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Posts posted by dukkha

  1. Thais have nearly stopped breeding. My boyfriend's 75-year old mother made about 7 children and now has 2 grandchildren.

    Give your bf a house so that after you die, he has a home. Then he can get another bf, younger, to take care of him.

    I knew a gay farang who outlived both of his middle-aged Thai boyfriends.

    Ask most straight and gay fathers how much easier life would have been without kids. Trust me: much easier!

    :o Sadly one drank himself to death in his mid 40's but the farang and he had split by then, the second fell of the roof of his house and was dead in hours.

    He, the farang, was my first farang friend in Thailand and was a great teacher of how to die...he spoke to me 10 minutes before he died, ranting at me down the phone: Why have they sent a f*&&^% g priest to my bed....I miss him deeply, RIP Robert....dukkha :D

  2. :D I have been speaking it, in my fashion, for 4 years, daily with my partner...had a few lessons but just bit the bullet, no seriously, I have a gift for languages but this one scared the *&^%$ out of me, I decided to just be confident and see how it goes, could not imagine living here without the spoken word or without understanding the spoken word of others...but hey, wateva rocks ya boat... :o Dukkha
  3. :o For me,happily, my Isaan in laws accept me as a son In law without conditions, as I often quote Armistead Maupin. author of Tales of The City, it is my logical family that is important, not my biological family..think about it...I have only one younger brother, and his absence is most conspicous in my life...I am the brother, the uncle, who lives in Thailand with my Thai partner, and for aussies the fact that he is not only younger than me, uneducuated and poor, and an oriental , is just too much for their narrow view of society to get their heads around..Australia is a racist country and the main reason that I am happy not to not live there...after 9 years of living in Thailand any desire to return to Terra Nullus is not an option...here as an old gay man I am cared for, respected and loved beyond the notion of 'Wallet'...why would an older gay man subject himself to the ageist homophobia of such a country..for me I quote the american authour who has lived in Japan for 49 years..in this counry I like myself..sure like yourself wherever you live but the reality is a different story..as I approach my 70's I not only like myself but others do also..forget Prozac, the thais are my medication,,,and a lot cheaper in my experience...I think I speak for many older farangs who have decided to make LOS their home..they would not be treated the same way as in the West! For those who beg to differ I think they should listen to their heart..Good night from me and goodnight from him.. :D Dukkah
  4. :D I had a short affair with the late Don Dunstan, erstwhile Premier of the State of South Australia, an amazing man who is remembered not only for his progressive politiking but also for attending parliament in Hot Pants, pink mind you, and that was eons ago....he picked me up in a gay bar in Melbourne..we went home where he played Bach on the piano and I sat on the stair case drinking Cointreau...he even visited the seedy shop top where I was living and then took me to a smart restaurant for a wonderful dinner, I know is somewhat Australia centered, but will be a chapter in my upcoming book....along with a few other names that might be of interest, David Hockney and Sir Robert Helpman...nice to be so old and able to tell a few fruity tales...any good publishers out there... :o Dukkha
  5. :o It interests me that I have met so many gay men in Thailand who have been married and sired children, western men that is and then they come to Thailand and are 'gay'....I wonder what clicks that they are no longer heterosexual men...I can count at least 6 farang men I have met here in Thailand who are fathers/grandfathers but now have thai partners...

    You should ask to see photos of their wives, taken before and after they have had those children. Chances are that after the children the wives have lost their slim youthful beauty and gained 80 pounds or so. It's amazing what a slim, dark, attractive Isan man can do to rekindle the libido.

    ..It was only in the mid 70's that homosexuality was removed from Psychiatric Illnesses Registrar in the USA.......!! :D Dukkha

    Having met many American homosexuals in Thailand it is arguable that this should be reinstated in some cases. :D..... :D See the happy moron

    He doesn't give a dam_n

    I wish I were a moron

    My god, perhaps I am.... :D

  6. :o Oooops, it was a plural form I was referring to...and no, it aint anything like an Isaan village, that I can tell you, having spent many times in Roi Et...my partner has just gone out to Suriwong with his 17 year old Kateoy cousin, handbag and nail polish..doubt if any young lads in Hooker would be in such apparel on a Saturday night...if so probably would now be bashed or at least scarred in some way...literally or figuratively..would prefer to spend time with an Isaan lad rather than an urban Thai with a university degree and a credit card for Siam Paragon, but so many men so many opinions, have forgotten my Latin translation however think I have made my point..must be time for this old man to read the book, have already had the vino with dinner...now a cup of green tea for Nana Dukkha! :D ...Thank you Sendbaht for your comment..cant find a way to private you due to computer illiteracy and senile dementia...I still adhere to the Kinsey Report which states 10% of any population is the gay component...though for Dr Kinsey the word 'gay' had not been invented, and it was never a thai word from my research, purely a western import linguistically .....Viva La Sanuk!!!...Gawd we in the west have still a lot to learn...maybe 'sub prime' is now in the thai vocab....I mean 'top' and 'bottom'....what have we done and are doing to this culture..I do know there is an entire gay vocab that gay thais use that is totally unkown to most of us, maybe with the exception of JDINASIA...a man whose literacy skills in thai far surpass most of us I would imagine..chok dii and tam sabaii took kon. :D Dukkha...by the way the thai translation of my avatar is from the Pali, meaning, suffering....and dont we all...
  7. a friend of mine went to Babyon and on the same day had sex with three generations of men from the same family, quite amazing I thought, a nice family outing I guess for grandpa, son and grandson to be at Dribbleon together..the family that plays together stays together ... :o Dukkha

