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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. "All of these posts re "get the correct visa" are nonsense and off topic." No, they are not. "Yes max 2 visa exempt via land per calendar year is a rule. Very simple clear rule. Why not have a similar rule for visa exempt entries via AIR." That doesn't mean that you can stay here unlimited with tourist visas or exempt entries, way too much entitlement. On top of that people go off the charts when they might need to pay tax while living here longer than 180 days.
  2. If you don't want or need to work: proper Education, Investment or Marriage If you want to work: Business, LTR, Smart (have a new one now Smart S (Startup) | Smart Visa (boi.go.th))
  3. Seems you have reading problems, from the OP: "in condo where gf (longtime) is waiting."
  4. Having a local girlfriend while being a "tourist" is one clue. If one can afford very long holidays without working, there are other visa's available when under 50.
  5. 2 lessons to be learned: 1) Defaming people in Thailand can be costly 2) It is illegal in Thailand to rent out through AIRBNB for less than a month. Do you pay tax over your rentals?
  6. Most people who can't get a proper visa for a long stay aren't tourists but live here and are working illegally.
  7. No, I haven't and it seems you know not much about Thai society other than what your wife tells you or other foreigners who don't have a clue. I have been here a long time, speak the language and work with Thai employees, vendors and customers. I engage with Thai people from average workers to C-level people, business owners of very large companies, police and army staff from a broad range of ranks.
  8. No need to charge in, just explain your problem and help him to push the car a bit further. I wouldn't get a house where the entrance could be blocked that easy to start with. When somebody wants to get physical, I have no problem to finish the job. Thai people respect power and money, they don't respect people who are scared for everything and neither do I.
  9. It does work and has been working for me for 40 years.
  10. If somebody assaults my wife, he will need a hospital.
  11. If we finally want to evolve as human beings, we shouldn't have superpowers who want to dictate the world but try to get along. We would like morons to any intelligent life outside our world to start with. Reminder of the bible belt people, " thou shall not kill."
  12. If it is movable, just push it a bit further so you can get your car in and out.
  13. Other option is buy the missing part of the house, charge the residents who have a healthy pension rent and divide that rent between the siblings who got nothing all those years. When the co owning sister dies, slowly up the rent until they move out and keep the house for yourself.
  14. Your chef should take care of that.
  15. Than they filled your land for a part with soil which is illegal. Tell them to remove it.
  16. "he took hold of the knife, swinging it in a threatening manner." That will be a problem, he should have thrown it away so she couldn't use it anymore.
  17. Sell your part of house to the other owner, so you can't be too bothered with all the problem which will arise if she dies. If she dies first, your wife will get a siblings share back and could sell that again.
  18. No, not very likely. Immigration runs the passport details via a scan of the chip / QR code against several databases (black listings, terrorists, certain fraud, ....). These are not available for everyone.
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