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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. Great story. Good work to all involved and especialy to the brave young girl to escape and inform the police. Great work Thai police !!! Keep it up and let's save more innocent children.

    Yep, and will be an even better story when the kidnappers are locked up, which is a tall order of course. It involves the scouts and kidnappers in Malaysia, the handlers in Thailand, and the king pin. ... and whoever helped lubricate the entry to Thailand. Many players in this for sure.

    The "king pin" could be a queen pin, like that bitch exposed in the excellent CNN feature on slave labour shown last summer. My god, was she a piece of work. F****** bitch.

    • Like 2
  2. well, in all honesty, this is the best solution of the millions of soi dogs

    Well in all honesty, if I tell you exactly how ignorant that sounds, and/or stupid you are, my post will be deleted.

    But consider this: A dog, whether wild, privately "owned", or living as a resident street dog with regular food source (and name), is captured, stuffed in a wire crate with several others with no room to move, if not sophocated along the way, faces a brutal beating, alive, to torture it prior to skinning, still alive, and left to hang with a meat hook through it's face, and then gutted, often while still in shock and breathing, .. to be finally butchered for cooking. The entire torture process, which is done to make it "taste better", can take anything from two hours for the lucky ones to a day or more.

    You think this is the "best solution" .. ? You perhaps deserve the same.

    • Like 2
  3. Actually first and business class passengers do pay for fast track - it forms part of the ticket price. The airline pays the Thai Government. And I think it highly unlikely that the airlines will allow the Thais to do away with fast track on a whim, even if it's just at peak times. And to those who want equal treatment for all, well life just isn't like that. Especially in Thailand. I don't pay for a business class ticket because I want a bigger seat and better food - I pay because I don't want to check in with sex tourists, I don't want to sit crammed in with dozens of fat farangs with their ugly Thai wives and I don't want to stand in an immigration queue with fat bastards in flip flops and wife-beaters. I have never waited more than five minutes at immigration in or out and I doubt that will change. And for the idiot who thinks that you should dress up to avoid the touts when you do arrive - what???? Not everyone wants to sit in a public taxi, I actually prefer to pay for a limo.

    I feel for you my Prince, it is hard to walk amongst the common folk.

    Yes it is "hard to walk amongst the common folk", especially when they are the ".. sex tourists, ... fat farangs with their ugly Thai wives ... fat bastards in flip flops and wife-beaters." as he points out. But of course chooka, if you are one of them, you wouldn't understand the discomfort us others feel. Never mind. However, the discomfort includes embarrassment, as these shit-bags are highly visible everywhere, giving foreigners over all a bad image. Is it any wonder the government don't want us to own land or whatever ...

  4. The thought of Thai sailors running around under water in deep sea Submarines doesn't bear thinking about. Wouldn't be long before there was a catastrophic accident or a major diplomatic incident. Best for them to order a few more rowing boats for the next floods.

    "a few more rowing boats for the next floods" .. yes, and not far off my own thoughts, seriously, of a fleet of army ducks, equipped to ferry shipping containers across flooded sections of highways to the industry parks, to keep the factories in operation. This was one of the biggest problems. Yes, there were many flooded factories, but there were several which were simply isolated and closed because the supply chain was broken, with containers stacking up on the wharves costing millions in storage, on top of the massively expensive down-time.

  5. ".... because I don't want to check in with sex tourists, I don't want to sit crammed in with dozens of fat farangs with their ugly Thai wives and I don't want to stand in an immigration queue with fat bastards in flip flops and wife-beaters...."

    So you have noticed too? clap2.gif

    Just wish I could afford to pay extra, for exactly the same reasons.

    It's bad enough having to stand in line with some of the scumbags at the Thai Consulate in Penang.

    • Like 1
  6. So does it mean there wont be any more fast track for Biz and 1st class passenger during rush hours ? but all planes from Europe usually arrived at the same period of time from 6 to 7am .... so , you pay your ticket more than double and you have to queue like anyone else ? how nice is that ..... Now they ask us to arrive earlier to avoid missing flight ... what about arriving one day in advance , stay at Novotel airport hotel..will be be enough time ? This is crazy ...

