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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. If you can't support yourself in your home country with that amount, you are an economic migrant, otherwise not.
  2. Thailand is a great place to live if you have money.
  3. Only people who want to rip off foreigners don't like them to speak Thai. Hookers and pimps have a greater percentage that belong to that group than average.
  4. People who work here and want to stay living here qualify. Not every thread is for everybody.
  5. No need for a lawyer, the local Labour office will help for free. Employers fear the Labour office as they could be jailed. The procedure through the Labor office doesn't take that long at all.
  6. Wife likes the hometown more, kids like Bangkok more.
  7. A while ago one could have slaves, does that make it OK?
  8. Change the PDF to Word: convert pdf to word - Search (bing.com)
  9. Why do you need a new topic and don't update the old one?
  10. There is, loads of people are gay but stay in the closet because they are afraid of the backlash from people who can't handle it. People actually kill themselves because of these sad people's opinions.
  11. Intended for procreation, nice invention. Man and women who have sex without the intend of procreation (happens probably more than intended for procreation) are not normal then.
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