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  1. "one guy can stay awake " So you are supporting Biden now or did you fall asleep with drumpf during the trial ? 555 Do you read what you post? confused ?day drinker?
  2. Morals ? ha yeah The Republican Party is well know for it's morality look at their leader .
  3. He is a joke and a traitor. You aren't American. He met Kim Jong -yeah they laughed at him and fired a missile after he left. Syria is in the middle east.
  4. Yes lowest unemployment in 60 year stock market record high median household wealth up 18% wages up 4.7% in April supporter of Democracy.
  5. Here he goes with the drinking references projection Who was president on January 1 2021? Gasoline Prices Rise Sharply The price index for gasoline and other motor fuel rose 7.4 percent in January after rising 5.2 percent in December. The gasoline and other motor fuels price index alone contributed about 1.5 annualized percentage points to January’s headline inflation rate. Prices for the other major energy components were mixed for the month. The price index for fuel oil rose 5.4 percent, while the price indexes for electricity and natural gas fell 0.2 percent and 0.4 percent, respectively. The price index for energy goods and services as a whole rose 3.5 percent, compared with a 2.7 percent increase in December.
  6. look up the definition of "cause" next.
  7. Inflation is a lagging indicator understand?
  8. drumpf helped kill hundreds of thousands of Americans " helped cause inflation Biden is taming it . Next
  9. i didn't make anything up you just can't handle the truth.
  10. children cancer charity for a self portrait and then we have this photo
  11. Trump did lead an insurrection and try to overturn Democracy, wages are not stagnant grew by 4.7% in April borders have been open since Nixon was President and the R's encouraged it to bust unions crime - FBI statistics released this year suggested a steep drop in crime across the country last year. It's a similar story across major cities, with violent crime down year over year in Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C. not going to correct every falsehood you state it's exhausting suffice it to say you are wrong.
  12. False he didn't lead an insurrection and try to overturn Democracy ,there are no lower standards than those of Magats.
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