    "so , you pay your ticket more than double ... for Biz and 1st class" That is mostly for on board luxuries. Amongst the very comfortably rich who can afford such indulgences, are also drug dealers and other criminals. So they need to be thorough at security, regardless of how much money you have to burn. It's like when you die, you can't take your money with you, so it is when you go "air side", I want you and everyone else, including airline and airport officials, to be subjected to the same level of scrutiny. It's just the way in needs to be now. So it's best we all budget for the realities of air travel.

  7. There certainly is a possible motive to investigate. In Norway one pays tax not only on income, but on property/assets owned anywhere in the world. To have the houses owned by a Thai spouse/girlfriend has the advantage of avoiding this tax, which would be considerable for a greedy bastard like Dokset. Not only the property tax will he avoid, but any income derived from those properties. Black money all the way. The only disadvantage is if the spouse/in laws decide to get rid of the farang husband, because he owns nothing. But by killing her and disposing of her body, she has simply 'disappeared' .. "Ohh I hope she is alright and comes back soon." .. he can go on collecting rent on his little property empire. Throw a few pellets to the chickens (in laws) to keep them happy, and everything will be ok ... until the body of the murder victim shows up.

    He is not the only Norwegian playing this property game. They get a Thai wife and use her. One I have had the unpleasant occasion to meet, treats his wife like sh*t, talking down to her, ordering her around like a faceless house maid. He actually said: "She behaves herself because I throw a bit of money at the in laws. It doesn't have to be much, just enough." I'm guessing Dokset's girlfriend was misbehaving.

    (That said, there are of course many happily married Norwegian/Thai couples, and whilst some Norwegians with Asian au pairs treat them kindly, others with superiority complexes, are arrogant, racist pigs.)

    Is this "greedy bastard" stuff coming from personal experience having met him?

    biggrin.png Are you some sort of apologist for his "business" dealings?

    If you know where and how to look, you can see for yourself, precisely what he has failed to declare. Anyway, there is at least one fraud case in progress, so ....

    • Like 1
  8. There certainly is a possible motive to investigate. In Norway one pays tax not only on income, but on property/assets owned anywhere in the world. To have the houses owned by a Thai spouse/girlfriend has the advantage of avoiding this tax, which would be considerable for a greedy bastard like Dokset. Not only the property tax will he avoid, but any income derived from those properties. Black money all the way. The only disadvantage is if the spouse/in laws decide to get rid of the farang husband, because he owns nothing. But by killing her and disposing of her body, she has simply 'disappeared' .. "Ohh I hope she is alright and comes back soon." .. he can go on collecting rent on his little property empire. Throw a few pellets to the chickens (in laws) to keep them happy, and everything will be ok ... until the body of the murder victim shows up.

    He is not the only Norwegian playing this property game. They get a Thai wife and use her. One I have had the unpleasant occasion to meet, treats his wife like sh*t, talking down to her, ordering her around like a faceless house maid. He actually said: "She behaves herself because I throw a bit of money at the in laws. It doesn't have to be much, just enough." I'm guessing Dokset's girlfriend was misbehaving.

    (That said, there are of course many happily married Norwegian/Thai couples, and whilst some Norwegians with Asian au pairs treat them kindly, others with superiority complexes, are arrogant, racist pigs.)

  9. I hope the police/courts make an example of these poachers that might deter a future sensless killing of wild elephants.

    You can be sure they will show case it, as DAMAGE CONTROL !!

    Nab a couple as fall guys and then pretend that it is all under control, whilst there is undeniable corruption in very poweful places where a lot of money is being made, not so much on the ivory market, but very BIG money changing hands for young elephants for the entertainment of dumb tourists.


    The slaughter of family groups of elephants in Thailand and neighbouring countries is being funded by tourists. Not until there is global awareness, outrage expressed, and elephant entertainment boycotted, will this stop. I am closely connected to those "on the ground".

