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Posts posted by jonnyscot

  1. As has been mentioned, a ban on those 6 types of fishing gear doesn't leave much left to fish with,

    otter trawl is one of the most common methods currently used by European fishing fleets,, the term encircling nets requires to be more specific since it could also mean purse nets or ring nets which are deployed from the vessel, broadly termed the purse net encircle the target species.

    Unless it has been specifically mentioned different types of gear cannot simply be slapped with a 5cm mesh size limit since again as someone has already mentioned different fishing gear are used for different species and different species are different sizes at full maturity.

  2. as everywhere in the world fishermen do not understand that regulations like those implemented now protect the fishing industry the most ,the only way to save the fisherman is to save the fish first.

    Good post, although I'd change it slightly to say the fishermen do understand,, they just don't want to believe.

    historically in many countries there is a disagreement within fishing communities between scientific data of fish stocks and fishermen's knowledge of fish stocks which leads to the believe or not believe part

  3. Be sure to get the English manual (assuming it's your lingo of choice), we bought the xc60 a few months back, at the motor show,, called after we placed the order for then to ensure we get the English manual, with the car, only 2 weeks delivery on the car, but nearly 2 months later before the manual arrived, it arrived only 3 days after my wife posted on volvo thailand's Facebook page requesting it,, delighted with our Volvo, I'm sure you will be too if you go for it

  4. Why axe them they plainly don't take backhanders.

    Or maybe the governments crackdown on corruption is having an impact on their income
    what fantasy are you living in? Corruption still alive and well.

    It certainly is still alive and well, I ain't much into fantasies nowadays, we'll not the kind I'd like to share,, my response was a bit of humour on my part, you should try it sometime,,

    seriously though I'd say the efforts against corruption is being tackled in some way, although too big a task to overcome in the short term, but at least it's more than any of the 2 previous administrations can lay claim to

  5. Anyone have any links relating to the type of fishing gear this mesh size restrictions relate to? Trawl nets, ring nets, drift nets?

    If it's for trawling then I doubt making an above 5cm mesh will make a sufficiently substantial difference, when trawling (towing) the nets the mesh will close anyway,, they could install escape (square mesh) panel on the nets to help the younger fish escape from the nets,, a plus point for the fishermen in slightly increased mesh size though could be slightly less drag on the nets thus potentially reducing the fuel costs, anyway it's good to see they are moving in the right direction

  6. What is your next and last big upgrade?

    early days yet Can, but I bought a 2nd hand 2.5 year old versys rather than a new one, because I didn't want it to be an impulse buy then find I never have it out of the driveway (I did this before with a phantom),, so I was testing the water so to speak with the versys,, but now I look forward to riding the versys so much,, I try to get out for a minimum of 4 or 6 hour ride 3 times a week, (when I'm home from work) , I'd love to either upgrade to a new 650 versy's OR if I can hold off until I've gained a lot more experience and km's under my belt and go a step up to the Versys1000,, but now it's forward planning and a wee bit of dreaming added there
  7. Phew, just about enough likes to go around,,, thanks for all the advice guys.

    Tried on a Schubert helmet this afternoon, a bit over my planned budget but fit was perfect once on, a bit tight slipping it on, but once on felt great, very light in comparison to my reall helmet, and seemed to be well padded, kept it on for 20 mins,, considering altering my budget now,,,,,, boysntheirtoys !!!

    No way ! Thats some upgrade !

    Yep planning and budget sometimes has to go out the window when you see something you must have,, this ones come home with me,,, gave the versys a wee blast after I got home, and have to say that minus the earplugs it's a much quieter helmet than my Real was with the plugs in.

    The wife will be steering me clear of the big bike shops now!! Only one more big upgrade to follow,, "within budget of course"

    Cheers guys

  8. Phew, just about enough likes to go around,,, thanks for all the advice guys.

    Tried on a Schubert helmet this afternoon, a bit over my planned budget but fit was perfect once on, a bit tight slipping it on, but once on felt great, very light in comparison to my reall helmet, and seemed to be well padded, kept it on for 20 mins,, considering altering my budget now,,,,,, boysntheirtoys !!!

