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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. On my way to school I'm starting to see more and more pairs of student "couples" from the school's normal program heading in the opposite direction of the school -- when they should be on their way TO school. One can only wonder where they're going.

    The school doesn't "educate" us farangs in dealing with this. So what am I to do? Is it my business to butt in and ask (without knowing how to speak Thai anyways)??

    Thai teachers, I'm pretty sure, ARE debriefed about this... But they do f--all when they encounter these situations, even though they are in a better position to respond.

    I could be saving lives too. Or just putting my nose in things.

    Re your "One can only wonder where they're going." No. "you" can only wonder etc etc ... You are a teacher? Stick to your timetable and mind your own business,... really.

  2. Tax avoidance is not a crime.


    But tax evasion is, and that's what is being alleged, despite the fact that tax avoidance was mentioned in the second report. I think the Australian authoritories understand the difference.

    And I hope he gets what he deserves. I have sat in on tax cases at the Magistrates Court in Melbourne, and seen huge penalties dished out for amounts of just a few thousand dollars. It would be a serious injustice to the entire community if he does not get a penalty, including prison sentence, commensurate with the scale of his crime.

  3. Only read the article and then the first handful of typically banal responses, so it may have come out further down the thread, but if the ex boyfriends ID is revealed and published, so should that of the "foreign man", ... the shit-for-brains farang assaulting the girl. Non-consensual groping, by the way, is sexual assault. And that is for the girl to say or not, given the chance. However, in fairness to the ex boyfriend, the groper's ID should be published with mug shot for all 'back home' to see. ... with a demerit on his visa, for future reference.

  4. The girlfriend is a prime example she has a salary of 20,000Baht a month. The 12,000 I have being giving her is now not enough. She cannot pay her bank loan, because she does not take it from the 12,000Baht. She did not pay her electric bill 1,700 Baht, they took the meter. She yelled at me for not reminding her when the bill normally came and complains she has to go town to pay it 30 kms. oh! but now she can pay by bank transfer. And are you going to pay for this and this also. Plus the normal things I buy every month another few thousand Baht.

    The 12,000 that I give her would pay all her bills every month if she took that money and paid them instead of just throwing it in her purse and then having nothing at the end of the month. She thinks money is love and who will give her more is giving her love. So she wants a man now with unlimited income to come and support her.... any offers out there....

    cheesy.gif ..... sorry, but no thanks. I've already had a brief encounter with one of those. Already with 30,000 takings from her hairdressing, she insisted that if we marry and live in the house her father built for her, I should simply give her 20,000 a month, no questions asked. She was paying down a new Toyota ... and ..(need I say any more).

    Spend fast, drive fast, and shop for idiot farang at similar speed.

  5. How many Thai guys have a wife and a 2nd wife? Does this survey also include the girlfriends and wives who work in the bars for hubbies whisky and gambling money?

    New Zealand women have the most sexual partners in the world, according to a global sex survey.

    They have an average of 20.4 sexual partners, according to a survey by condom-maker Durex - well above the global average of 7.3.

    The men actually have more, it's just that sheep can't talk.

  6. PM ( Puppet Minister ) says: ""Thailand would have a much better future if corruption, its biggest threat, is rooted out,"

    If she were the real thing, she would say: ""Thailand would have a much better future if corruption, its biggest threat, is rooted out, and my ex-brother locked out. If he somehow returns then he will be locked up in solitary confinement."

  7. Mission accomplished - it was easy, except for the terrifying speeds and wild driving, both there and back.

    That said, the minibus leaves Nakhon Sawan bus station at 06:30, and costs 200 Baht each way.

    Oddly, the final stop at Mae Sot was not the main bus station, but the far corner of a market street. There was a van station there, and an assortment of shuttle options to the border post. Returning from the border, I had a motor bike taxi for 50 Baht to the main bus station, and was back on the highway by 3pm.

    If I need to go there again, I will stay a night or two on the Burmese side, see a bit and meet a few people, and so I can be at the check-point at opening time. I was not comfortable being ushered to the front of the line because I am farang. I do not see myself as superior to the others who had been queueing in the sun for a long time.

    (suggestions in the thread of taking US dollars etc as bribes, would have been highly inappropriate)


  8. Thanks everyone - I will be going to the Thai consulate in Penang for the Tourist Visa after first getting the 15 day stamp, hopefully at Mae Sot.

    (I have additional reasons for visiting Penang. Missing out on the train booking is a lesson for the future, because I'll be going there regularly.)

    1. My specific question was for advice on getting to a checkpoint for the 500 Baht out & back in. > from Nakhon Sawan. So, it looks like a bus to Tak, then another to Mae Sot, if it is not actually the same one all the way through from Nakhon Sawan. (I'll take the bicycle lock just in case that option presents - thanks MCR2k1

    2. lopburi3 - hmm .. how does the 1000 Baht per entry work out with the 500 Baht out&in? It didn't cost me anything at the airport for the 30 day stamp. Are we talking about different things here? But you seem to know for sure that there is no longer a 60 day free tourist visa.

    Nakhon Sawan, wow .. what an ugly sprawl. Just getting from the railway station across town to the bus station is ordeal enough, which I haven't managed yet.

    I will set off tomorrow - First leg of the journey: train from Takhli to Nakhon Sawan.

    (Will next year probably go for a Non-immigrant O, but that's a way off yet - just need the 15 day stamp now, or I'm dead at midnight of the 25th.)

  9. Hi - well I though I'd be okay booking a few days in advance, a ticket on the train to Butterworth, to get me over the border by the 25th of this month, but when I checked at the railway station in Chong Khae (an hour South of Nakhon Sawan city) they looked for a seat and absolutely nothing available.

    I was advised by a friend to get over to Burma, from Nakhon Sawan, but he wasn't 100% sure about the buses going from there.

    1. Can anyone tell me if there is a bus going to Burma from Nakhon Sawan city?

    2. .. the price of the bus trip?

    3. Are there bus booking problems?

    4. I believe it costs 500 Baht to enter Burma, then re entry to Thailand is free. True?

    5. My 30 day stamp expires 25th.


    I can not afford overstays, and want to keep my visa history clean.

    I can not afford flights at the moment. The need now is to get that 15 days extra, then book the train.

    (Plan is to get the 60 day free tourist visa)

    All help greatly appreciated.

    Thanks ..

  10. After being away for several months, I have just arrived back to my village in Nakhon Sawan. I am astounded at how bad the air is here, and yes, everyone is burning off. Picking up from some posts above ... I amazed at how ...

    F***ING STUPID they are. If not burning off piles of mango leaves, whatever, the neighbours are firing up in the morning, to smoke some sort of food I guess. From my balcony, there he was, actually trying to create smoke! ... so I had to bring in my washing, and close the doors and windows on that side. Only possible upstairs. My ground floor work room just sucks it all in through the 'ventilation' grooves. There is nothing worth breathing between Nakhon Sawan and Bkk. Cripes it must be bad up there in the North. .. as for the fierlds, yes burning burning burning, crops stubs as well as buring heaps of rubbish. No wonder these country fools accept the bullshit of Shinawatra.

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