    Relative to demand, there is a shortage of elephant calves born in captivity, for use in the various tourist entertainment activities. For those available, the treatment is horrid enough, with brutalisation - to break their spirits - but to slaughter a family group simply to get their filthy hands on the calf is what most of the poaching is about. Ivory is just a bonus, and official statements about ivory are a decoy, a distraction from the bigger issue.

    Just where is the proof to this story that tourist dollars are supporting the killing of herds for calves. The elephant parks I personally know of have a very successful breeding program with a new calve birthed just 7 days ago at one of the parks. This story you are helping spread around is just negative propaganda that does not help the problem of domesticated elephants in Thailand. Get your facts right my friend. Don't follow the ban of critics that are all acting like sheep. Have you ever been to these elephant camps and seen for yourself what an important role they play in helping the elephants.

    You can read this if you dare. ... Acting like sheep are we?

  10. It is a big difference to watch Hogan's Heroes at home than running around with an Adolf Kitty printed on your shirt.

    Over the last 15 odd years, I have seen some of the weirdest stuff printed on Thai's shirts. From a very dark-skinned lass wearing a White Power slogan to a reprint of a Hallmark Sympathy Card - In Deepest Sympathy followed by a truly awful poem. None of then realise how truly inappropriate their shirt is, or intend any offense.

    I treat it with amusement.

    So do I Mick.

    Hung outside a ladies clothes shop on the main street through a small town near where we are, there was a ladies shirt with the words" People Are Sh*T" ( not edited ) across the front in big letters.

    All very innocent really.

    As you all know, at any major crossing with traffic lights, there will be vendors of those garlands to hang from your mirror; my favourite incident was the pretty young teenager selling these protective religious symbols while wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the message "I fuc_ked your boyfriend"

    Maybe Thais do have a sense of irony or maybe she didn't understand what it said

    Lucky boyfriend ... LOL licklips.gif

  11. Doesn't matter where you are in Thailand... They don't f*****g like us!!! End of!!

    You don't know what you are talking about. Or it's just you and your kind they don't like!

    What is our kind? Enlighten me...

    I doubt if enlightenment will come your way for a while, but I hope it does, because at the moment you present as an angry undesirable.

    "They don't f*****g like us" is understandably your view of things. I don't like you either, at the moment. .. or at least the pulsating, steaming red face. However, for those who are in Thailand to exploit and give back nothing, .. who see it as a saga about "them and us", .. who want everything like it is in the tourist brochures, and with a system just like it is back home, except for a fifth of the price, who expect the Thais to accommodate your fantasies, no questions asked, well, I guess you are going to run into a few problems. I'm not saying that all about you, but give it a thought.

    I spend most of my "In Thailand days" 150+ km North of Bangkok, and get alone just fine with my townsfolk. There are no tourists and I like it, and I've yet to be confronted with anything resembling resentment for my presence or how I fit in there. I do sometimes walk out late at night, to talk to and feed a few street dogs. I have never felt threatened in Bkk, but then I don't frequent the bar and disco scene.

    To the story of the original post, if indeed she did go out alone at that time in that place, dressed like a slut, and demanding, in English, directions or whatever, she's a fool. Or else the whole thing is a load of crap, and was created as a preamble for an insurance claim.

    Take care, lighten up and you'll be ok.

    • Like 1
  12. So far we have:

    1. A claim by one person, the victim of the alleged crime.
    2. A dubious excuse as to why her boyfirend wasn't with her
    3. No eye witnesses. and nothing from the hospital .. or do we.
    4. A pumped up reputation of how bad ladyboys are. (the lynch mob mood easily provoked)
    5. Missing iPhone, camera and a gold ring. (short of cash maybe?)

    It all sounds very well scripted.

    Question: Who wouldn't immediately feel sympathy for a pregnant girl, versus a mob of ladyboys, those people you love to hate.

    Answer: Me

    But wow !! What a grabber of a headline!

    This ring a bell?

