er, food poisoning.!
  8. Red horse 8% 75 baht in tops, gets you pissed quick
  9. Give over with the liberal empathy and spiritual drivel, lots of things deserve to be hated. Murderers, child molesters, corruption, taxes, soi dogs, snakes and durian, to name a few. Make hate great again l
  10. Took mrs 3 times to pass the driving test, was offered under the table for 500 baht, must be a lot more these days. The film they show now is a laugh, done in lakorn style with a ladyboy and screaming women to try and get people to watch it instead of their phone. Did not notice anything about zebra crossings!
  11. She's a prostitute you just another customer have a look at Dans channel https://www.youtube.com/@thaitalkwithdan
  12. Not meant to have money or own anything other than garments and alms bowl
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