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Eco Uk Embassy Bangkok, Why She's So Impolite

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Hi all

I'm a Thai woman wanting to share my bad experience with the ECO in UK Embassy Bangkok just on 22nd. Feb’06....I'm working in BKK as a tour guide, my boyfriend is English and we are in same age (31) been together for 2 years. I joined him in England ,after he had to return home, with visitor visa in 2004 then again in 2005...I had no problem in granting the visa as I have travelled to EU countries and US before.

Anyways, this time is different, we decided to try living in England together as his job is quite secure but we are not ready to get married (we will but not now) so that I applied for a Settlement Visa as the unmarried partner which have been together for 2 years.

I came to the visa section at 1 pm and finally was called for a short interview at 4.15 pm. ...I came in the interview room seeing a British lady and a Thai gentleman.....he asked what language I prefer to use I said either Thai or English, he suggested that Thai should be most clear, and I agreed with him............she started the question.... with his translation....I answered in Thai.....when it came to the question what is my boyfriend doing ...I told them the name of company he is working for which is in England.....she asked if he's in England how could you live together?........I answered in Thai that The first year he was in Thailand doing his own business on bra-bra-bra but....I stopped for him to translate and he did translated what I said......She stopped typing and said ' then where is his company's documents?' openning my folder very fast and said out loud ' YOU'RE CONFUSING ME, I DONT HAVE ALL DAY FOR THIS !' in the same time throwing my folder on the desk/counter quite hardly....then turned to the Thai gentleman ' I asked WHAT IS HE DOING? it is very clear, WHAT IS HE DO-ING?' with an angry voice. and kept saying ' THIS IS GONNA BE A LOOOONG DAY'

I was shocked by her act which I've never expected to see. I was so scared at the moment, instead of walking out from the room ...I apologized as if it's my fault….

I still cant figure out what I did wrong to have made her being so angry……she said that I have to come back again for a full interview not just a short interview coz my case is more complicated and I my qualifications don’t meet the requirement (I know I’m qualified but I was too scared to say anything) and she told me to come back on March,6th.......I came home with disappointment in British officer the way she treats the applicant......I've made a report to ECO Manager the next day with no expectation to receive any reply but at least I've done what I wanted to.

My point is not about granting the visa but the way they treat the applicants. I know they have the right to suspect all applicants in the first place that they are not genuine but I don’t see a good reason why they have to be rude to the applicants.

I'm not sure if I want to come back to the UK embassy ever again...although I have got the next appointment date…..I applied for this visa because of my boyfriend.......

I dont care if they would refuse my visa coz I have a good life here in BKK and I have lots of beautiful beaches to enjoy and my boyfriend dont want to be in England anyway. ...I am just sad with the way they treat people.

If she had just slowly read my document, she would have found what she was looking for.

If she had just listened carefully, she wouldn't have broken someone's heart.

If she had just been a little bit more patient, she wouldn’t have destroyed someone’s faith.

Just hope this wouldn’t happen to another Thai people again.


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visalady, seredipity and now this. Positively a plague of trolls. Must be something in the air?

Visalady was not a troll but my wife, I rightly assumed that if she asked questions a woman was more likely to get an answer than I was.

It's very disrespectful to suspect this poster as being a troll or not thai just becasur she has a good command of the language and is critical of the Embassy and in doing so you are being just as rude as the Embassy staff.

This ladies reaction is pretty much the same as my Mrs, one of shock and then anger.

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There is, of course, no excuse for rudeness, and if this lady is genuine then I hope she gets at least an apology from the ECM.

BTW, from what she has posted she doesn't qualify for an unmarried partner's visa anyway, as she and her boyfriend have not been living together continuously in a relationship akin to marriage for at least 2 years.

Visalady was not a troll but my wife,
I have asked this before, maybe this time you will answer, if you can. Can you explain the following?
Visalady has posted 3 times. One post originates in Houston, one in New York, and one from the UK. Perhaps she already has her visa! Whichever, she's certainly not in Thailand.


You also posted
the Mrs works with a lawyer who works for the largest hotel chain in Bkk. He told her he often calls the embassy when staff have problems with visas and gets it sorted out over the phone.
Why has she not used his services, or those of the other "connections" you have boasted about? Why would hotel staff in BKK need visas anyway? Edited by GU22
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YOU are the one who lost her temper, and YOU are the one who raised her voice. YOU are the one who was rude. Unfortunately, as you have found, no one wants to deal with someone who lost thier temper for no reason, and then gave a half-hearted apology. There is no excuse for your behavior. Opps, excuse me, "behaviour".

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Thai3, thank you for taking the time to expand on my previous recommendation; I did not realise that about that site.

I have not been a member of ThaiVisa for long and do not read all the posts, however, I keep on reading threads where there are accusations of the original poster being a troll. :o

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For reasons upon which I'm not allowed to expand, I have good reason to doubt the authenticity of the OP. However, I invite the OP to contact me by PM, and, if needs be, I will address the question by that means.

Also, we don't need unsubstantiated public bashing of other fora, so I've removed the url from previous posts.

Thread closed.


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For reasons upon which I'm not allowed to expand, I have good reason to doubt the authenticity of the OP. However, I invite the OP to contact me by PM, and, if needs be, I will address the question by that means.

Also, we don't need unsubstantiated public bashing of other fora, so I've removed the url from previous posts.

Thread closed.


I'm with you Scouse :o

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