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  1. Prior COVID-19 Infection May Protect Against Common Colds: Study https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/prior-covid-19-infection-may-protect-against-common-colds-study-5668902?src_src=partner&src_cmp=ZeroHedge May Help Improve Vaccines The data from the paper may help researchers improve COVID-19 vaccines, the researchers said. “New coronaviruses could emerge in the human population in the future, and our hope is that this study provides insight into how immunity against SARS-CoV-2 could protect against severe disease caused by these unknown future coronaviruses,“ Dr. David Bean, a researcher at the Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and one of the authors, said in a statement. ”The goal of our study is to provide this information to the scientific community, and thus inform vaccine development now, before new coronaviruses have emerged.” Heterotypic immunity from prior SARS-CoV-2 infection but not COVID-19 vaccination associates with lower endemic coronavirus incidence https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.ado7588#supplementary-materials
  2. Are you cracking dow on the shops renting motorcycles to tourist who don't have licenses with motorcycle endorsements? Nope? Didn't think so. So this is just a shakedown aimed at tourists.
  3. The WEF and WHO aligned state players are pretty much screaming, "We gonna do it again to you commoners! We promised you another plague and here it comes." Time to buy Moderna stock. Can't beat them, join them.
  4. It must suck to live your life with constant, unending Mysophobia.
  5. Conspiracy Theory defined: Any substantive fact that doesn't fit the "commonly accepted narrative" or the "current status quo" or lies outside The Overton Window, and is promoted by state actors and main-stream media stakeholders alike to benefit both parties in their "Public-Private Partnerships" (government / corporate) at the expense of the commoners and "little people" who are kept in the dark and fed 🐂💩 like the good mushrooms that they are expected to be. However given sufficient amounts of time (years / months / weeks) the facts can no longer be suppressed and those facts finally see the light of day at which point the MSM simply ignores them as they can no longer deny the veracity of the evidence, but they also refuse to acknowledge them either. Well, other than to defame those who were pointing out the realities in the first place - "Conspiracy Theorists!!!" It's a very effective ad-hominid attack among those who are willfully blind and prefer the comfort of the continuity bias of lies and untruths over cold-hard factual information which rips the mask off of the status quo and bends it over a stump. Yeah - Alex Jones is a blow-hard and I can't really stand listening to him - but - a lot of those conspiracy theories he has touted over the years have proven to be conspiracy fact. Like the old saying goes, "You get the most flak when you're directly over the target." "You're a Conspiracy Theorist!!! Ha ha ha Grrrrr!" My experience has been that the people most prone to use that term are generally some of the dullest tacks in the box. The willfully ignorant and people at the low end of the IQ spectrum don't particularly bother me any more than do growling soi dogs.
  6. My last post was 18 hours ago; yours 2 hours ago. Basically I found it on Lazada last night using the screenshot. I was browsing the forum and saw this thread in "Popular" - so here I am - "Oh yeah, my thread, maybe I should check it out <laughs>. But - thanks for the link belatedly. It's the thought that counts! 💯
  7. As many "old men" (such as myself now) told me when I was a kid, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." And I'm at that time of life were gaming the system to save a few bucks simply doesn't ring true north on my moral compass. So - Lazada it will be when I get around to it - or - simply get off my lazy butt and deal with the Prompt Pay (which I dislike but in this case there ain't no COD as there ain't no shipping). Anyway, where's my Round TUIT?
  8. The seller is Genuine Tech. Found it - same price. Thanks for the screenshot, that provided enough information! https://www.lazada.co.th/products/windows-10-windows-11-home-pro-32-64-bit-1-pc-a-i4980921308-s20992590871.html
  9. Every time you see the word "expert" just substitute the phrase "autocratic technocrats" and you'll be spot on the money. They don't give a rat's bunglio about the will of the people, they only care about amassing and wielding power. These power-freaks model after Orwell's "1984" as opposed to Huxley's "Brave New World." If they followed Huxley paradigm they would let the commoners have their "soma." "The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes." - Aldous Huxley Instead what we have coming is a future where the autocratic technocrats need more prisons but they won't build them as packing cheeky commoners into prison like sardines is part of the new model of urinating on human rights. "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever." - George Orwell
  10. Translated: "Screw the will of the commoners; all power to the autocratic rule of the technocrat elite."
  11. 2123. They forgot to roll that zero. TIT. Amazing Thailand.
  12. They are building new factories left and right here in Mueang Lamphun. I find the article a bit "alarmist." Yes, the evolution of any industry is "an evolution." Factories used to look like this: Now they look like this, but this model of manufacturing is changing. Tomorrow? Change or die. And the most likely candidates for folding operations and going bankrupt are Western-base manufacturing corporation whose capitalistic paradigm was to offshore their manufacturing while destroying the domestic manufacturing base. Who is going to survive in the brave new world?
  13. Taken right out of the WEF's talking point: Let the technocrats rule but maintain a patina of "democracy," i.e., let the commoners have the illusion of choice during elections where status-quo-candidates are the only choice on the ballot. If an upstart party threatens to rock the boat? Dissolve the party and throw the parties leaders into prison.
  14. Of course - they represent the disenfranchised Thais including the country's youth and challenge the status quo. This is still a developing country with pockets of third-world so Lawfaretm is still the way to maintain power with force.
  15. We continue ask you for comment until you tell us to make illegal again. Happiness to the peasants people (but we plan to throw you in prison and not Thaksin penthouse prison commoners if you smoke).
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