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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Nonsense, as a company to create a regional office there are a lot of requirements. See: Setting Up a Regional Office in Thailand – THAI LTD Some employee working from home has nothing to do with it. During COVID many people worked from home 100%.
  2. In our Bangkok BOI company we have a foreigner living and online working in a province far away. Hasn't been a problem. Before Bangkok was mentioned as place of work in my online work permit, now no place of work mentioned in the WP anymore.
  3. Probably no license to operate a business, putting a business on a parking space. Selling weed without a permit. Annoying other people with the stench.
  4. Clean the aircon, cost a couple of hundred THB and tell her it doesn't work (or it might after cleaning). Renter needs to pay for small things, light bulbs and the likes. Major repairs are for her to pay, so she is not allowed to take that out of the deposit. Either stay with a new lease or find something else.
  5. Why on earth would you give 50K to a person who doesn't have a relationship with you. If true at all, is notorious for not paying back debts. In any case don't expect to see any money back from her at all. She will have a good laugh.
  6. READ the indictment, 45 pages might be too much for you but after a couple of pages you should be able to understand.
  7. You obviously haven't read the indictment otherwise you wouldn't say that.
  8. What a load of nonsense. A military operation IS war without declaring it.
  9. He? "at her noodles shop ......... The 22 year old woman ......... rushed into her shop
  10. I wouldn't do business with them, a partly upfront payment is ok but 100% is not going to happen.
  11. Intentional damage IS a criminal offence. Causing damage by accident not of course.
  12. People wo rent out less than 5 units are not bound by that law. If the guy wants to play hard ball, he can sue him for the month rent he didn't pay as he didn't give notice, reached an agreement but just left. Wonder what he did to the (card) key. On top of that the damages found which exceed the 2 months deposit. OP states he saw damages but didn't report it to the guy so it could be fixed while still there. Feel like there is some missing parts in his story.
  13. The GOP has seen this coming for a long time. Should never kept backing a criminal.
  14. Your post is more ridiculous. From a legal perspective it is seen as working. You are not allowed to work on a tourist or retirement visa. You are expected to have a work permit. Many people get away with it, some don't as they got ratted on by people who held a grudge.
  15. Learn the local language where you live and it will help you.
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