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    Pattaya Thailand

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    Qeensland, Australia

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  1. Never had a retirement visa so never had a re-entry permit. Visa exempt entries only
  2. Yep, never required an onward flight since 2008, lucky me as I must be the only person getting away with having only a one way flight every time I come to Thailand
  3. Obviously not on ignore or how did you reply? Standard response from DrJack, always pay for onward flight, always carry 20,000 baht, always use agent for 12 month extensions as we are obviously too stupid to be able to do it ourself
  4. Maybe you should think of Saudi, Iraq or Iran, more in line with your no bar or red light area beliefs?
  5. Yeah the so called automatic red flag for airport arrivals is a myth. I've spent 8 months in Thailand this year without a "proper visa" and have 3-4 visa exempt entries a year since 2015 without any questions from IO
  6. Are you hoping to find another person who gets asked for an onward flight instead of it always being just you ????
  7. Not restricted to tourists. I was walking along Pattaya Beach in January before all the tourists came back. The floods had created some beach erosion banks and a Thai guy was deleted behind one of them looking at girls on beach road. I wish he remembered to look behind him so I didn't have to see that...
  8. What do you consider to be Central Pattaya? I live in Central Pattaya since 2008 and it's always been a red light district within walking distance of my condo lol
  9. Ask Nams, nice cars, safe drivers as only ladies (who I think drive better). 1200 from Swampy, not sure how much from other airport but sure it will be competitive https://www.namstaxipattaya.com/contact
  10. Obviously you don't have a million nett worth. That should get you over $40,000 per year in a standard saving account which is about 120,000 baht per month to live in Thailand. More than enough to live very well in Thailand and definitely not broke
  11. Thank for confirming an agent submission is illegal as they don't care about the immigration rules Me, I prefer to follow the rules and retirement visa is easy for 1900 baht, 2 hours in immigration is an acceptable downside when I have so much free time
  12. Lol that people thinking how to vegetable shop in Pattaya markets is the most important topic...how I miss the 2000's lol
  13. No need to cool off. Renting less than 30 days is illegal in Thailand Isn't promoting illegal activities also illegal on asean now so therefore OP stating he doesn't care about illegal requirements also breach that requirement ?
  14. OP maybe you should pay a Thai 500 baht to buy veggies at the Thai price in the markets just to save the 500 baht extra at Big C... oh wait...
  15. Sorry but since the TM7 form requires a passport photo to be attached I don't see how a photo could ever not be required, plus surely you had to read and sign the TM7 they filled out for you, rather than didn't have to do a TM7 (probably saved one minute by not filling out TM7 yourself before signing, how hard is it write your name, date of birth, passport number and address of stay lol)
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