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Southerners, Where Do You Live?


Where do you live  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you live?

    • Chumphon
    • Surat Thani
    • Nakhon Si Thammarat
    • Hat Yai
    • Songkhla
    • Pattani
    • Narathiwat
    • Andaman side
    • Samui, Phangan, Tao
    • Pattalung
    • Yala

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Where do you live in the South? Curious as to numbers --- I've added gulf islands so that Samui/Phangan people won't mess up the Surat Thani data, and Andaman side, for those of you in Phuket, Trang, Krabi, Phang Nga, Ranong

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Where do you live in the South? Curious as to numbers --- I've added gulf islands so that Samui/Phangan people won't mess up the Surat Thani data, and Andaman side, for those of you in Phuket, Trang, Krabi, Phang Nga, Ranong

Well right now I don't live in Thailand. We have a bungalow on my in-laws land in Phatthalung where we stay when we visit. I don't see an option for that in your poll. We plan on retiring on land my wife bought in Nakhon Si Thammarat but we also plan on getting a place in or around Surat Thani town where my wife used to work and live before I met her.

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Hmm. Your vote isn't showing Samuian, try again in the Samui section. :o

The reason I added Gulf Islands was to try and keep it short, I figured, they are the biggest island in the gulf in the south, but then realized that might not be clear, so added the island names. I'll just remove the Gulf part to make it clearer I guess :D

Anyway, there are no options for non-Southerners here because this is the Southern forum and I thought everyone who posts here might find it of interest to see where they all are.

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What is the industrial base in Nakhon that has attracted so many expats then? Here in SKL, it is the oil, naturally enough.

The underwater basket weaving industry is just ABSOLUTELY booming at the moment.... and Jatukam amulets are still a big draw for many westerners.

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Where do you live in the South? Curious as to numbers --- I've added gulf islands so that Samui/Phangan people won't mess up the Surat Thani data, and Andaman side, for those of you in Phuket, Trang, Krabi, Phang Nga, Ranong

Nakhon Si Thammarrat province is very large . What about towns like Pak Phanang and Thungsong. I know members live there. I actually have a house in Ron Phibun but I ticked Nakhon

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Where do you live in the South? Curious as to numbers --- I've added gulf islands so that Samui/Phangan people won't mess up the Surat Thani data, and Andaman side, for those of you in Phuket, Trang, Krabi, Phang Nga, Ranong


but why didn't include TRANG?

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The industrial strength unfriendliness of the place.

Once upon a time I thought that was a misnomer, now I know better. Southern Thai's, esp. Khon 'Khon, are not nearly as friendly as other places in LoS. This is, of course, something which is patently denied by Thais from the area. They also claim that Northerns aren't truly friendly at all. Instead, they are insincere masters of deception only looking for money.

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The industrial strength unfriendliness of the place.

Once upon a time I thought that was a misnomer, now I know better. Southern Thai's, esp. Khon 'Khon, are not nearly as friendly as other places in LoS. This is, of course, something which is patently denied by Thais from the area. They also claim that Northerns aren't truly friendly at all. Instead, they are insincere masters of deception only looking for money.

Daren, how long have you lived in Nakhon?? how many years did you live in Northern Thailand to be able to make such a comment?? I would like to know?? Also how many Thai friends do you have (Not the Thai beer buddies) ?? Cheers

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Where do you live in the South? Curious as to numbers --- I've added gulf islands so that Samui/Phangan people won't mess up the Surat Thani data, and Andaman side, for those of you in Phuket, Trang, Krabi, Phang Nga, Ranong


but why didn't include TRANG?

Read the section of the OP that you quoted and you have the answer. If you are from Phuket, Trang, Krabi, PhangNga, or Ranong then make the selection Andaman side.

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Thats right, if you read the description for the Southern Forum it states:

Southern Thailand Forum

Including Chumpon, Surat Thani, Songkla, Hat Yai, Pattani, Narathiwat.

Explore the unique topography, language and culture of Thailand's deep south

and I thought the information would be of interest to members of the Southern Forum.

