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Captain Monday

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  1. I have a small bowl of them would be embarrassed to give this “Chump change” to a beggar.
  2. It is true that some of the world’s most horrible people have never been criminally convicted or jailed. Just look at the headlines But a simple review of home country arrest and conviction records could weed out the vast majority those already guilty of violence, social offenses, trafficking and frauds. Those are the most likely to reoffend once let into the Kingdom. I don’t think one person comes from China or anywhere else then SUDDENLY becomes a major money launderer, drug dealer, or fraudster.
  3. Has Thailand Elite public company implemented home country criminal checks in the application process yet?
  4. The one where we are indoctrinated to believe from a young age is the "Greatest in the World" 🇺🇸 🔫 🐄 💩
  5. In the case of my country you need so much money just to rent an apartment that people who have $2000 per month coming in from social security sleep on the street in their own filth. While here how much is a basic room with shower private toilet and a fan? How much is basic survival food? Is it dangerous if you mind yournown business?
  6. As far as I am concerned it is only he has no piece of paper that says he can live inside an imaginary line. Unless he is committing some real offenses or working illegally it is a victimless crime. I don't really believe in borders anymore. As long as people follow the rules and do not become a public burden they should live where they want.
  7. Can you can get your passport replaced by US if on overstay without being dobbed in ? Do banks look for entry stamps when issuing a new card?
  8. Would you get strong arm robbed or attacked? I have never felt unsafe in Thailand except two or three times I was menaced by farangs In US some places unless you come to a spot buy drugs and quickly leave you would be lucky to get out of there in your underwear. Meaning the locals take your clothes and shoes even if they like them. Parts of Newark NJ comes to mind.
  9. My reaction to these stories is always same. On what visa? Last time I read a story about an Murican who moved to Portugal because she could not pay her mortgage in US all I could find online was some golden visa requiring a 500K Euro investment
  10. Wonder if he was really nabbed on a random passport check or were they looking for him finally based on such a tip? There are many people who just stick to themselves espessially older guys with going out only to procure essentials. What they ”procure” might have loose lips.
  11. Talking about Trump? Trump is not an antisemite by definition inho, Trump is a bigot. David Duke is an antisemite. For Trump all relationships are transactional. American Jews are just another group Trump manipulates. Trump does amplify antisemitic tropes particularly when he repeatdly castigates any jews who vote Democrat because that means they are not loyal to Israel. Trump refused to condemn David Duke in 2016 and lied about having any knowledge about him because Dukes followers are a part of MAGA and he wants their votes and contributions too,
  12. Stop playing with words. Their meaning in common use changes over time. Antisemitism is jew hate. Gay used to mean happy. Pedophilia means criminal attraction to the under age . Nothing to do with tanner stages anymore.
  13. Thailand no Ameica yes. A lummox above who walked, literally like a brontosaurus in a newer apartment but typical cheap construction I could hear every step he made from 5 or 6 AM. Bam Bamm Bammm He could not have cared less. I moved.
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