  9. Thanks for the advice on different sizes different brands guys, I can understand that,, just stopped over in kanchanaburi, and finding that my real helmet purchased approx 6 or 7 months back really does feel loose on the head, when tried on in the shop seemed a perfect fit, maybe due to poorer quality lining,,, bugger it it's pissin down here now

  10. I'm a fan of LS2 helmets - Ninja shop in Ngam Wong Wam is their distributor.

    I think they are a big step up in quality from Real. LS2 claim to be a manufacturer that makes helmets a lot of other companies - could be shark, who knows ?

    They are a little cheaper than shark hemets, for me, thats perfect. It allows me to buy a few helmets per year and rotate them so they don't get too sweaty and smelly.

    Thanks Recom273, yes a mate also has one and fully recommends it based on value for money, good point re buying a couple of them,, since I don't think I'd be willing to fork out for 2x15k helmets, a bit easier on the wallet 2x6k or 8k helmets and I don't fancy holding on to this real helmet as a second helmet due to the wind noise, measuring up my head I seem to be stuck right in between the L and XL sizes so that may be another hurdle to overcome.

    oh well some food for thought, I'm off for a ride down to kanchanaburi tomorrow morning so some options for me to think about,


  11. I understand what you're saying Speedtripler, but I feel in my case the use of plugs would still allow me to hear for example a car horn the flip side may be that wind noise might also block a lot of other background noise,, everyone I think would have different thoughts on this, but for me it's important to protect my hearing so first step would be to find a better helmet than I have, if I can then do without the plugs I certainly would


  12. Thanks guys, I will check out Shark, interesting that dealer close to MBK, (easy to get to),

    I had a couple of good sets of custom ear plugs that I had the audiologist in bumrungrad make me for my work, I'm sure these would've helped, unfortunately I lost them just before I bought the bike, the only earplugs I can find close by me are at home pro and they could be better.

    Also read a wee bit about a product called a windjammer (new one on me), that fits in around the lower part of the helmet? Anyone used it?

    Any more advice appreciated


  13. Hi, thinking of changing my M/C helmet for a better quality one but not so many options around my area, Ive been using a Real full face helmet with hinged jaw, quite a bit of wind noise,, I'm unsure about the buy online options since I guess it would be hit or miss in finding a perfect fit without actually trying it on.

    Important issues in addition to the quality and comfort would be a lid with decent wind noise reduction properties, I'm open to full face or open face options,, incidentally I ride a versys so I would have a more upright riding position which I suppose is a factor to consider with the wind noise,

    I have found an excellent site showing test results of a number of helmets which may help me.


    But I guess not so big a choice available here in LOS, so what I'd like to gain from this topic if possible is to minimise my search to decent recommendations available here in thailand by owners,,,

    from what I've learned from my limited experience, trying on a helmet in the shop is one thing and it may feel good, but after 3 or 4 hours use it may be a different story,

    Armed with the info from the web reviews and finding what you guys have found available and happy using, I can then plan a trip into BKK in the hope of returning with a decent helmet,,

    oh regarding cost,,, probably what I'd call mid range say 7k to maybe 16k but may consider a wee bit more


  14. With your last response it's obvious you know little or are somehow misinformed about fishermen, the pressures on them, how they fish and the methods used in fishing, including conservation measures,,

    there is and will always be many fishermen who will try to take as much from the sea as they possibly can, I count myself as one of those in days past and have many boatowner/fisher mates who had this mindset too in the not too distant past, this happens in Europe as well as here in thailand, I remember the days we were told by the pen pushers oh sorry I mean decision makers, we had to throw back the young fish caught in the nets, utter stupidity,, if they were smart enough to know what happens to young fish trawled up in the nets, we helped devise smarter better methods that were implemented to minimise catching smaller fish in the nets, but by this time the stocks were already severely depleted.

    so with that point I'll leave you in your own little world of assumptions, since neither you nor I are unlikely to make any difference in this instance

    Kinda highlights the stupidity and stubbornness of fishermen towards protecting their own jobs then dosnt it ? It took pen pushers to kick the industry and it probably survives only because it was forced.

    Only then did the industry work towards a better solution. Shouldnt it have been industry leading not following ? just saying.

    Thailand has had a decade or more and it wants the markets it sells to so it can either tow the proverbial line or sell to elsewhere. Its not like they dont have a choice they just want max profits.

    Gotta reply to you to say well done, your first two paragraphs I'd say are pretty close to the mark.

    after a number of incorrect decisions by the powers that be, it was finally forced upon the experts (the fishermen) to come up with workable measures, but not without the serial offenders continuing to flout regulations in place, as said this will happen everywhere.

