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  1. I've lived in the Pattaya area for over 17 years, strange that I've never met any of the 98% which you refer to. Methinks that you're one of the 98% who've never visited the city.
  2. We all know why that is, don't we? It's actually endangering the public because every identifying characteristic known to the authorities should be made available to the public to help in the arrest of the perp.
  3. If there's a WW3, someone has to be trained to do the fighting. If you have mainly civilians once the conflict starts, you may as well hand the country over to Mad Vlad on a plate. You're always playing catch-up if you try to train a military after the war has started. I can't see many gen Z or woke types being keen on the idea though, nor the hoards heading across the Channel in small boats.
  4. So, if the cops read this forum, they'll be looking for a Brit who's escaped from Pattaya.
  5. I had 20 treatments of radiotherapy on my larynx in 2000, which so far has been successful. I will admit though to a slight feeling of trepidation each time I get a sore throat or lose my voice.
  6. Last time I took a cab from Pattaya to Bangkok I think I was lucky to get there in one piece. The driver was an absolute maniac. I've sworn that in future, if not driving myself, I'll use a big bus.
  7. I was 63 when I first came here and for my first two years lived in Pattaya and Jomtien. I found it no problem at all using baht buses and walking. Even at going on 80, if I moved back into town I'd do the same without any problem. Baht buses are a cheap, trouble-free way of getting around. Occasionally when you do have a bit of a walk and you don't want to get sweaty, you can always grab a normal cab.
  8. Similar to the "Hate Speech" laws springing up in several western countries. The moral of this story is to wait until after you leave the country before you start posting complaints about it online.
  9. This is a little girl for heavens sake and if you have any kids of your own, you'll know that when a kid's got to go it's got to go. As someone already pointed out, you see Thais urinating by the side of the road almost on a daily basis. I even see them doing it on the track opposite my house! These are adults, not kids, so what's their excuse?
  10. Thailand never seems to have any trouble returning foreign criminals to their country of origin. Why can't the UK do that with its incoming criminals. We can't get them to beat it even when we offer to pay and house them abroad.
  11. Same as me. Lazada have wife's phone number, if not in, they phone her, she transfers funds and they leave package inside gate. My financial situation these days makes me very weary of giving out my credit card details.
  12. When I finished my one year tour of active service in Borneo with the Brit Army in the early 1960s, there was only one place that us sex-starved squaddies were headed when our leave was due and that was here. That was in the days when Singapore was pretty wild too, so that should tell you something.
  13. Yes. My ex wife was a doggy person and during our 17 year marriage, always insisted on keeping at least two dogs in the house. Every one of them was a pest in its own way, but to keep the peace I went along with it. Since our divorce in 2000, I've never owned another dog, nor have I regretted it. My Thai wife of the past 16 or so years isn't "doggy" either which makes for a happy marriage. However we still have to suffer the noise from idiots in our hamlet who let their animals wander around crapping everywhere and barking day and night. At least when I was a dog owner, I kept mine in check.
  14. Grateful you show the stats which support your claim that Brits cause most of the problems here. I don't think the Thais would support you on that.
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