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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. I have a long-term investment in durian trees, which cost you quite a bit for 6 years but then can make you a fortune for the next 80 years +
  2. If you read the other link in the linked article, you see he has been scamming a lot of people. Let him go to prison for quite a while, maybe he learns something.
  3. 8% rental guarantee for 5 years. Who will they rent to? What if they trash the place? How will they guarantee? How will the payments go? Will the entity who rents out exist for 5 years? After 5 years, you can sell the unit back to the project at price 100% of the buying price. A project is a temporary thing (build units), after that you get operations (manage the place). Who exactly will but the condo back? Will that entity exist after 5 years? Can they afford to pay 100% of the buying price after 5 years?
  4. Trump and too many of his followers are barking mad: Donald Trump posted purported address before man's arrest near Obama's home (msn.com)
  5. Your friend fought with this guy and then later got something back. Now you want to get the police involved. Stay out of the kitchen if you don't like the heat. What do you think his friends will do to you and your friend when their friend gets more problems?
  6. What a load of nonsense. I work and have worked with a lot of Thai people who have a great education (not a micky mouse college degree). They have far more money than the average poster here. One can have great conversations about many topics and they don't grovel.
  7. BS, that is universal prostitute way. don't marry one.
  8. There is a saying amongst people that play for money; if you can't see the losers at the table, you are one yourself.
  9. Unless she is very good at gambling (cheating) she will loose and start building up debt.
  10. So get mad to her and tell her to stop or you will divorce her. You don't have a functional family anymore at this stage.
  11. Why would that mean that his party would be in the oppostion?
  12. Don't marry a bar girl (with 3 years of schooling) then but somebody you can talk with.
  13. No legal entity, not registered, not paying tax. Hardly rocket science.
  14. Chiang Mai is very nice in general but horrible during the burning season.
  15. My oldest worked 2 months while on holiday between M6 and University too. They do chores and save a lot.
  16. Yes, it is my life style choice. Rent is not expensive for a 2 story, 6 room house with garden, close to schools and work in BKK.
  17. My electricity bill has been over 6800 the last 2 months and I pay directly to the electricity company (in BKK). 10 year old 3000, 18 year old 5400 thb spending money per month. Rent 25000 per month for a house. That is already over 40K and only a few costs.
  18. There are predators (snakes), on average every 15 minutes a call involving snakes in Bangkok.
  19. It does for people who have unofficial businesses, was in an research article about KYC and banks in Thailand about a year ago. don't have the link anymore.
  20. You forget that a lot of Thai people who trade don't have a bank account because it takes too long to get one.
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