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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. "he took hold of the knife, swinging it in a threatening manner." That will be a problem, he should have thrown it away so she couldn't use it anymore.
  2. Sell your part of house to the other owner, so you can't be too bothered with all the problem which will arise if she dies. If she dies first, your wife will get a siblings share back and could sell that again.
  3. No, not very likely. Immigration runs the passport details via a scan of the chip / QR code against several databases (black listings, terrorists, certain fraud, ....). These are not available for everyone.
  4. Who gave you the right to be a superpower and economically punish countries who don't comply with your rules / ways? That is being a bully.
  5. There you go: United States Counterterrorism Operations Under the Biden Administration, 2021-2023 | Costs of War (brown.edu) Not so long ago: U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016 (nbcnews.com)
  6. It would be nice if it was spend to defend instead of bombing other countries.
  7. 😀🙃😂🤐🤢💩
  8. The Thai woman got killed by a foreigner and still you are obsessed with bad Thai women, get a grip.
  9. Just attach the new bum gun, you are in the bathroom, so a bit of water spilled won't hurt you.
  10. You can turn of the valve for the bum gun.
  11. " 2023, and here is where we stand: Congress in December belatedly passed an omnibus appropriations bill for fiscal 2023 including $858 billion for national defense, roughly half of which will be dispersed in the form of contracts to the private sector." How The Defense Industry Became A Defining Feature Of The U.S. Economy (forbes.com)
  12. USA: over 200 years of war with all sorts of countries. Economy survives on "defense" industry.
  13. Israeli's complaining about other countries war activities, maybe look at your own country first.
  14. If you had googled your headline you would have known from 48 hrs to 12 hrs before your flight.
  15. Nah was related to a previous topic of the poster.
  16. It is not ridiculous, now the bank has done what they could do within the APP security wise and they are not responsible for the screen capture through a different phone.
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