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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. My goal is to minimize the steps from email to bed. It's not even about the sex, it's the challenge to see how fast and easy I can get it. There's some things in life I don't want to work or pay for...

    Sexual predators such as yourself deserve to be caught, castrated and deported.

    Your attitude and behavior creates resentment of foreigners in this country, and all of the associated consequences.

  2. It tells a lot about the girl who will tolerate that for the sake of being "supported" sad.png

    .. in that it shows the depth of her commitment, a measure of personal sacrifice, to support her parents, and possibly a child too. Until you have been in the position of millions of Thai women, for whom a better alternative is hopelessly remote, you should not pass judgement. Often the parents tell them to stay with the jerk for as long as the money is coming in.

    • Like 1
  3. What about registered or certified mail? I would expect that to be safer.

    That said, I've never lost anything. I live in a smallish town of 6000, and the post office staff know me, and the postman is my next door neighbour. I have received small parcels, a Visa card from Europe, and letters.

  4. ohhhh....I am so cornfused!

    so let me get this straight...50% per person really means 100% per person?

    biggrin.png Yep, Something like that. I've chucked in the towel with regard to ever marrying in Thailand. The laws, once you've signed up, can change according to the whims of the governing party, then misunderstood, manipulated, or simply ignored, according to the mood of regional officials. It's all a load of crap, due to monumentally bad governance.

    • Like 2
  5. I will demonstrate that I have pension when it begins June 2014. One should not have to show that the income has been coming for the 3 months as stated, but only that it is a fixed income, and is guaranteed for the future, and then never have to show it again.

    "An alternative is to show a regular pension or investment income of at least 65,000 baht a month, he said. Applicants must show proof of this income for the three months prior to submitting the application."

    Edited: Removed improper statement. Ubonjoe

  6. X-rays included, 350 Baht. A local dentist in Nakhon Sawan province. One session all done. Sweet'n simple. She also offered to replace an entire upper denture, slim titanium type, with about 10 teeth on it (to fill in the gaps) for approximately 5000 Baht. Bangkok is more expensive, but still a fraction of the West.

    I don't care where this wonderfully skilled and gentle Chinese-Thai lady was educated, she is one of the best dentists I've ever been to. Her clinic has modern facilities, and she is an expert anesthetist. I felt nothing.

  7. That's a good and positive story.

    However, considering the reasons for dog meat trade, particularly in SE Asia (i.e. there are a lot of people that like to eat dogs so there is money to be made),

    it would be the same as saying one will run 999 kilometers to convince people to rethink consuming beer.

    My point is: to tell someone (in SE Asia !!) who likes to eat dogs, to stop eating dogs, is like telling someone who likes to drink beer to stop drinking beer.

    They both love what they do/consume.

    "My point is ..." is way off the mark, and you could do well to research the business. The syndicates engaged the trade are running an illegal business, and are discretely supported by people in high places, including government members, simply because of the money to be made. The stolen dogs are mostly semi domesticated, well known dogs from neighborhoods all over the country. Some are actually household pets, snatched during well planned raids. The cruelty they are subjected to, would be more than you could stomach, I am sure. So please, this is not about you.

    • Like 2
  8. Apologies if this contravenes Thailand's or TV's laws (particularly in light of what you were told), but I know what I would be doing if some little perp were slapping/harassing my daughter; the wealth/status of said perp's family doesn't come into it.

    ... yes and make a public show of it. ... " as the boy is from wealthy family". Drag them into it, and threaten them, naming them, shaming them, everything. Let them know that their wealth does not provide their shit-for-brain son with impunity. Have you got photos of him? Use them.

    I did similar when I was robbed by two guys in my town. One was from a "respected family". The other a drop kick. The local cop was reluctant to take action against the connected one. But he called both in for questioning. A debate out the street had them agree to return the stolen money or I would press charges.

    I had the money returned within 24 hours. Generally the peaceful type, I also bailed up one of them out in the street, threatening to drop him on the spot, and let the entire neighborhood know, that stealing from me will result in swift and strong action.

    Admittedly I was emboldened by having a connected family or two watching my back too. But the immediate neighbours don't know that.

    • Like 1
  9. Seem very stupid that an ATM security code can only be four numbers.

    Yes I agree. A new account with a bank I opened in Melbourne Australia a few months ago, provided for a much longer pincode, of a length I could choose myself. So a hacker needs to know for a start how many digits I have used. Even so, I will rarely use this card at ATMs in Thailand, In stead I make a transfer online to an account with the Government Savings Bank, the hot pink mobile units. There are always staff in view of the ATM side of the van, and my local bloke knows me. The chances of anyone installing a fake overlay keypad or whatever, are pretty remote.


  10. This is NOT about the events of 2008, or 2010 for that matter. This is about today's protests, keep your posts related to that aspect.

    All things are connected. Comparison with previous events in Bangkok is entirely relevant.

    Tear gas related incidents, fine. We are not going to re-hash all the events of the 2008 or 2010 events though. And that's enough of this discussion.

    That's enough of this discussion? Then you should also advise Arkady another moderator, who has referred to the 2008 event. So is is this just you being bossy? Someone is out of order. It is either you or the other moderator. Get it sorted please before you wave the finger at TV contributors.

    Arkady said:

    "I wonder if the police are wiping the rust off those explosive tear gas grenades they used on the yellow shirts in the Parliament compound in 2008 resulting in one death and several lost limbs and eyes.. Since they were never able to find any traces of who had ordered them, they might want to use them again without risk of anyone being blamed for them."


  11. I knew the 15 day rule wouldn't last - they are losing too many tourists. More Thai ineptness ...

    I doubt they have lost many tourists at all. I have usually gone to Penang to get a 60 day visa for 1200 Baht, a few times when needing no more than the 30. From my place, the alternative was 2 death defying bus or van trips from Nakhon Sawan to Mae Sot for the piddling 15 days. The new rule now halves the risks.

    A minor tangent, but may be useful: Anyone considering that Nakhon Sawan border run, if you opt for the bus/coach, take note: They originate from other stations, and are invariably already full. The ticket sellers will still sell you a ticket. You may be lucky or more likely end up squashed several across on the most rear seat, which is more like a park bench with little upholstery, and hideously uncomfortable. The vans will have a seat, but on every single trip I have made to Mae Sot, we have had near misses and seen the aftermath of a serious accident, including the sad fatalities, still in the vehicles, which is very sobering indeed.

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