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Posts posted by TechnikaIII


    And so it goes on.. 


    The "just get a real visa" crowd must be starting to feel a little less sure of themselves. 


    Retirement visas are next according to a Thai I know at Thai immigration.


    Wonder what the 'get rid of the scumbags' crowd are going to say then when they suddenly can't get a retirement visa anymore?


    None of this is surprising though. The last time the military junta were in power the Thai economy was disastrous. Same thing happening again.


    " ... Retirement visas are next according to a Thai I know at Thai immigration."


    This is precisely the sort of unnecessary hearsay that upsets people. We don't need it. You are not even a provincial leader! ... just a smart arse with an authoritarian complex. 

    • Like 2
  2. Regarding bank fees for cash withdrawals, if you had a citibank account in the UK, you could withdraw from citibank ATMs in Bangkok, .. free of charge from either end. I do this with my Australian citibank card. It works a treat. ;-) 


    Not only for cash withdrawals, but so many fees for all the usual transactions. Citibank fees may vary from country to country, but it is really worth doing some homework on this.


    The junta has made it clear they have an agenda to control criminal activity, if you are doing nothing wrong no problem. However if you are up to no good you need to be concerned, so what are all you posters of negative comments afraid of?


    I travel all over the country and stay with friends, I do not wish to report to the local immigration or police every time I move.


    " ... I do not wish to report to the local immigration or police every time I move." .. nor do I intend to!


    I frequently cross from one province to another, and stay wherever it is convenient. Travelling by rail or cycling, to hell with searching for police stations. Carrying ID? ok .. I've done that for years in Norway.

    Hey, wouldn't it be fun for a few hundred of us to storm a police station, blocking all exits until the poor unfortunate has processed all of our ... bullshit-whatever documents.

  4. To the thread starter.

    You'll have to comply with the rules, if that in your case means you can't stay here or that you can't stay here long it's probably not useful to study Thai.

    In that case you might want to choose another country or maybe your home country to live in.

    I think anyone staying longer than 1 year should study Thai. It's a very good investment of your time (it will pay for its-self).

    I agree. However, it will be a real nuisance to those with a genuine interest in studying the language and so applying for the ED visa for the right reasons, to have the classrooms clogged with delinquents who are there simply to circumvent resident visa regulations. It won't take long for the authorities to notice the increased number of ED visa applications, and will clamp down with more and more restrictions.

    • Like 1
  5. 0 debt here...if I don't have the money, I don't buy it..that simple

    I have been living on the same principle since I traded out of debt from the 1987 stock market crash.

    The cash flow was reduced to a trickle in my business (Melbourne, Australia), .. wow .. talk about tightening the belt! It was a good lesson, and helped me survive nearly 2 decades in Norway, one of the most expensive countries on the planet. (As an artist and single dad) It was something that my Thai ex-fiance simply didn't want to know about. She thought I was just going to walk in and bank-roll her spending sprees, including her mother's gambling. Stupid bitch.

    • Like 1
  6. Why only rice farmers? Whether it's rice, maize, sugar cane, all manner of palms, collecting bat droppings from caves, whatever, farmers nationwide work their skin to the bones to feed the nation.

    And why only farmers?

    I guess it will take at least another generation for all the various pension funds become one, nationalised, to take care of all Thai citizens.

    Eventually this will relieve some of the financial burden that girls are born into, that being to feed their ageing parents.

    The reduced pressure on them to obtain money by any means could only be a good thing.

    With increased living standards for all, the sex industry would be downsized. This would also lead to the desired 'better quality tourist'.

    All things are connected.

    The rice farmers' pension plan is a step towards a healthier Thailand.

  7. This is a good thing.

    Get a work permit and work visa. Pay your bloody taxes. Then you'll have no problem.

    This visa run thing has gone on long enough. One of the good things that will come out of this is we will have less 'teachers' now. We really don't need all this riff raff 'teachers' whose only qualification is speaking the language and being white. High time this country hired real English teachers.

    If they want real teachers they will have to pay real salaries.

    If they want real teachers, why don't they make the "wannabe teachers" take a test and actually see if they can teach?

    Having a degree means nothing.

    "take a test " .. And who would be the examiners?

    An observation of mine is that Thai school children are not encouraged to inquire. My methods may not please all examiners, even though I may be a better teacher. Actually, when I have been teaching, at two schools in particular, other staff members have joined the class, sitting there taking notes. ;-)

  8. "...we look forward to a liberalization of business regulations for higher-quality foreigners."

