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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. Good to see the middle class and elite happy with another new toy!

    I'm sure the peasants are very thankful for his kind gesture!

    Odd that someone wouldn't like the idea of more bike lanes. You just can't win on this forum.

    I agree. So much tedious cynicism, I am logging on much less these days. I scan the headlines and delete.

    Pitty, because this could be a better place.

    For all that there is not an actual democracy in place at the moment. PM Prayuth's position is not exactly without support. Millions were begging him to step in when Thaksin's mugs were shooting up the place. He stopped it.

    For Heaven's sake, he has done heaps, and the bike lane project is another step in the right direction. There are very few cities in the USA with bike lanes, and virtually none with a public transport system as expansive and effective as that in Bangkok.

    Bike lanes? For the PM, it is "Damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't".

    To the cynics on TV., take a holiday from here, and go get a life.

    • Like 1
  2. Hmmm .. could we postulate that the Russians still coming to Thailand, are earning money here?

    .. when actually they shouldn't be?

    Whatever, Yingluk did say she wanted to attract a better class of tourist. I wouldn't be sorry to see the last of them. The only ones I've met here were arrogant *rseholes .

  3. I got a new 3rd-party battery for my Compaq Notebook at Pantip, then a 2 gig memory card from the same place. All sorted out whilst I went upstairs for lunch. Good people, very good prices. I will go to Pantip for everything. I have bought a lot there, including all sorts of adapters. They all want you to be a returning customer. Even had a guy from one computer shop walk with me to another shop that had what I was looking for.

  4. No, not just laptops, about everything in Thailand is overpriced by now!

    The prices for new, genuine brand-name items are pretty much the same wherever you go. The variation is mostly in the local taxes. For the best computer prices, oddly enough, is expensive little Norway. Stores often dump previous-model items at a fraction of their retail prices. And the online second-hand market is a gold mine.. especially just after Christmas. because so many what the latest of everything in IT. Super cheap laptops, with legitimate software, ... which is fine, as long as you can read Norwegian!! cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvY8zn8l


    I can coffee1.gif

    ... but it is tedious sometimes, especially when getting into the system to carry out maintenance.

  5. If these people really expect the world to respect the Thai monarchy, it is about time these same people learnt something about respecting the rest of the world.

    A pretense of ignorance would not get you off the hook in a case of lèse majesté in Thailand.

    This film, not just some pea-brain student project, but commissioned by the prime minister as a Thai Government educational film ??!!! "Thai Niyom (Thai Pride)" ... or Thai SHAME

    Nothing less than immediate withdrawal of this film, together with unmitigated apology will allow this case to rest.

    Prayuth Chan-ocha's teachings, known as the "Twelve Values."

    If Prayuth Chan-ocha has approved this film, he has seriously disqualified himself as an authority on education.

    There is a Thirteenth Value that needs to be added. Frame it how you will.


    In the meantime, a credible return to Democracy is needed - without further delay.

  6. An International court would throw the case out, simply because the prime "witness" is the Thai police force, which has totally discredited itself with the most heinous corruption demerits in Thai history, short of that which darkens Thaksin Shinawatra.

    Dare one imagine the money, which has changed hands from day one in this tragic case.

    Just look at those goons getting in on the photo opportunity. Pathetic.

    • Like 2
  7. Someone above mentioned something about it being a learnt behaviour, or words to the effect. True.

    Don't give in to him, but show him and others that his antics are not going to work with you. He's testing you. If your relationship with his mother is worth it, persist.

    You can not correct his mother or other members of the family, but you can explain that unless he treats you with respect, you will exclude him from your life, even if that means not going there. If they value your presence, perhaps the penny will drop, and they will take matters into hand. His correction needs to be their doing, until he learns a new way of being.

    Don't ever get ruffled, raise your voice, or demonstrate anger, That will only give satisfaction to the boy, and demonstrate your weakness. Be calm and quiet, and walk out if necessary.

    Demonstrate resolve. Be the Buddha.


    I have stayed away from one lady who's 7 year old kid is heavier than she is, from being stuffed with food by her, her estranged husband when he has custody, and of course her parents. From all the photos I have seen, he seems to lord it over everyone in that family. I'm not interested in taking it on.

    Others I have been close to have also children, (including the current lady) I adore and get on really well with all the children, boys and girls.

    I cringe in the presence of adults or older siblings who play the disciplinarian. THEY are the ones I would rather take a stick to. But of course, there attitudes are also learnt.

    I wish you well with your situation. Take it easy, and be kind to yourself and everyone.

    • Like 2
  8. Must be a slow day at the BIB head office that police generals are photo opp with a petty criminal....

    You wouldn't think it so petty if you had lost 500 Euro.

    When the Thai authorities get something wrong, you're always ready to mock them.

    Likewise ..

    When the Thai authorities get something right, you're always ready to mock them.

    coffee1.gif Boring

  9. I really worry about the intelligence of these people sometime.

    "I am not a dictator" .. he says, but his soldiers go to a school/university and tell the to cancel a seminar! ??

    Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha did well, as an army General, to stop the Red Shirt attacks earlier this year, and bring the place to order. But he is not the Prime minister that we need now. It is time for him to set a date for his departure from office, and allow democracy to take over. The world would look well upon such a move and thank him.

    In the mean time, can someone please give him a nudge and tell him that Thailand is not China, Bangkok is not Hong Kong?

  10. Now is it possible that the ''star'' of this cunning stunt is still here in Thailand or has this cunning stunt forced a move abroad along with perhaps a reluctance to return after his confession that the window dressing was excellent but in truth the character along with the stock was and is flawed?


    Cunning stunts or stunning c*nts, Whatever, Thailand has it all.


    (I'm sorry, spoonerisms are a feature of my speech in real life.)

    • Like 2
  11. as mentioned many times before by me: never ask WHY in Thailand....there a many miracles we never will get...

    btw the new motorbike i gave my wife two years ago for her BD was highly appreciated,same as the i-phone last year...

    may you should re-think about your gifts...

    gold is always a winner!

    "maybe you should re-think about your gifts.."

    Or you could think about regifting their expressions of affection.

    When she says "I love you", you accept it then re-gift the gesture to another woman.


    • Like 1
  12. Who breeds these people/animals? Throw them to the rats forever to show the youth of today this is NOT "This action is a typical case of youthful recklessness"

    ​If this becomes typical behavior we are shafted.

    Even if this man survives and recovers he will never feel the same I'm sure he will be looking over his shoulder in fear for the rest of his life.

    There are stories of bodies turning up daily and attacks like this one will destroy Thailand as a tourist destination.

    Make an example quickly!

    Good post. But please don't insult animals in characterizing these cretins. There's not a single species on this planet (other than some of us, apparently) that kills for sport or entertainment.

    "There's not a single species on this planet (other than some of us, apparently) that kills for sport or entertainment."

    Have you never seen a domestic cat, playing with a mouse before munching into it? Or killer whales tossing their captives around for ages .... They also have some fun before killing.




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