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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. This is not only about the abuse of the visa system but also about deterring illegal working and identifying criminal elements, particularly those peddling drugs.

    If you are a law abiding person then what is happening should hold no fears for you.

    This is only what happens in Western countries in any case.

    Slight deviation, but as do you mention "..what happens in Western countries .." In those Western counties, when one has a visa, such as a study or retirement visa, you have it, that's it, and you can get on with it. Only in Thailand does one have to report every 90 days, and hand over 1,900 Baht.

    • Like 1
  2. My email notification: "Danish woman robbed by Farang man in Chiang Mai"

    Why not "Farang woman robbed by European-looking man" ... or "Farang woman robbed by Farang man"?

    There are millions of "European-looking" men in Australia, the United States of America and England.

    Question: Who is writing these headlines?!

    Answer: Someone who needs education.

    What are you on about? The first impression I got from both the headline and e-mail notification was that a white woman got robbed by a white guy. Which is what happened. Made perfect sense to me. Being a little anal-retentive, are we?

    I guess you really must be English. England, where the anus as a point of reference, for so much, by so many.


  3. My email notification: "Danish woman robbed by Farang man in Chiang Mai"

    Why not "Farang woman robbed by European-looking man" ... or "Farang woman robbed by Farang man"?

    There are millions of "European-looking" men in Australia, the United States of America and England.

    Question: Who is writing these headlines?!

    Answer: Someone who needs education.

    Technicall, you are a grumpy sort. Of the worst ones needs to be said.

    Annoying parasite.


  4. My email notification: "Danish woman robbed by Farang man in Chiang Mai"

    Why not "Farang woman robbed by European-looking man" ... or "Farang woman robbed by Farang man"?

    There are millions of "European-looking" men in Australia, the United States of America and England.

    Question: Who is writing these headlines?!

    Answer: Someone who needs education.

    Last time i checked, England was in Europe!

    Denmark is also in Europe.

    The headline "Danish woman robbed by Farang man in Chiang Mai" is crap.

    The secondary headline "Danish woman robbed in Chiang Mai by European looking man" is also crap.

  5. Go in there and be a hero and bash the wifebeater see what happens

    He's a wife beater because he is a coward. Cowards are among the most dangerous of animals. Short of killing him, you would need to be so scary, so wild, so violent, cause him painful and lasting injuries, to impress on him that there is always a bigger fish. Then be prepared to move out.

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  6. They have been fingerprint scanning at Tokyo Narita Airport since 2007.

    Doesn't really add that much time, but then again, Thailand isn't as efficient as Japan.

    So it will probably add hours ! smile.png

    Nonsense. It takes but a few seconds. It takes less time than to take photographs, because more than half of the people have to be told to stand on the square, because they too stupid to read the signs. The thing that slows down ques are the STUPID people standing in them.

    • Like 1
  7. link to the other thread please?

    This is the discussion with the young American fellow, who has been abusing the 30 day entry, is not a tourist, is running an online business whilst his arse (ass if you're American) is parked here in the Kingdom,.. and not paying any tax. The topic was closed before I had a chance to tell him that I hope he get's caught and screwed,


    Thanks, haven't gotten round to reading it yet so don't know the specifics. I will say though that Thailand certainly doesn't make it easy for online entrepreneurs to work here. Even Thai startups now often register abroad. http://www.techinasia.com/successful-startup-settle-thailand-register-company/

    People should follow the law, but the law should not put insurmountable barriers up. Anyway, thanks again for the link!

    Hilarious, it looks like the laws in Thailand are designed to descourage innovation. Singapores gain I guess.

    Maybe this is why the list of technologican advances / innovations from Thailand isn't so long.

    Yes, ukrules, bound with the Thai students' inability to ask questions in class, in fact they're discouraged from interrupting with questions, the faculty of inquiry is seriously retarded. Inquiry is the substance of research! (Deep sigh ..) No Thai, to my knowledge, has ever even been nominated for a Nobel Prize, let alone win one. A Thai farmer's uni student daughter who had heard about the prize thought that her dad should win it. It took some time to explain to her that being "outstanding in your field" is not the same as standing out in your field. (Quoting myself from a previous thread.)

    • Like 1
  8. link to the other thread please?

    This is the discussion with the young American fellow, who has been abusing the 30 day entry, is not a tourist, is running an online business whilst his arse (ass if you're American) is parked here in the Kingdom,.. and not paying any tax. The topic was closed before I had a chance to tell him that I hope he get's caught and screwed,


    Thanks, haven't gotten round to reading it yet so don't know the specifics. I will say though that Thailand certainly doesn't make it easy for online entrepreneurs to work here. Even Thai startups now often register abroad. http://www.techinasia.com/successful-startup-settle-thailand-register-company/

    People should follow the law, but the law should not put insurmountable barriers up. Anyway, thanks again for the link!