Trang , Ranong and Phang Nga are included in the Krabi forum (I tried to get you added to that btw, but so far no luck). Phuket and Samui/Phangan have their own forums.

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The industrial strength unfriendliness of the place.

Once upon a time I thought that was a misnomer, now I know better. Southern Thai's, esp. Khon 'Khon, are not nearly as friendly as other places in LoS. This is, of course, something which is patently denied by Thais from the area. They also claim that Northerns aren't truly friendly at all. Instead, they are insincere masters of deception only looking for money.

Daren, how long have you lived in Nakhon?? how many years did you live in Northern Thailand to be able to make such a comment?? I would like to know?? Also how many Thai friends do you have (Not the Thai beer buddies) ?? Cheers

Why do you ask such probing questions? Are you trying to imply that I'm not qualified to talk about my own experiences? If I'm not allowed to both drink beer and be friends with someone, what is a "friend"? Is this going to to turn into some sort of D@#K measuring contest?

If you read my post you'll see that I think Thai people in NST are not very friendly, certainly not compared to many places I've been. I also said that the S. Thai's that I know often say N. Thai's are insincere. Did you read me wrong ??


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Southern Thais are considered unfriendly by the rest of the country. Perhaps its because they tend to be more blunt. And Southerners do tend to consider Northerners insincere, IME, anyway. Cultural differences that normally occur in different regions.

In my personal opinion, I prefer the outspoken honesty of the Southerners. At least you generally know where you stand. :o

Anyway, lets not get personal here, just trying to find out where people live :D

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Southern Thais are considered unfriendly by the rest of the country. Perhaps its because they tend to be more blunt. And Southerners do tend to consider Northerners insincere, IME, anyway. Cultural differences that normally occur in different regions.

In my personal opinion, I prefer the outspoken honesty of the Southerners. At least you generally know where you stand. :o

Anyway, lets not get personal here, just trying to find out where people live :D

Good points, snk.

Southerners are often more blunt, perhaps more honest as well, and I can see the appeal in that. However, I have also spoken with lots of S. Thai's who have some very strange ideas about foreigners. I'd rather not get into them specifically but I think these misconceptions stem, at least in part, from a lack of contact between westerns and Thais down here. There's actually very little in this town to attract tourists and thus most Thais in NST speak very little English and many of those who can speak well leave in search of greener pastures. So, not wanting to embarrass themselves, and due to the fact that most Thais here assume I cannot speak Thai, the average Khon 'Khon simply will not even try to talk or listen. Put simply: White face = Ears & mouth (& mind??) closed. I cannot tell you how many times I hear "Oh!! whitey can speak!!!!", in Thai of course. For this reason, and many more, I feel like the Thais in Nakhon Si just aren't very friendly.

That said, I do live here and I plan on staying for a year or two longer. There must be something keeping me here, eh?


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When visiting my wife's family in Nakhon, Pakphanang, Chawang, Chandi, and Hat Yai. I have never had anything negative from them or there friends. At least not to my face. Some of them have even called round to take me fishing once they knew I liked it. The daftest I get is "What does he eat?"

When we came across an bad car accident near Ranong with a lone Englishman driver. My wife commented. "He was lucky he was in the South where people help. In the north they would have robbed him.

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I think Daren's never been to the back of beyond.

I lived in a small town in Taiwan for 6 months; it was me, the two Mormon missionaries and 100,000 Chinese people. I got stared at, shouted at, poked and prodded for the entire 6 months I was there. I rode my bike to work on the same route every day and every day I got "Hello" "How are you" and "Meiguo ren" Every single minute of every day that I was out in the public eye I was either stared at or shouted at.

Makes the occasional comment regarding one's speaking ability seem tame by comparison. Besides, I got those comments on trips to Isaan with my husband as well as in Bangkok, so I really doubt you can say it is the sole preserve of Southerners :o

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I think Daren's never been to the back of beyond.

