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Posts posted by Norcan

  1. Unfortunately the recent Red Shirt protest is just the beginning. We can exect to see an underground movement rise from the ashes of Bangkok. Thailand is a very poor country where millions have no future. The only hope for many families is to pimp out their illiterate daughters and sons to filthy old men from Europe. Thailand will probably never be the same now.

    Let's not forget the ones pimped out to filthy old Thai men too. There are far more young ladies 'servicing' that market than the filthy European market.

  2. What has he been doing since he seized power?

    Giving more free education to monkeys who not care to be sent to school by there braindead parents from CM-CR etc

    The rest of the time he has been defending the country from low-life crap as that you are.

    that's for a lot of us enough for now, he has brought more good to uor country as any red-scum will ever do or have done.

    What did you bring, violence and destruction, well done moron

    What did you bring, Their is no need for uneducated abuse that incites violence.

    I read it and found it mildy abusive, but oddly enough I didn't feel like rushing out with a bottle of petrol and buring down a huge shoping mall. Maybe there's something wrong with me.

  3. What has he been doing since he seized power?

    Seized power? Yet another that needs to engage the grey matter before engaging fingers.

    It must be marvellous to be always correct,cyd, the Thais should make you PM then there would be no need for elections,"oh sorry" i

    forgot, the Thais prefare to use the army to gain power.

    At least he gets his own THREE LETTER name right. Keep trying son, you'll get there.

  4. Yes the salient point being that Toxin and his ilk are indeed at the top echelons of said wealthy elite

    They are nowhere near.

    However for right or for wrong he has now given the rural masses a sense of enfranchisement.

    But he had nothing to do with it..! He said so on his Twitter and through his excellent lawyer, therefore he must be telling the truth.

    so you're basically saying that one can 'buy' the truth via twitter and expensive lawyer's mouth???

    Look up "sarcasm" and "irony" in the dictionary.

  5. All credit to PM Abhisit,he has brought some semblance of peace to Thailand

    His refusal to call elections and his decision to bring troops into central Bangkok to confront peaceful demonstrators caused the many needless deaths and pushed Thailand into a crisis, one from which it may never recover.

    We cannot blame him alone though, we must look to his deputy Suthep for his part in this and to those shadowy characters manipulating events behind the scenes.

    Apart from the elections he proposed on November 14th? Didn't fit in with everyone's (someone's) plans, did it?

  6. Really? I don't think any supports the PM's actions at all. The PM's and his yellow followers are not Buddhist at all but are killers of Freedom. If this Junta government stays power they will need to change the name of the country to something other than Thailand because it will not be a free country.

    And if the peaceful Red's keep burning schools within their own provinces (three NE schools as reported in the Nation just now) the country will never be educated enough to be free.

    I suppose in your orbit, burning schools down is a nice quant Buddhist activity?

  7. Anyone else hearing there are people on the platform and the tracks at BTS Chitlom?

    Just spoke to my Mrs. who is station supervisor at BTS National Stadium.

    Red Shirts have entered Chidlom, Siam and Rajadamri stations and are in the control rooms there. They forced the supervisors to leave.

    There are no BTS staff at those three stations now, only protesters.

    I thought there was an army in those areas?They obviously do a good job protecting strategic points.

    It get's worse.

    The "Plan" (if you can call it such a thing) is for when the protesters decide to flee, they (the military) will leave Rama 1 open and let them flee up past MBK and National Stadium. This is what the Mrs. is REALLY scared of, because obviously a number of the fleeing protesters will want to get up the stairs and into the relative safety of the BTS station at National Stadium.

    When I said to her "well surely the army will protect the stairs somehow, razor wire, sandbags, anything basically to stop anyone leaving the 'funnel' they want to create down on Rama 1?"

    Mrs reply: "I asked the army that who are stationed there and they said no, it's not their responsibility".

    I f_cking despair sometimes. She has been coming home shaking like a leaf; petrified.

    She's just sent me a text: The army can't guarantee her safety once she leaves the confines of the station (fair enough I suppose), so she is sleeping on the floor inside the station...AGAIN!

    I know there are many arguments going on here, and I don't really care who is EXACTLY right or EXACTLY wrong, I am f_cking sick of reading all about it. All I know is what this is doing to my own loved one.

  8. Anyone else hearing there are people on the platform and the tracks at BTS Chitlom?

    Just spoke to my Mrs. who is station supervisor at BTS National Stadium.

    Red Shirts have entered Chidlom, Siam and Rajadamri stations and are in the control rooms there. They forced the supervisors to leave.

    There are no BTS staff at those three stations now, only protesters.

  9. Red in Thailand is the National color and does not stand for commis you dufass.

    Red is the color for the English so do you call them commis too.

    God help me

    Good afternoon Shitforbrains,

    I am Welsh. Red is our colour. England play in predominantly white.

    Original shirt colors: white and red

    Alternate shirt colors: red and whitehttp://www.infofootballonline.com/national_teams/england.htm

    Thanks for confirming what I said. PREDOMINANTLY white. Any other stupid comments?

  10. Reds will win.

    It might be in one week or 1 year or 3 years but they will win.

    People who do not run when shot at are highly motivated. The Reds

    Since most in the military are Reds, it is only a matter of time before the entire government regime collapses.

    Bye Bye old way and hello new.

    Reds will win let me see ...

    In China the reds won and 100 million plus got slaughtered ... and the economy took 40 years to recover.

