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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. I'm using Citibank in Australia, which is linked to a Paypal account. The funds I withdraw when in Thailand are in THB, from the Citi ATM in BKK. But I am only using the funds that are in the bank account. I would move funds from the Paypal (if needed) to the bank first. From Citi to Citi, I have never experienced a fee being charged.

    Paypal have their own cards, don't they? But I remember being warned about using their credit card. Use their Debit card only. However, you can then circumvent your bank altogether, paying the 180 THB per cash withdrawal when using a Thai bank, plus whatever PP will charge. The exchange rates vary from bank to bank.

    Remember, banks are there to make money. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

  2. Leave the beer pretties alone!!! Thailand is slowly becoming a boring totalitarian communist rules only no fun place and I hate that!

    My vote goes to Leo


    " ... Thailand is slowly becoming a boring totalitarian communist rules only ... " Totally ludicrous comment.

    You hate it ? I'm happy with it.

    I take it you know the whereabouts of the airports, and the several land borders.

  3. While in Australia you have full and legal disclosure, on-line, as to the where about of all the speed


    .. which is counter productive.

    I am in favour of controlling speeds everywhere, and always have been.

    I happen to still be recovering from being knocked over, thrown over a barrier, landing on another road bellow, by a car that had lost control and left the road, slamming into me. This happened in September 2013.

    If you get booked for speeding, anywhere, .. then wear it. I hope it hurts. More to the point I hope you realise how stupid and selfish you are.


  4. During the 18+ years I lived in Norway, I'd often wished I had the power to arrest the spitting youth, and sentence them to a week in Singapore. Yes, there are many thoroughly decent young folk in Norway, but there are the spitters. So, ... their families to pay the return airfare, and the fines incurred in Singapore, including the cost to Singapore penal system for their incarceration. Because I recon that very few of them would get through the first 24 hours without being caught slagging on footpath somewhere. It would contribute to cleaning up Norway, if nothing else. But they would laugh at a fine of Bt2000. A couple of nights in the slammer, then to escort them to the airport for deportation would be more effective.

    However, I do commend the Thai authorities for taking this step, 100%

  5. If it were to be a capital offence, as it can be in China, there would be nowhere to dispose of all the bodies. Hmmm.. Alternatively .. YES !! A transplant hospital to rival the body parts business in China!!

    The money that fat Americans will cough up for kidneys, hearts, lungs, whatever ... wow ! And every second public official a donor. ... What a killing they could make! (Sorry)

  6. Thai talk is cheap. Let's see some actual busts of Tai big men, Thai bankers, and Thai business cronies. Let's see them cuffed, charged, indicted and arraigned and tried. Steep jail time handed out for those found guilty.

    Not to mention principals of preferred schools and universities.

    However, I expect there will be money urgently changing hands ... "Here's 10,000 Baht to forget you saw me."

    It's the old question: "Who will police the policemen?" .. and those who police the police, .. etc., ad infinitum.

  7. Thailand just doesn't get it - comments/suggestions/urging are not requests but, rather, a diplomatic

    way of demanding changes and, now, as opposed to later or never. The international word is " let them land, feed them,

    look for long term solution then and not let them wander the seas and, ultimately die".

    Thailand gets it all right ....

    Thailand is doing the right thing here. Provide food, water, fuel & medicine and send them on their way.

    If thailand accepted them and started providing housing, shelter food, assistance etc ....

    how do you think that would work with a Buddhist country already stretched to the brink with families getting less than $1 a day. ???

    Also, word gets out that thailand is taking them in then the flood gates would open .... you would not see 1,000's but 100's of thousand jump on boats.

    Many on TV just comment and don't know the facts about these people ... or the history ....they are not oriental Asian, they are Bengali migrants, they are muslims, they are muslim radical that dislike Buddhists & Christians.

    They are not welcome and I understand why.... unlike many misinformed TV posters here.

    Yes, here is the biggest problem, as you point out: " ....they are not oriental Asian, they are Bengali migrants, they are muslims, they are muslim radical that dislike Buddhists & Christians. "

    They are jihadist muslims, total bloody fruitcakes.

    Jihadism (jihadist movement, jihadi movement and variants) is used to refer to contemporary armed jihad in Islamic fundamentalism.

    Thailand has enough trouble already, spewing up from Malaysia.

  8. It is truly amazing that a government can not staff embassies throughout with people who have all been through the same training course, learning from a common date base, so that an application for any category of Thai Visa could be lodged at any Thai Consulate passport office.

    The current situation where everything is subject to the whims of individuals, each playing their own power game, (which of course is a mask for ignorance and laziness) is shamefully stupid.

    • Like 2
  9. Basically: 1 criminal is complaining about the other one. To bribe the police is ok as long as its not too much. The irony.

    I suggest you walk a mile in the shoes of the vendors, then see if you will come back with such a judgmental, pompous attitude. It's all very well to philosophise from the comfort of your financial status, hiding behind a computer screen. However, to be vulnerable to such corruption is another platform altogether.

    I applaud the store owners courage to speak up, and the courage of all the others to make a stand.

  10. Maybe this lady Colonel was just transferred from Phuket immigration rolleyes.gif?

    Sounds like the lady Colonel I encountered at Don Musng last year who told me the same rubbish.

    There are several posts on TV describing a similar situation to your friends. Some even mention the rather portly lady.

    Hmm .. comes to mind that the only time I've ever been questioned was by a female immigration officer, .. at Don Mueang. My passport and travel history were in order, it was not a Back to back entry, and I had no where near the 180 days per year, limit. But it was full of 60-day visas as well numerous 30 and 14 day entries. She didn't look closely at all, just flipped through the pages.

    Going back next time with a completely new passport.

  11. This I allready report 2 days ago in another topic!

    What I read is , that one of the possible ban of Thai air flights is that stuff did not learn any saefty rules what you have to do in case of emergency, and the controll organizations also found out , that some certificates of crew members are faked!

    Proberbly the also ban Thai , is that the always serve me cold menus during the last 2 flights!

    When I want change, I got ignored , with a smiling yes sir we change ,

    but the promised hot warm up menu never come !

    Copyright by sandman77

    "Copyright by sandman77" cheesy.gif

    What on Earth are you claiming copyright on .. ? Your inability to write?

  12. "Thai transportation officials doubt ... " Well so what!!

    I have been dumped in such a place by a passenger van, .. the driver simply stopped and said "Get out" ...

    I was travelling from Chon Buri To Victory Monument, and quite reasonably expected that we would be ending up at the usual van station area. But I was ordered to "Get out" in totally unfamiliar territory, with luggage, walking back to a freeway exit road, then down that, hugging the concrete wall, ... it was horrible.

  13. Well, unless you are qualified to run a farm, and have work permits to do so, you will just have to hand over loads of cash to set it up, then bankroll the employment of her extended family to do the actual work, because you are not allowed to.

    Then there is something about helping Thais with money. It's never enough, and they will immediately come back for more, or even ask for more before they've even been away and come back.

    I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

    Just as much money, if not more, in the hideous and illegal dog meat trade.

    The only outlay is a truck, a few cages and a catching device.

    "Animal husbandry" is not an issue. Barbeque a few locally to cover the fuel bills to the border.

    And you won't have to pay taxes, only a bit of cash to the local authorities to look the other way and lubricate your run to the border. There's big money waiting in China and Vietnam.

    Or tell her that you are really getting into Buddhism, and can not harm any animal, let alone eat one, or support a facility which allows other people to harm animals ... and eat them.

    Ohh dear .... (sorry) What a complex world this is.

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