    I don't think thailand can adapt in such a short time to successfully implement all the changes required to both make a sufficient difference to fish stocks and at the same time sustain a successful fishing industry, I think it will come over time hopefully by regulating the fishing gear used and by reducing the fleet, but that cannot all be done instantly.

    the Brits phased out older fishing vessels by scrapping them over a number of years with the owners receiving compensation, (this was one decent decision the powers did make ), something like that may be workable in thailand, but the trouble is the guys that need the compensation (the workers who lose their jobs) most likely won't get a baht,

    Some new jobs could be created by breaking up the older vessels and recycling engines/parts etc etc,

  15. With your last response it's obvious you know little or are somehow misinformed about fishermen, the pressures on them, how they fish and the methods used in fishing, including conservation measures,,

    there is and will always be many fishermen who will try to take as much from the sea as they possibly can, I count myself as one of those in days past and have many boatowner/fisher mates who had this mindset too in the not too distant past, this happens in Europe as well as here in thailand, I remember the days we were told by the pen pushers oh sorry I mean decision makers, we had to throw back the young fish caught in the nets, utter stupidity,, if they were smart enough to know what happens to young fish trawled up in the nets, we helped devise smarter better methods that were implemented to minimise catching smaller fish in the nets, but by this time the stocks were already severely depleted.

    so with that point I'll leave you in your own little world of assumptions, since neither you nor I are unlikely to make any difference in this instance

  16. And has been goin on for many years, as I said earlier either in this topic or the other fishing related one, the euro's aren't squeaky clean, illegal fishing still goes on there because it is very difficult to properly control, they're monitoring fish factory records , increased mesh sizes, put escape windows in nets, to help reduce overfishing and allow young fish to escape, but only works properly if every country complies,, certainly too much to expect thailand to do in 6 months

    Its had years and enough warnings. They will never be ready until made to be... if they dont like it then go sell to another market no problem.

    I'm glad your comment confirms it's not down to prayuth who I'd say is doing a decent job in difficult circumstances, being left with so many issues to fix, yes he has the option to delegate a suitably experienced minister to implement change which I'm sure he will eventually do after properly investigating how to best fix the problem,

    sure, they can also explore other markets to sell to but I'd guess some of the end customers in Europe who can't afford to buy or source fresh local fish will have to spend more for their fish whilst the euro powers that be get exactly what they want,, remembering also that many UK/ Euro caught species are or were caught in UK waters, then sent to thailand for packing/peeling before returning to UK supermarkets,, wonder if they still exist if those practices will be included in the red carding too? Just another thought, I wonder if the above process re packing/peeling would have involved slave labour too ?

    Oh it is down to Prayuth, he wanted it hes got it.

    Your wrong the EU will not miss it and it isnt an issue for packing on shore its the fishing, No doubt there are inspectors for the packing and yes the EU will pull that too if need be regardless of the consequences.

    Its also right to, why do you prefer its left to continue for one moment longer then absolutely necessary ? please tell me your not an apologist for these scum.

    Not an apologist mate, I've experienced 16 years working as a fisherman, followed by a further 8 or 9 years working in manufacture and design of the fishing gear used to catch the fish, worked closely with fishery research in manufacturing nets for them too, so I have some experience of the issues involved and I've also experienced/suffered incorrect decisions from pen pushers that thought they knew better, so regardless of whether it continues for one moment longer, I'd suggest it's more important to get things done and implemented correctly

  17. quote name="englishoak"Its had years and enough warnings. They will never be ready until made to be... if they dont like it then go sell to another market no problem.

    I'm glad your comment confirms it's not down to prayuth who I'd say is doing a decent job in difficult circumstances, being left with so many issues to fix, yes he has the option to delegate a suitably experienced minister to implement change which I'm sure he will eventually do after properly investigating how to best fix the problem,

    sure, they can also explore other markets to sell to but I'd guess some of the end customers in Europe who can't afford to buy or source fresh local fish will have to spend more for their fish whilst the euro powers that be get exactly what they want,, remembering also that many UK/ Euro caught species are or were caught in UK waters, then sent to thailand for packing/peeling before returning to UK supermarkets,, wonder if they still exist if those practices will be included in the red carding too? Just another thought, I wonder if the above process re packing/peeling would have involved slave labour too ?