    In Cambodia the reds won and a quarter of the population got slaughtered ... and the economy is just now recovering.

    In Laos the reds won and a lot of people died and the economy hasn't recovered yet.

    In Vietnam the reds won and a lot of people died. Massive famines. And the economy has only just recovered.

    Why should we be so happy with a red win? It is obvious the red leadership is of the same stock as those of the aformentioned countries ..... hel_l the were educated in Hanoi during the Vietnam war!


    Red in Thailand is the National color and does not stand for commis you dufass.

    Red is the color for the English so do you call them commis too.

    God help me

    Good afternoon Shitforbrains,

    I am Welsh. Red is our colour. England play in predominantly white.

  11. Civilised nations do not shoot protesters!!

    I understand the pros and cons. But do not shoot protesters. You're going back into the dark ages.

    Many (probably most) army people in BKK puke at the thought of what they are being asked to do.

    Do you honestly think the Redshirts are being overly violent ??? There were a 100,000 of these people not so long ago. Think of the mayhem they could have caused. They didn't !!!

    Sure if the army shoot real bullets into you, you are going to be pretty angry.

    Vested interests don't care a toss.


    The "real" protesters (if you can call them that) have every chance to distance themselves from the hardcore, and you well know that!

    If they choose to mix with the hardcore, and get caught up in something, well...som nam na

  12. For what it's worth, the missus has just finished her shift as Station Supervisor at BTS National Stadium and was in a right dilemma about whether to lock herself in or clear out.

    Chatted with the military there and they told her to get out via taxi as they expect a push at 3:00am.

    I can't prove it, so don't ask for a 'source please'.

    The station is full of army, as is National Stadium itself.

  13. "Mrs. Norcan"? Would that be the wife of "Norcan" (you) who has 6 anonymous posts on this forum? I asked for a credible source, not for someone signing up for a new forum username and posting more rumors.

    You need to open your mind sir.

    I have lived here 7 years and operate a business that is being badly affected by Fort Redneck, yet not once have I complained, bitched or moaned as there is simply nothing I can do about it. In fact, part of me feels privileged to be witnessing this political drama.

    I am sorry you think my wife is a liar, and I forgive you for thinking that as you are entitled to your opinion.

    I just wanted to help with the incessant arguing on here and hopefully provide something other than conjecture and rumour.

    I am also sorry I don't have as many posts on here that you obviously feel are necessary to be useful for this discussion.

  14. "Thai Red Shirts accept roadmap but refuse to go home "

    Q. I wonder why they don't want to go home?

    A. They have a better standard of living in Bangkok than on their farms

    If they return home now they may have to work for a living instead of living off Thaksins handouts

    They know it is rice planting season and that is hard work


    I don't think that they are being allowed to go home until the red leaders say so. They first need to get back their ID cards and probably the money that they earned from taking part in the protest.

    Cheers, Rick

    Stop talking trash. Nobody has to give up their ID cards. A few weeks ago they started making their own "red shirt ID cards" to help identify them when they enter/leave the protest sites. Nobody is being held hostage in there, everybody is free to leave and join.

    Sorry, but I have to shatter your delusions.

    Mrs Norcan is a station supervisor with the BTS. She regularly works nights at one of the stations that are within Fort Redneck. At midnight, the BTS staff padlock the shutter from the inside, which is about 30 seconds before a Red comes up and locks the staff in from the OUTSIDE. How's that for peace and harmony for starters?

    However, some of the older, more gentle, country folk (read: old ladies) pop upstairs to the BTS and offer the staff food and drinks, because they know they are being held hostage every evening. Mrs N. recently asked one of the old ladies "why don't you go home? Don't you realise how dangerous this could be for you?" The little old ladies reply ---> "I want to go home. I was only told I had to come here for 3 days and I have only been paid for 3 days. But now they will not allow us to leave."

    This is not rumour, conjecture or gossip...it is fact!

    I trust this source is credible enough for you.

  15. Mrs Norcan is a BTS station supervisor and was working the night shift last Wednesday/Thursday at Ratchadamri station.

    She prayed for half an hour before going to work that nothing would happen on her shift and said that the older women country folk under the station are constantly sending food and drinks up to the staff of the BTS to make sure they are ok.

    I asked: "Why don't these old ladies go home? Don't they realise how dangerous it is?"

    Her reply: "I asked them that too and they told me they were only paid for 3 days to be there but now they are not allowed to leave".

    Maybe this will help with some of the arguing on here as to why old ladies and children are still part of the protest.

    Peace to all.

  16. The Red Shirts had already proved their point by turning up in large drove, they have in fact acheived the victory they desires. So Red Shirts, you've won. Please go home now.

    Excuse me? What are you on about? They projected a million. They peaked at 100K. They threw a hissy fit because of that loss of face, and vandalized with their blood, like some kind of crazy Jim Jones cult. Not to mention their bizarre globe trotting leader is a psychiatrists wet dream, makes Tricky Dick Nixon seem like Joe Normal. Now they are down to 30K people in a country of over 65 million.

    So, they won what?

    I think there was a dash of irony in Khun Lovia's post. Calm down :)

  17. I just hope that it doesnt get out of control, or they decide to march to the airport :S

    Its a shame they are destroying the tourism here

    very unstable times...

    Spoke to my mate last night who is Operations Director for the 3rd largest supplier of tourists to Thailand out of the UK.

    They are having their best year ever...before anyone asks, I can't work it out either, and neither can he :)

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