    More money = higher quality. That's offensive. At least the writer is upfront about it.

    Yep. Successful criminals are usually loaded. They will always slip through, lubricating their access to the Kingdom with the show of money. Thais love money, worship the goddess of money, and are intoxicated by the sight of it.

    • Like 1
  9. How the heck cares? Thailand survived before these unqualified people showed up and Thailand will survive if they all leave

    Thai people are still poor in English without without them

    I am so tired of reading this malarky about "teachers this and teachers that"

    If you cannot get a valid visa ... bye bye ... mai pen rai

    Anyone with English as poor as yours, is hardly qualified to comment on the value of quality education.

  10. I am trying to find the appropriate place for my question about an ED visa:

    I am wishing to apply for an ED visa, ( for legitimate interest in studying the language)
    However, I have the need to exit Thailand briefly, maybe two or three times within the study year. The school is satisfied that I will not only making up for missing class hours, but also keeping up online. I am already of retirement age (65) but still active with some outside work activities. Does anyone know if there is any in/out flexibility in the ED Visa?
    Thanks in advance
  11. This might just be the beginning.I can see Thailand's neighboring countries having problems with all the farangs that can go into


    The Burmese border post at Mae Sot will be none too pleased. At 500 Baht a pop for every in-and-out, it gave them a steady flow of cash from dawn to dusk. And Thai side was collecting overstay fines. I've seen a few handing over substantial wads of money on that score!

    They may as well shut down, close the bridge and start shooting each other again.

    • Like 2
  12. Why say you are a tourist for 30 days not more and issue a 60 day tourist visa you can extend for 30 more days 'idiotic' TIT.

    Yes, we are at the mercy of idiots.

    For some small-genital male to proclaim that 30 days is enough for a tourist, and excludes people who are acting within the law, is in every sense of the word, idiotic.

    However, that he is wielding his stick according to his opinion, apparently without fear of contradiction, he is acting above the law, and in fact claiming to be a higher authority than the King of Thailand.

    Doesn't it go something like this? :

    The visa's are granted by the Consul Generals on behalf of Thailand's Ambassadors, who are the King's representatives abroad. Shouldn't it be safe to assume that consulate staff have done all the checking necessary as required by current immigration law?

    Now we have at that border crossing, a self-appointed regional 'king'.

    Something needs to fall on his head.

  13. When the time comes for me to have the required funds in a Thai Bank, it will be with citibank Thailand. Already, the extortionate ATM fee of 180 Baht from other Thai banks is a thing of the past for me. I was previously using Commonwealth in Australia, and DNB in Norway, both of whom charge heaps for everything. Last year I opened an account with citibank Australia They charge me nothing from the Australian end, and cash withdrawal is free at the Thai end when I use citibank ATMs.

  14. Every where is safe, you are not in a war zone, why not jump on the train and head for nong khai and enjoy the countryside views on the way up.

    Alternatively, why not jump on the train and head for Malaysia and enjoy the countryside views on the way down.

    Book at least a week ahead, or you may not get a seat. Departures daily at 14:15 from Hua Lamphong, and arrives in Butterworth the next day at about 1 pm.

    You can change a little money on the train at very fair rates. You only need some to get over to Penang on the ferry 1.40 Ringet ( = THB 14:00 ) There is a free bus to Komtar shopping centre and bus terminal. There you will find banks for withdrawal for any money you need.

    Buses in Penang charge 1:40 for most inner city trips, and if you don't want to wait for the free bus, the ferry port is actually at the bus terminal, named "Ferry". Many buses go through Komtar.

    Be warned, they don't give change, so it pays to always keep a few coins and 1 Ringet notes in the pocket.

    ... anyway .. North or South, .. safe journey!

  15. What brings a tourist?

    Suitcase hardshell B 10000

    Sunglasses 2 pair. B15000

    Camera. B15000

    Few brand name

    Shirts/ shorts. B20.000

    Watch(no rolex). B20.000

    Jewerly (no much). B80.000

    Phone. B25.000

    Tablet. B20.000

    Cosmetics. B10.000

    2 pair shoes. B15.000

    Total. B240.000

    That tourist is insane. $250 for a pair of sunglasses? $300 in cosmetics? Two thousand six hundred dollars in jewelry? Is he coming here for a Ray-Ban photo shoot with Zsa Zsa Gabor?

    No these prices are VERY realistic.

    I talk about brand name stuff not fake Chinese junk.

    Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met behulp van Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    "brand name stuff, not fake Chinese junk"

    You are obviously not aware of how much "brand name stuff" is made in China!


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