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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Yes, it is considered working. Which means, you need a work permit and pay tax. The fact that other people sht on the rules and have been getting away with it doesn't change that.
  2. Under what rock do you live? Mass demonstrations for years. Massive conflicts in the South for decades.
  3. Clarifying what really happened, so the people who thought it where local Thais know better now.
  4. No way that I get stuck in a small cabin on a boat where I wouldn't like most entertainment anyhow.
  5. Still too much of a hurdle for you with your 40 years of experience, ROFL. Don't even know the basics that you can't work at a stall here.
  6. The Micheline guide doesn't agree with you but what do they know.
  7. Never heard of research? Still haven't answered the questions, what a joker
  8. Go to a good restaurant for once, you might think different.
  9. I have done the facial recognition picture at Bangkok Bank months ago, done very quickly. Works for all my accounts with them in different parts of the country. Biometric check for bigger transactions worked fine too.
  10. First wait what the new government wants to do about the law. Regulations could be a lot stricter very soon.
  11. True, never been there, too busy for me and I don't but at markets to start with. Still way more Thai business knowledge than you have.
  12. So should be easy to answer my questions then.
  13. Stay away from business, you only loose money. I wrote that comment in less than 10 minutes as I know how businesses work here.
  14. An account for a trader is something different than a savings account of a kid. But what do you know.
  15. It is for my kids and their kids when they get some. I don't need the money.
  16. That is what you get when your answer like this: "yea 1800? month you rent !!! .... " But lets go a bit deeper into your business plan for furniture sales. You want to have a couple of stalls: Will you be your own competition or spread your furniture over these stalls? Mostly people who have a stall are their own boss so have less cost than you. It is not easy to find and keep good staff here. Where are you going to find them? How will you employ them, will you have a regular business or pay them without any social security and tax? How will you know they will actively sell things or be asleep / playing with their phones? What do you arrange for lunchtime, do you have a fan there for them? What will be the electric costs? I don't know the market itself too many people and too hot for me don't like to walkaround in busy crowds. Can you store your furniture there or do you need to bring it to your stalls every day (which is a major pain)? Why would people buy from you and not online? How are people expected to take the furniture with them? How long do you expect it takes to buy new stock and get it into your stalls? How do you keep your furniture in good condition if you have it in the market 24/7? In a market people want to haggle about the price, how do you arrange with your staff what price they can sell and how will you know they won't pocket any money from you? What will be your customers for furniture? Tourists, local Thai people, expats or .......? Furniture takes up a lot of space, so you can't have many items in your stall. What do you think will be the turnaround time for your items.
  17. What about Guantanamo or any of the secret CIA prisons?
  18. Not a visa on arrival, this is for people who come from a country who can't get a visa exemption (which is a waiver).
  19. You haven't got a clue on how do business here. You put a structure on a piece of land that you don't own. I am pretty sure, you don't get a usufruct, so you own nothing. Go sell things there and find out how quickly you are deported if you don't bribe anyone. Even if you bribe somebody and someone with connections doesn't like you, you get deported anyhow. If you don't believe me, send a picture of your stall and you while operating and I can give you some proof.
  20. You buy nothing, you rent.
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