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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Getting into the house isn't a problem, getting me down with 2 stairways in the opposite direction will be a challenge.
  2. You are blaming Thailand because the OP didn't bother to look at his stamp which says till what day he can stay?
  3. Send more money: Legal slush fund dries up for Trump allies as ex-president's own bills snowball: report (msn.com) Might not help though:
  4. You need to work: Qualification of applicant for humanitarian reasons in each circumstance: 3.3.1 Spouse: To provide patronage or to be under patronage of a Thai national spouse 1) The patronage provider works in Thailand Notification of Immigration Commission
  5. I am not commenting on the OP but on your invalid comment that the Thai banks are way behind. You are right about the bankbook part but their ATM's have been a lot smarter (more functionality) than the Western ATM's decades ago.
  6. If you do a bank transfer online with Bangkok bank, you get a message in red: check the recipient name. Thai systems aren't years behind. In Thailand you could use an ATM to send money to another person's account decades ago.
  7. You better move back to your home country: Can't sort out your visa. Something is terribly wrong because a Thai in Thailand doesn't speak English. It is on and off all day (what is this supposed to mean).
  8. You get a work permit from the labor office NOT from immigration. A work permit allows you to work, got nothing to do with permission to stay in the country. To stay in the country you need a visa. This visa needs to be extended before it expires, you do this at immigration. I don't know what degree you have but you need to read up on the rules to legally stay in the country.
  9. Do you have any qualifications? You are very good at talking Thai people down, what have you achieved yourself in life?
  10. Giving about 50 million people 10K thb will give the local economy a boost. Not very good for government debt though.
  11. They would have to sell up and leave fairly quickly (and not coming back). Don't see that happen in very big volumes.
  12. Banks recalling loans and seize property. Becoming an uninsurable person. Tax fraud law cases.
  13. You really think this measure has any influence on the THB, much bigger forces change values of currencies.
  14. How many expat pensioners with a very low pension that can't meet the financial requirements for a visa and need an agent? How many poorly paid expat teachers?
  15. From a business partner: "This new guideline presents significant challenges for Thai tax residents with both Thai and foreign-sourced incomes. While the department's instruction is not law, it represents the enforcement directive of the tax authority. The tax authority still needs to investigate several issues relating to how they will enforce this new rule. For instance, the applicable tax rates (whether they will impose a flat tax rate, different tax rates specifically applied for foreign-sourced income, or at the standard progressive tax rate), how to distinguish between principal (funds from legacy investments, inheritance, original investment principal) versus earnings (interest, dividends, remuneration) from comingled funds, determination of applicable foreign currency exchange rates for tax assessment, etc. At the time of writing this, XXXXXXXXXX is actively following up on further developments on this matter. We hope to provide additional updates and clarifications on this topic soon. "
  16. Here a site with more information on the paperwork needed: How To Hire Employees In Thailand | Acclime Thailand
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