    Sorry trying to edit the post to shorten it and buggered it up

  18. [quote name="englishoak" post="9666201"

    Gabriel Mato of Spain.. Possibly Europe's largest fishing fleet for size and catch.. Heavily subsidised!


    Or taking illegal catches.. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/news/spanish-fish-barons-admit-taking-illegal-catches-in-uk-waters-7964246.htmlAnd has been goin on for many years, as I said earlier either in this topic or the other fishing related one, the euro's aren't squeaky clean, illegal fishing still goes on there because it is very difficult to properly control, they're monitoring fish factory records , increased mesh sizes, put escape windows in nets, to help reduce overfishing and allow young fish to escape, but only works properly if every country complies,, certainly too much to expect thailand to do in 6 months

    Its had years and enough warnings. They will never be ready until made to be... if they dont like it then go sell to another market no problem. I'm glad your comment confirms it's not down to prayuth who I'd say is doing a decent job in difficult circumstances, being left with so many issues to fix, yes he has the option to delegate a suitably experienced minister to implement change which I'm sure he will eventually do after properly investigating how to best fix the problem,

    sure, they can also explore other markets to sell to but I'd guess some of the end customers in Europe who can't afford to buy or source fresh local fish will have to spend more for their fish whilst the euro powers that be get exactly what they want,, remembering also that many UK/ Euro caught species are or were caught in UK waters, then sent to thailand for packing/peeling before returning to UK supermarkets,, wonder if they still exist if those practices will be included in the red carding too? Just another thought, I wonder if the above process re packing/peeling would have involved slave labour too ?

  19. And has been goin on for many years, as I said earlier either in this topic or the other fishing related one, the euro's aren't squeaky clean, illegal fishing still goes on there because it is very difficult to properly control, they're monitoring fish factory records , increased mesh sizes, put escape windows in nets, to help reduce overfishing and allow young fish to escape, but only works properly if every country complies,, certainly too much to expect thailand to do in 6 months

  20. Sure it's the fault of the fishermen for overfishing, but because no one stopped them until now,, it's the "nature of the beast" in every fishing community and most businesses worldwide,, take as much as you can get is the way it's done,,

    Declining fish stocks is a result of the overfishing, to stop or reduce the overfishing takes time, thailand needs it's fishing fleet and cannot afford to lose so many boats, although the fleet needs reducing, policing and new regulations implemented, all this will never be achieved in such a short time,

    the powers that be in Europe have a habit of telling everyone else to get their house in order but forget about their own,,

    the British /Scottish fishing industry springs to mind as a perfect example of this

    The British/Scottish fleets are very tightly regulated because of the EU and fishing stocks are now recovering, again because of the EU.

    EU is doing the right thing. No one is telling Thailand what to do, they are just setting the standards required to sell in their market.

    I'm surprised the govt has a problem with this, after all is that not their attitude to working and doing business in Thailand?

    If the Thai govt doesn't like it then they can find new markets.

    As people are often told here, if you don't like the way things are done you can stay away.

    What I was implying is the British were forced to implement smaller mesh sizes whilst other Euro countries fished freely in UK waters with 80mm and smaller mesh sizes whilst Brits were using 120mm mesh sizes,, difficult to take when fishing in your own waters,, yes eventually the EU got some order installed, but they sure ain't all squeaky clean,, I think I'd go along with some others who have suggested other motives by EU

  21. You can't take a country like thailand and make the working conditions the same as is now in European fishing vessels,, sat tv, air conditioning etc etc,,, some hotels here don't have that,,,

    For me the Thais are addressing the correct problems, trouble is in my view they don't have much experience in choosing the most effective measures to take to reduce overfishing. I'm not sure whether there is a working fishery research program with working fishery research vessels to monitor stocks and trial conservation measures as there is in many other countries

  22. Sure it's the fault of the fishermen for overfishing, but because no one stopped them until now,, it's the "nature of the beast" in every fishing community and most businesses worldwide,, take as much as you can get is the way it's done,,

    Declining fish stocks is a result of the overfishing, to stop or reduce the overfishing takes time, thailand needs it's fishing fleet and cannot afford to lose so many boats, although the fleet needs reducing, policing and new regulations implemented, all this will never be achieved in such a short time,

    the powers that be in Europe have a habit of telling everyone else to get their house in order but forget about their own,,

    the British /Scottish fishing industry springs to mind as a perfect example of this

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