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Everything posted by marcusb

  1. ^This, yes. I'm guessing she will drop it but would love to see her sue.
  2. Glad you know all the terms, my point remains. Edit to add: Visa on arrival is currently 30 days according to Google.
  3. I politely disagree with that. I'll go out on a limb and say the vast majority of tourists in Thailand are on visa exempt. Visa on arrival currently 45 days, why would regular tourists bother with a formal visa.
  4. You did not actually reply to my points, you instead led the discussion a different direction. As usual. Go vacuum seal your large 40 gram harvest for Long Term Storage. ????
  5. Thats how its worked for me, generally the scale is in view and as you say ...
  6. Different strokes and all that, so Archa beer, Siam Sato, Laos Khaow? Laos Khaow has spectacular end results! Shape and colour of bottle is not the same category as compressed vs well manicured buds. Not even close. right? Not even the same topic is it? I'm not too proud to smoke brick weed but I'd prefer a nice manicured bud of Wedding Cake any day.
  7. I find this quite concerning. Greater independence. That will mean cutting corners wherever possible for more profit. Without having to follow guidelines.
  8. A teacher friend went stateside in 2020, wasn't aware he could get a "pension" payout from SS. he returned in 2022, went to the office had a check few days later. Might be worth looking into. 5 years is 50-60,000 I believe. Good luck.
  9. This^ If a shop has 8 jars ranging from 18%-25% I do not pay attention to which is strongest. They are all adequate. The 18 will take an extra few puffs to reach the level of the 25. I strictly go for flavour. I really enjoy wedding cake, cookies and cream, cherry blaster. I like a sweet, fruity taste and smell. They all get me buzzed so I go for the best taste. For daytime smoke 50/50 tasty weed with brick weed is ok. Brick weed has its purpose, glad we have access to it legally. I've always got some on hand. Been smoking it for years. But it is like drinking Lao Khaow when good beer is available.
  10. Ive dealt with only 3 shops. Chit chatted with them, nice folks comfortable shops. They all ended up showing me photos of the grows, one fellow took me upstairs to a grow. Good looking set ups, 3 meter by 4 meter rooms. The shops had roughly 10 varieties, big jars, 1/2 kilo min. The maths don't add up. At all. I agree they are moving a lot of foreign herb. Im ok with it, the local market has only been legal for 6 months. Hopefully in a year the country is swimming in it ????
  11. Yup Buy a used Honda, can't go wrong.
  12. Yes, I have seen many signs stating that, in airports and hotels. Yes, and there are signs and notices for that as well. I have yet to see, read or hear any warnings about personal cannabis on flights in Thailand. Canada, like Thailand has legalized weed country wide. In Canada perfectly legal to fly with personal weed. How would they fine you? What would the ticket say? Possession of a product that used to be illegal???
  13. hahahaha wow, you need a joint So, Mr. Serious, what would the fine be for taking a legal substance on a plane? Like tea, or coffee beans or crispy cremes.
  14. I got a 1/2 kilo in Isaan, flew to Bangkok and then flew to north Thailand. Put it in my luggage, no stress no worry, its legal! If Kerry can deliver a kilo to my house, why wouldn't I be able to board a plane with it?
  15. So two strikes and the batter is up to the plate again. Wish it more success this time.
  16. There was another vehicle blocking his line of sight-of the back seat???
  17. Nice folk and good product at 420care. its on google maps, centre of city. Higher price but quality weed and properly dried/cured.
  18. At least, could easily stretch to a month. Its hard to gauge, just keep checking the glass.
  19. IMHO I'd say at least two more weeks. Good shot of trichomes. Nice healthy looking plant as well. If its a personal garden grow its fine to just clip the first few branches that are ready and give the remainder another week or two.
  20. Woah, stop the presses!! The moon doesn't inhibit flowering, 555 obviously, otherwise we would never have flowers would we. Ok, please send me a link that shows how photo-period plants flower when'BIG' enough. Ive been reading for years on the topic never ever read about flowering because of SIZE. I can provide thousands of links that support a need for a change in sunlight hours. Never have I read they flower 'when big enough' Gladly eat humble pie when you post that info.
  21. Agree with what you say, just adding 100% cloudy will give a more 'awake, alert' high, the more amber you wait for the more it turns into couch lock. I like 20% amber but it takes a lot of patience. Phone attachment as you said is great, I also used an illuminated jewellers loupe, 5$. Amazon. Google trichome ripeness, you'll get lots of good images.
  22. My buddy got some from local govt hospital, palliative care. High THC high CBD. Don't know what's involved but it is available. Very strong taste.
  23. Back right green crack, left blue dream, right front gorilla glue, all autos, 18/6
  24. That wouldn't surprise me, not what I read but info on autos is constantly getting updated. Indoors thats a decent savings on electric as well. I've thrown autos in a 12/12 flowering room just cause there was extra space and they seemed to do fine, but were smaller. So with their adaptability they should do fine outdoors here and never worry about timing or season. Seed to bag in 10-14 weeks. Thats my theory ????
  25. I've grown 3 crops of them indoors. They will take anything you throw at them. 24-0 20-4 18-6 12-12 Still flower at the same time regardless of light schedule, but 20-4 --18-6 is the sweet spot for weight. I have some photo seeds from home, but will try autos if and when I grow here. "Photo cannabis plants flower when they're big enough, even without a light change." No I'll politely disagree. Ive seen mother plants that were well over a year old, still in veg with an 18-6
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