First thing to consider is the environment:
In countries without free speech, various forces suppress negative data that impacts reputation, and so on.
I know first-hand and second-hand of hospitals in such countries giving legal threats for any negative information about them.
Second thing to consider is medical training:
The top medical schools in this particular country do not break above the 200 mark for ratings globally. Do you know that medical students in this country do not first get a proper 4 year college education but go right into medical school?
If not, what else do you not know?
You will see some western training listed on some MD’s résumés, but if you dive deeper, you will see that it was probably a 2 month short-course, and perhaps taken online. One site to check American board certification is here:
Such a certification means they are actually keeping up on the latest research--there are similar certifications in Europe but less easy to research. And 95% of all medical research is in English. So if your medical professional is not fluent in English, that’s a problem, esp. if your condition is serious.
Compared to top hospitals in the "west", say the top 50 in Europe and the U.S., there truly is no comparison. If you actually do considerable medical research on your condition you will note this issue. (Other nearby countries to consider for advanced treatment are South Korea, and Taiwan, Singapore + Japan)
Yes, there are a few doctors here who are rather savvy, but that does not fix all the limitations you will find in private (and public healthcare). Aside from a deeply flawed structure, keep in mind that this country's GDP is less than that of Boston, MA, USA--i.e. limited resources.
There are a lot of well-meaning, friendly expats in Thailand, however, a large majority of them have NOT had the advantage of a top notch education, nor experience with say, top 50 hospitals in the world. So watch whose advice you take. Again, beware of taking advice from people who really don’t know what they are talking about.