  13. Yea, the botched "criminal" acts (it was not terrorism) had no affect on tourism; nor did the Lebonese with a shop-house full of explosives; nor did the floods; nor the red-shirt demonstrations; nor the yellow-shirt demonstrations and airport closures; nor the coup; nor the international financial meltdown; etc. Nothing affects Thai tourism; just ask TAT. After all, they are paid to increase tourism, and so that's what the numbers show they are doing. Any questions?

    Oh... and too bad about the Russian Tour Company and Aussie Airline going bankrupt and stranding hundreds; just isolated bad management in TAT's days of wine and roses.

    Yes, but all said and done, such is the power of pure hedonism, whether sex tourists, or naive elephant-riders, non-caring about the history of suffering of their mounts, they will have their cheap thrills.and fairy tale holidays. We can all assume that in most capital cities around the World, their will be a bunch of terrorist loonies and a stash of weapons hidden somewhere. It is pretty much a given. Is this going to stop people going to the Olympic Games in London this year? We have all learnt to factor in the risk, along with other hazards. I still feel more at risk on the roads of Thailand, than being in the wrong place at the wrong time in a city the size of Bangkok.

    1. is being done for that tourist dollar, and it is just a taste.
    2. In numerous cases, those "poor farmers field" are ilegally encoaching on elephant habitat.
    3. What I do, and who I am in contact with, for security reasons, is not up for discussion. But clearly, I'm more aware of what's going on than you are.

    I agree that the camps are for-profit business ventures, but I argue that without the camps many of the elephants woulud not have a place to live. And many of the owners of the larger camps are committed to the long term welfare of the resident elephant population and invest significant funds towards that goal.

    The farmers are indeed expanding their fields as the Kingdom expands it all weather road network into the hills. This is no different than any other nation on earth that has seen its population expand. Care to find wild bears in Europe of buffalo herds in North America? Thailand does have some wildlife sanctuaries, probably not enough, and certainly not enough to hold the resident pachyderm population. Therefore, I argue that the tourist elephant camps are one part of the solution. They are not a perfect solution, but there is no perfect solution for the elephants unless we start culling people as well.

    And grasshopper, I have been involved with elephants in Thailand for 25 years. I have owned elephants in Thailand and I have met most of the major players. You know nothing and your feigned need for "security" only empasizes that you are but mere bluster.

    You have owned elephants in Thailand and you have met most of the major players, but you know nothing about

    You have a vested interest in denial .. Mr Elephant Owner?

    However, no doubt you have heard of the WFFT? .. and the DNP harassment and confiscation of animals in their care, as punishment, because they blew the whistle on what was happening with wild elephants? ... the slaughter of adults and taking of calves for tourist activities? ...

    More about it here.

    As to "You know nothing ..." Excuse me? The whole world has now seen what you are pretending is not happening. Are you for real?!

    The need for security is by no means feigned. Individuals are being harassed with cooked up visa issues, and threatened with worse. This being the "Thai Visa forum" .. I trust this will not be considered "off topic".

    (The mentioned "individuals" are personal contacts of mine.)

  14. The slaughter of family groups of elephants in Thailand and neighbouring countries is being funded by tourists. Not until there is global awareness, outrage expressed, and elephant entertainment boycotted, will this stop. I am closely connected to those "on the ground".

    And pray tell, without the tourist dollar, where would the elephants in the camps go? There is no longer much in the way of open forest habitat where they could live and graze without trampling upon some poor farmers field. There is no longer any work in logging. And in the larger camps up in Mae Sa and up the Mae Tamam, the breeding programs are quite successful and the resident herds are self-sustaining in population. So just what exactly is the problem with tourists providing funding to feed and care for animals that would otherwise not be allowed to forage in the wild? I can undertand your concern about protecting the wild herds in the national parks. But the elphants in the major camps up north depend on the tourist dollar. And just what does it mean that you are "closely connected to those on the ground"? I have known several of the owners of some major elephant camps for decades and some of them are well grounded people indeed.

    1. is being done for that tourist dollar, and it is just a taste.
    2. In numerous cases, those "poor farmers field" are ilegally encoaching on elephant habitat.
    3. What I do, and who I am in contact with, for security reasons, is not up for discussion. But clearly, I'm more aware of what's going on than you are.

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