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Posts posted by KTD

  1. It was awesome! My first time riding around the island with these guys and it was a blast!

    I was on my 650 Ninja with my new Arrow exhaust with DB killer removed and it's loud as hel_l!

    I want Soi dogs to scatter when I'm driving along the road (which they do now with the noise)

    I also want Somchai on his scooter to hear me coming so he doesn't turn in to me as they normally do when not checking their mirrors (that is if they haven't removed them) and not indicating to turn...

    But that's just me.



    I have a 650 Ninja also, great fun.

    Where did you pick up your exhaust? was thinking of getting an Arrow for mine.

    The ride sounds like it was a blast.


  2. Not sure how old you kid is for this to be an idea but I found a babysitter at my sons nursery. I asked one of the assistants & paid her 1k baht per time, usually was between 8pm - 2am & only weekends. Paid her more than a farang friend gets for babysitting for guests at the hotel she works at but for my own peace of mind & for my son to have a beloved teacher at home, taking care of him, well worth it :)

    Hi Boo,

    My son is still pretty young, 8 months. That is very good advise though, an assistant at one of the nursery's would be perfect. I agree with the money also, when it comes to caregivers

    is not really the time to be looking for the cheapest available option. Thanks.

  3. Obviously you are the type they are trying to keep away. Singha 35 Baht? So you hold a 7/11 loyalty card do you? Last of the big spenders. Better stay in Patters, more your style. :)

    lol! :D to funny!

    Yeah, it's funny commentary, but I think that the OP already knew that it would be even cheaper to stay in his home country, get drunk in his living room, and jerk-off to dirty magazines than to go anywhere in Thailand and buy beer and broads in a bar. Frankly I don't see the need to land on the guy like a ton of bricks.

    Sorry, I didn't want to seem like i was coming down on anyone. Just thought it was pretty funny bit "7/11 loyalty card". :D

    I wish the OP well and hope he enjoys his holiday where ever it might be.

    Personlly I don't think the cost of a holiday dictates how much fun it will be, any place

    is only what you yourself make of it.

    Air fares quite often suc but not much we can do about it, I say spend your money while you still can.

  4. thanks. i know the risks. i won't go round chasing someone down the road but if i am in my house and someone comes in then i have spoken to my lawyer. if i yuse a special tool to protect myself i can use it as self defense as if someone comes into my house through a window. then i do not know if they have gun or what they want to do. so ic an do something/.

    there again. i think that theives go around in gangs and if someone is willling to go into someones how with people inside then i think they know what they are doing.

    if it is a gang with many then they could all be tooled up. maybe i could get 1 or 2 of them but gurentee they would come back. they also have the advantage they know me and what i look like but i do not kmow them but there again. i know the risks. so my fault if i get berried. i think it is quite an honerable way to go.

    think just carry on as normal. unless i see someone coming through my window then i really have no hoice but to act.

    Terrible news BigC, German Shepard is such a good dog to loose.

    Makes me sic to think that someone would do this intentionally.

    I was here barely a month or two before my house got robbed. Was thinking to get a dog for security and was told by more than

    one person that it was quite common for burglars to poison or kill dogs here before robbery. My wife and her sister were in the house at the time of the robbery also. I think if someone is willing to break into a house where they know people are inside it, that takes it to a

    different level.

  5. After that book I can even enjoy the odd fine cigar with out worrying about starting back on the cigarette's.

    Going kinda in the opposite direction of the original post, can someone recommend a spot on the island where you can get decent cigars lol!

  6. Smokie , there is a very good chance that if you do get burgled and you are in the house you would be murdered if you stumbled across them. As someone said there are a shocking amount of people who carry guns here, Most people who do carry guns will use them for without even thinking twice about it.

    Dave I have been burgled here and the only thought for me at the time was relief that I wasn't in the bungalow. Still your chances of being murdered here are very low by comparison thankfully. :)

    My wife and I moved to Samui and made it almost a month before having our house robbed, lol!

    Her and her sister were home at the time and managed to lock

    themselves in a room and thankfully there was no violence.

    Got me wondering though about laws here and what happens in the

    case of home invaision if it is the burgler who gets injuered or worse?

  7. Is there any consequences at all for the scooter rental shop owner if a tourist dies on one of his bikes? just wondering.

    In all the news headlines about bike deaths it is the same story almost every time. No helmet, to fast, driving at night. I would think there has to be

    some way to educate these people coming here a little so they know how easy it is to end up going home in a bag, maybe through shop owners.

    and I agree a bike license from your home country should be at least the minimum.

  8. I agree with Carmine, It is the whole island. I have rode in many area's of this country and in other countries with much worse traffic and drivers than thailand does.

    Generaly speaking I find the roads and traffic here quite good, I just rode from phuket to Samui yesterday and thought it was a really great ride.

    Once back on Samui though the maddness on the roads begin.

    I admit I am very new to Samui but can see very easily the problem begins with the Big trucks, pick ups and cars speeding down the roads with a "go,go" attitude and passing every chance they get, this in turn speeds up the way the bikes drive because they don't want to be rubbed out or become a speck on the window of some water truck.

    That is not to say there are not poor scooter drivers or other issues, I just think that if some of the danger of being run over was taking away it would help to slow things down.

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