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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Fake resume, fake certificate if the company contact your previous employer, you won't get the job. It isn't a bad version it is a fraud.
  2. You really think it is their first choice in life to play the girlfriend / wife of somebody 3 x their age?
  3. Any structure on the beach is forbidden as all beaches are property of the Royal family.
  4. Why are you blaming Thais for an accident which was the fault of a foreigner who isn't insured? Better blame foreigners who ride a bike without insurance, no helmet and driver's license.
  5. Many people have been dealing with tax returns and visas without any problems. Why are you not capable to do so?
  6. Thailand isn't ruined, you can't cope. Something very wrong if you need to beg for a visa. It is pretty normal to pay tax in the country you live in. If you already paid tax, there most likely will be a DTA unless your home country's government are a bunch of idiots.
  7. If you can't google it, better not do it: Bars For Sale in Phuket, 8 Available To Buy Now (businessesforsale.com)
  8. The way I read it, you have a multiple entry, entries must be in a 2 week period. Doesn't state how long you can stay.
  9. I used to live in Amsterdam, quite a big Thai community there and indeed most don't want to return. From what they told me there are several reasons: 1) They build a completely new life in the new country (kids who go to local schools, have a good paying job, own a business). 2) Don't want to be bothered by family popping in with money requests. 3) After a long stay away, then coming back for a holiday / funeral / ... a lot has changed. Friends moved on, old memories where either not good or won't match the reality anymore. I know a few who came back but that was mostly after a short stay because they couldn't settle (weather, being alone in a house in the middle of nowhere while husband was working all the time). One guy sold his 2 restaurants and retired in Phuket.
  10. You can have a great life in Thailand as everything good is available. Certain things will cost more than other places but when having a lot of money this is not a problem. The people I know with money, do travel a lot outside the country. I do understand the family part, have the same thing.
  11. I know quite a few very rich people who live happily in Thailand. Are you an economical refugee?
  12. Start learning Thai, this will greatly improve the amount of people you will be able to talk to.
  13. Buyer beware? What do you want to do against it? Things get more expensive all the time.
  14. So in short: 1) you are not able to find out how to use a 7/11 APP and ask somebody to teach you. 2) you aren't able to use a debit card at other shops 3) you are moaning about prices to high because of taxes. Goodbye.
  15. From what I read the rule starts Jan-1 -2024. Tax info for 2023 must be filled during the first part of 2024, normally the forms are not available at the start of Januari. Not clear to me if it applies to income from 2023 or 2024.
  16. If you have a lot of viewers, YouTube will sell adds on your page and will pay you.
  17. Maybe he makes loads of money with all these people looking at his silly YouTube channel.
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