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Offensive Avator

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A member of this forum named 'fourbaht' is using an avator that i find extremely ofensive, I am English and proud of the queen of my country, i think it is unaceptable that this avator should be allowed on a website that is dedicated to a country that treats Royalty with such high respect.

Do you have a link to it? I want to see if I find it offensive.

I can't remember seeing any avatars that are offensive to her maj.

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That raises an interesting point.

What if someone chooses to have an avatar depicting Allah shagging a camel, the Pope bashing the bishop or a bunch of ragheads p1ssing over the israeli flag. OK, you'd probably ban these as being offensive but where is the line?

This avator doesn't bother me I'm British but not English she's an English queen, and a German one at that, but I can see some people getting p1ssed off about it.

On the other hand this is supposed to be a light hearted forum, most of the time, and a little bit of lively repartee brightens the day.

Oh well, as they say "Up 2 U".

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I'm English and I don't find it offensive, some people obviously do.

I guess the powers that be must gauge whether a significant enough minority is offended.

That and in the recesses of my brain I seem to remember some Thai law about "offending" members of royalty regardless of whether they are Thai or not? I could just as easily have dreampt that one up though :o

I think in Thailand its best to stay away from any royal issues unless you've got something nice to say.


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I'm English and I don't find it offensive, some people obviously do.

I guess the powers that be must gauge whether a significant enough minority is offended.

That and in the recesses of my brain I seem to remember some Thai law about "offending" members of royalty regardless of whether they are Thai or not? I could just as easily have dreampt that one up though :o

I think in Thailand its best to stay away from any royal issues unless you've got something nice to say.


PG Tips Percy, PG Tips. :D

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So it's ok to make fun of and degrade the royal family of another country here?

You tell me...


But in all seriousness, i think its fair to say that lighthearted humor would be acceptable whilst derogatory, degrading or offensive statements, comments and/or posts would not.

A lot of our members (and most mods) like to have a bit of a laugh and a bit of banter, whilst we encourage this, it shouldn't detract from the purpose of the board or become personal or offensive.

Your perfectly entitled to your opinion about fourbaht's avatar, theres nothing wrong with that, but it would appear your in a minority over this one as everyone else either hasn't given it a second thought or can see the humor aspect of the avatar. And yes i'm English, she is my queen as well

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Aye indeed your correct, but this is Thaivisa.com not Englandvisa.com

That's all my question is.

So it's ok to make fun of and degrade the royal family of another country here?

Thanks for clearing that up.

Comparing it to using the Thai flag isn't appropriate. For us (except for you) farangs, it is just good fun.

Did you get pissed off at Austin Powers in the first movie when he was battling the fembots wearing only his England shorts? That was really funny.

We just don't get pissed off at stuff like that so don't be so anal about it.

Thai's on the other hand do take it seriously and therefore we should respect that, especially here in their country. I found some boxer shorts on Silom road recently showing the Maple Leaf Cdn flag. It was hilarious, I bought 2 pairs. Good fun.

My wife questioned me, saying how can you wear underware with the Cdn flag on it. I said, it's just funny and we don't worry about stuff like that.

Now lighten the "f" up. :o

..........and have a great day too :D

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Aye indeed your correct, but this is Thaivisa.com not Englandvisa.com

That's all my question is.

So it's ok to make fun of and degrade the royal family of another country here?

Thanks for clearing that up.

Comparing it to using the Thai flag isn't appropriate. For us (except for you) farangs, it is just good fun.

Did you get pissed off at Austin Powers in the first movie when he was battling the fembots wearing only his England shorts? That was really funny.

We just don't get pissed off at stuff like that so don't be so anal about it.

Thai's on the other hand do take it seriously and therefore we should respect that, especially here in their country. I found some boxer shorts on Silom road recently showing the Maple Leaf Cdn flag. It was hilarious, I bought 2 pairs. Good fun.

My wife questioned me, saying how can you wear underware with the Cdn flag on it. I said, it's just funny and we don't worry about stuff like that.

Now lighten the "f" up. :o

..........and have a great day too :D

So i am being anal for respecting the royal family of the country of my birth?

I'm not Thai so you dont need to respect my feelings towards the monarchy?

You have a great day too.

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