You're entitled to your opinion, I suppose. Even if you are wrong...... :o

In no way did I ever imply that hostility and ignorance are S. Thai inventions, that would be plain silly. And, as I prevously stated, it's my opinion that people in NST aren't as friendly as other places in Thailand (sincere or not). That's all. This country is noted for it's friendliness and to live in place that doesn't really fulfill that reputation is odd to me. I fail to see how comparing China and the LoS is helpful in this discussion.

Have a nice day. :D

Edited by Daren
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JUst want to say that this pole shows how sad life in NST is, everyone is on computer...

Anywhere else they just have fun, join the party, and keep their mouths shut about that place...

We should learn from them, NST is super fun and so exiting...

PS, X-mas, how sad will that be again?

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JUst want to say that this pole shows how sad life in NST is, everyone is on computer...

Anywhere else they just have fun, join the party, and keep their mouths shut about that place...

We should learn from them, NST is super fun and so exiting...

PS, X-mas, how sad will that be again?

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JUst want to say that this pole shows how sad life in NST is, everyone is on computer...

Anywhere else they just have fun, join the party, and keep their mouths shut about that place...

We should learn from them, NST is super fun and so exiting...

PS, X-mas, how sad will that be again?

Hmmm Christmas in Nakhon... It will be my second. It's really not that bad... x

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I can't believe that so many members of this forum live in Nakhon!

Asking how much fun X-mas will be this year in Nakhon is like asking how much fun Loy Kratong or Songkrant will be in ,say, Glasgow. It's just neither here nor there. It's not like you're going to have the day off because it's X-mas anyway! (and if you do then good luck to you!)

I would love to spend the the new year long weekend in Nakhon but alas the air fare is just beyond my mean and so I guess I will be stuck in BKK :o

Maybe I'm one of those rare breed of people who want to return to live in Nakhon.

A note on the friendliness of people in the south: Alot of people from the rest of the country think souther folks are less friendly and , as an entension of this hypothesis, may be are more prone to get violent. This only stems from the Thai infatuation with being lighter in skin tone (even for a Thai) is more beautiful. With southern Thai folks have darker skin, relative to other folks they are seen as uglier and epitomises all things bad (e.g. friendliness, or lack thereof) This is not a recent phenomenon and an example of this can be seen from the epic Ramakian (Ramayana)where the bad guys are from the southern island of Lanka and are ugly and do bad things. This is not a uniquely Thai phenomenon, the same misconception also exists in the India subcontinent, where interestingly the epic Ramayana originated.

Just thought I'd throw in my two cents.

12 years in London and I believe I could count the number of smiling faces on the Tube (well, those that smile at me anyway) with just my fingers....

PS: I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone. just got back from lunch and have time to spare! lol

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I'd just like to add what I've found about the impression of Southerners. Having lived in Issan,central Thailand and now the south, when Thais talk about the " unfriendliness" of southern Thais they usually stipulate that they are talking about those from NST. They'll usually emphasise that they're not talking about Chumpon,ST, the Andamans etc.. but only NST. I've even met Thais from NST up north and they say the same thing about their home province. I personally havent spent a lot of time in NST so can't say, but it's funny how it gets such a bad rap everywhere by the Thais themselves.

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I think something perhaps is lost in translation, I've never heard of the perception that southern Thais are unfriendly. Among Thai people from the rest of the country,southern Thais in fact have a reputation to be rather "fierce" (or "doo" in Thai "ดุ"). Sometimes they don't react well to losing face. And maybe the fact that the region was perhaps the last region of the country to be "tamed". There used to be a lot of bandits in the area and the southern region was also a stronghold of the communist guerrillas until relatively recently (as recently as about 20 years ago). I find the reputation of southern Thai being fierce, blunt and un compromising to be somewhat deserved but unfriendly...? I guess it's something rather subjective really, like, one person's friendly might be another's lecherous! I think the ladies know what I mean!

I find people in Nakhon (the city) no more particular friendly or unfriendly than any other people living in any other cities in Thailand. Although people who don't live in cities and live in more rural area are friendlier.

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