    Yes I agree too about the insurmountable barriers. Coming up to 65 next month, and not currently hitched to a Thai partner, the Philippines are looking very attractive. A special Retirement visa, once only application, free to come and go, no restrictions on business/work interests, no 90 day reporting 1,900 บาท scam. The deposit in the bank prior to application is smaller than that required by Thailand, is required only once, and maybe used after 6 months. Here's the only regulation: it must be for use/investment, including purchase of property in the Philippines. In Thailand I am not allowed to buy land. Have to give the money to the Thai wife, so she owns it, and I reside as her guest without rights. Food for thought. ;-)

    If it were not for the mass abuse of the 15/30 day entry, and so many doing illegal work, no one would have even thought about including on-line activity as employment. This is the brainchild of officers/politicians/bureaucrats employed to address illegal activity, which has itself reached insurmountable proportions.

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  9. The black list threat seems pretty horrible if it's just based on their "opinion" about a person. I can see that in case of an arrest and evidence proven. Imagine if it happened to you and it wasn't true especially if you are settled with lots of property here. This kind of hard core tactic should be really troubling to ALL foreigners here, no matter how totally legit you think you are. You might think this isn't about you, but to immigration you're just another SUSPECT, and don't forget that.

    "... especially if you are settled with lots of property here... "

    Then presumably you will have the appropriate visa, and not be a 30day out/in runner.

    • Like 1
  10. link to the other thread please?

    This is the discussion with the young American fellow, who has been abusing the 30 day entry, is not a tourist, is running an online business whilst his arse (ass if you're American) is parked here in the Kingdom,.. and not paying any tax. The topic was closed before I had a chance to tell him that I hope he get's caught and screwed,


  11. First step. I think this country intends to keep squeezing and squeezing and squeezing until they force out most Westerners of whatever visa status. Both sides of the political debate want Westerners out. Anyone working here is seen as someone taking a Thai's money and job. And, as this policy shows, they can change the rules on a moment's notice. Retirement visa. Non-immigrant work visa? They could decide next week to kick everybody out of the country starting the next morning. And most Thais would probably celebrate.

    Absolute nonsenses. Yes, celebrate until they realize their source of income has just left the building and they have to go back to working in the rice fields and their m-bikes, cars, homes are repossessed and over priced land is worth F-all again. I hope that day comes soon. F-Thailand...I'm out!!! After 12 years...had enough!!! Singapore, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indo, PI? Anywhere but here. Also, cant wait for the real-estate bubble to burst in the "tourist areas". Loads of greedy c-nts will lose their ass(sets). LMAO!!! Should have invested in gold??? Over and Out!!!

    When are you leaving? I don't experience so much flatulence these days, since I gave up Western food, but I'm sure I could push one out to celebrate your departure.

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  12. One could suggest that they 'clamp down' on the theft of passports in Phuket, rather than tarring everyone with the same brush, but I suppose that would smack too much of hard work.

    Crap. Taking finger prints, or images of both index fingers as done by the Malaysians at the border crossing on the way to Butterworth, is a simple and efficient procedure. And a lot less of a nuisance than taking of shoes at UK airports, etc. In a previous thread about the Russian girl who was stopped, so many posters were getting stuck into the Thais about "racism" etc. As it turns out she has been working at a diving center for ages, tax free and without a work permit. There is so much abuse of every regulation by farang freeloaders, that crackdowns are needed and need to be enforced, period.

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  13. She's underestimated by a lot of people!

    She played suteps game and handled him quite well!

    Now she is giving abhisit every chance to find a solution which in means ok show us what you've got!

    No secrecy put in on the table and let's see if the thai people agree or not with your solutions and reforms!


    You've got the wrong end of the stick.

    The Shinawatras know their days are numbered.

    Kissing ass (or arse) is the new order, under the direction of big brother.

  14. I've been here 80 years. Fluent in Thai for 60 of those years. I've never once heard Thais slander farangs. Perhaps you're hanging around with whores and those educated to the age of 7 months?

    Ha ha ha ... Do you think they will do it within earshot of you?? cheesy.gif

    I have been the object of slander in my village, neither by a whore nor someone with the education of 7 months.

    But by someone who did so to camouflage their mistakes. But it is not only a Thai phenomenon.

    I have been the brunt of it in Norway too, because I was witness to some very bad actions by city council officials.

    They would sacrifice their own mothers, rather than come out, admit the error, and apologize. Rather, they went to huge lengths to discredit me. But it all came out in the press, and chief slanderer ended up with egg on his face, and his contract was not renewed.

    So much is made of Thais doing anything to save face, it is boring..

    Back to my village. On my own slander experience here, I was visited by members of an influential and respected family, who came to tell me:

    " We like you .. (my name), and we hope you will stay in .. (name of village)" This gesture also refutes the notion that Thais will always defend a Thai in a conflict involving a foreigner.

    Of course there are the TV regulars who make mob rule the order of the day, and stick it in the Thais.

    beer can in one hand, computer mouse in the other, yeah .. Go for it!

    80 years in Thailand! wow! So you lived through Japanese occupation? Did the Japanese have "90 day reporting" ??


  15. Driving on the left makes sense.

    Most people are right-handed. In a right-hand-drive car the controls (gear stick, hand brake, most of the switches) are on the driver's left. This means that the right hand (best hand) is always in control of the steering wheel, while the left hand is used for ancillary activities.

    However, in a left-hand-drive car it is easier to grab the gun out of the glove box, which is why driving on the right is more popular in some countries.wink.png

    ... especially the USA

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