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Posts posted by morphious

  1. Glad you are not going into this venture it really does sound to good to be true altho i totally agree with your thoughts about returning to the uk, there are other ventures available if you really feel so strong about running a business here but perhaps try something out of pattaya where everything is not going to drain your resorces including the BIB. Good luck on anything you may try, and rest assured if you keep us informed, i will definatley come and have a few scoops with you. :thumbsup::drunk:

  2. 38bht to the pound now that would be a nightmare :ermm::(

    It was 40 Baht to the pound when I decided to retire here so anything since then has been a bonus.

    Mind, I didn't have school fees back then.

    Maybee so but things were a dam sight less expensive back then too, street food has nearly doubled , alcohol prices are made up everyweek and ciggies are going through the roof, all everyday needs/wants so i dont see what you are gaining. :blink:

  3. Anyone know if there is a baht bus that goes from town up Khao Talo at night. Never seen one!

    pretty much every friday night I catch a baht bus from Walking street to the top of Soi Khao Noi, im sure they will do Khao Talo as well if asked nicely.

    Isnt that called a :blink: taxi?

  4. Where do these stories come from? :blink:

    My story came from a close friend who actually did get caught, are you saying breathalyzers don't exist in Thailand ??

    I am refering to the crap about on the spot fines of 20 k not about breathalisers you clown. <_<

  5. Was in there last night getting hammered on 35 baht cans of Archer. All the guys you mentioned were there and guess you could say were alive to some extent. Think Bruce was off on his hols somewhere not sure as to where as I don't really sit the same side as those chaps but heard them say 'bye and something about a holiday but by then my senses were getting dulled as well by that time.

    He he i know what you mean by that side it is a real click is that :D

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