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Posts posted by morphious

  1. Let me get this straight, you want something from a system that you have NEVER paid anything into just because you have a British passport? <deleted>!My parents get basically nothing from a system that they have paid into all there working life, so why the hel_l should you get anything at all.

    I really do hope you dont get a penny, there are to many in the uk that are sponging from an already over crowded benefits and social system with out the likes of you adding to it. Where are you from and why are you not getting anything from your own government??? AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHGGGG :annoyed::annoyed:

  2. Seeing a full size wardrobe being carried on a moped,watching Burnley get promoted to the premiership, getting a beer bought by my mate Hopper, paying £5 for a piece of cheese oh and £4 for a pint of Guiness.

  3. What about the painfully thin woman with the white face that stands in the middle of the road all day on soi bukaow? :drunk::crazy:

    She used to be a beautifull bar girl until her B/F beat the living daylights out of her-tragic case from many years ago-he was reputed to be a German guy.This story was given to me in July from a long time ex. pat.

    She was beautifull???? WOW the ravages of alcohol and drugs have taken there revenge there then :blink:

    If you read my reply properly it was nothing to do with drink/drugs at that time-she was beaten mercilessly and fortunate to live,pitty is needed-not sarcasm.

    Oh so that made her get drunk and take drugs everyday then did it? :huh:

  4. I have a couple of bikes registered in my name etc, but i use the wifes twist and go, to go the 7/11 etc as it is insured for any rider. With the old BIB puling everyone over at the moment and asking for copies of the green book, well thats obviously not in my name i have a thai driving license both car and motorcycle so surely i cant be fined for not owning the vehicle even tho i pay for its up keep etc :huh:

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