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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. He loves Nazis, Putin and Kim, great guy to give any power. 'This is bonkers': Trump slammed for calling Putin and Kim Jong Un 'very fine people' (msn.com)
  2. "overstay stamp printed my old passport for arriving one day earlier than planned" Sounds like a lot of nonsense.
  3. Where do they get Bolivia from? Lithium global reserves top countries 2022 | Statista
  4. PCI DSS does, the credit card companies have created it to enhance security of credit card data.
  5. We employ Thai women with a professional IT background well over 50K a month.
  6. ISO isn't a protocol it is an international standard: The ISO 8583 specification has three parts: Part 1: Messages, data elements, and code values Part 2: Application and registration procedures for Institution Identification Codes (IIC) Part 3: Maintenance procedures for the aforementioned messages, data elements and code values When one stores credit card data you need to get PCI DSS certified: Goals PCI DSS Requirements Build and Maintain a Secure Network and Systems 1. Install and maintain network security controls 2. Apply secure configurations to all system components Protect Account Data 3. Protect stored account data 4. Protect cardholder data with strong cryptography during transmission over open, public networks Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program 5. Protect all systems and networks from malicious software 6. Develop and maintain secure systems and software Implement Strong Access Control Measures 7. Restrict access to system components and cardholder data by business need to know 8. Identify users and authenticate access to system components 9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data Regularly Monitor and Test Networks 10. Log and monitor all access to system components and cardholder data 11. Test security of systems and networks regularly Maintain an Information Security Policy 12. Support information security with organizational policies and programs
  7. What part of FOREIGN don't you understand? He doesn't look Thai at all.
  8. What did you ask, if there where follow up procedures like a health check?
  9. Sending in an application form doesn't make you insured yet. More processes could be following.
  10. If you are a co signer, the Thai bank will come after you for the money.
  11. You ARE working while in Thailand, it doesn't matter where your company or customers are based. You will have to pay tax here too starting from Jan 2024 when you stay in this country more than 180 day in a year.
  12. How is that border wall doing after 4 years of Trump, how much did the Mexicans pay for it? Americans taking drugs is costing them their lives. Tax breaks for the very rich don't help the people who are homeless.
  13. Most insurance companies are multinationals.
  14. As mentioned by tomasbodner before: "Prudential sent me to hospital for a full checkup, and wanted my entire hospital file before deciding on what I had to pay for it or how much they would cover. AIA did the same a long while back"
  15. 2 million voters possible in Iowa, he certainly grabbed loads of them, ROFL
  16. I am married for many years, don't need a girlfriend (certainly not one people need to pay for)
  17. Next time don't use your phone in places where it isn't allowed, then you don't need to use this childish language.
  18. She never got the money, what a utterly stupid comment. Like to make fun of people being raped and kidnapped, do you.
  19. They can send you for a health checkup before accepting you later in the process.
  20. He has no clue. Nice article that shows Trump will have big issues defending himself: Jack Smith charged Trump using Reconstruction-era laws passed against KKK: columnist (msn.com)
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