    Sounds fun..! :D

    But what comes to the topic, I see no evidence that in Esaan there would be more gays than anywhere else. Some financial aspects may attract to be more promiscuous but all in all Thais tend to do what is 'sanuk' and when its done, its done. That's it. No guilt, no looking back.

    I would really prefer to move on to the 21st century and leave all those religion-driven morals behind. Sex is fun and enjoyable.

    :D As I have written before,especially in reference to Professor Peter Jacksons research over 20 years ago, for Thais, sex is just an activity as much as playing games on the computer, volley ball etc...and yes, completely guilt free, no god bothering stuff like the west suffers from..that old cow, Queen Victoria, left a nasty legacy, in fact it is still on the Indian Statute books as a crime but it is never enforced...and many older thai men have sex with young lads, and it is never viewed as corruptive like the west..It was only in the mid 70's that homosexuality was removed from Psychiatric Illnesses Registrar in the USA...and there is that nasty movement in the USA where groups try to convert young men from being gay to being heterosexual...oh my buddha!! More Sanuk indeedio....!! :D Dukkha

  8. :D It interests me that I have met so many gay men in Thailand who have been married and sired children, western men that is and then they come to Thailand and are 'gay'....I wonder what clicks that they are no longer heterosexual men...I can count at least 6 farang men I have met here in Thailand who are fathers/grandfathers but now have thai partners..sexuality is polymorphous and degrees along the continuum vary from person to person...a friend of mine went to Babyon and on the same day had sex with three generations of men from the same family, quite amazing I thought, a nice family outing I guess for grandpa, son and grandson to be at Dribbleon together..the family that plays together stays together ... :o Dukkha
  9. I think engineboy and jingthing should just get together and sort out their sexual frustration....so we can have our threads back, how bout it boys? :D

    may be they should spend some time in the same cave

    :o Could not agree more my friend..it is the 21st Century last time I looked at a calendar..

  10. :D Paaaaaleeese...go back to your cave....!! :D
    I don't believe a person is genetically predisposed to becoming gay,i feel more likely it is something that has happened in their life to push them one way or the other.As for a boy,being brought up with a gay father/parents...Which way do you think his parents are going to direct him,thus increasing the likelihood of him becoming gay.Homosexuallity is not normal,man was NOT designed to be with man,if it were so,how would human kind conceive? :o
  11. Tiza, I agree that there are some very very ODD issues with censorship in Thailand. (pixilating cigarettes or guns to heads etc) and that the issues of showing gay people in a good light is very new here in the movie/television industries.

    But we have had some major GAY movies released here that certainly were not so heavily censored What was it ... "Thai Puean?" BKK Lovestory?

    I think the issues with the 2 that you mentioned was the age of the people in question (which really is bogus, pretending there are not gay teens is silly AND irresponsible!!)

    As Profesor Peter Jackson, Australian Academic, once said in his book, Dear Uncle Goh,Thai Homosexuality, dont be mislead, the pressure is on for thai men to reproduce, there may not be a great need for a gay liberation movemment however, and thailand is not the gay paradise that many believe it to be....there is discrimination at every level...but we as westerners have a rather skewed view of the gender issues that are related to Thai Homosexuality...this is, thai culture, a very conservative sexual culture and beyond Silom etc, there is a real world out there..thai cultue may have a blurred view of it all, but do not be mistaken, it is difficult for thai men to come out..you just have to go to cam frog and see all the thai males masturbating but few of them are willing to show their face publicly, sure you can see as much cok as you want but anonimity is the de riguer of these gay men...closets are not open and most thai men do not wish their identities to be revealed even though gay thai men are represented on public TV stations etc...gay thai men who have cooking and othe programs seem to be able to interact in some way...as Professor Jackson so accurately points out, for thais sex is not much different from playing badminton, it is an activity, not filled with the hideous guilt that western culture has imposed upon us...it is another reason that I have chosen as a farang to live in such a culture...no spilt guilt...no god bothering assumptions...for thais if it feels good then do it...the west has had it wrong for so long, before we imposed linguistic jingoisms such as top and bottom, thais just wanted to have sex... pleasure is not a difficult notion for thai people..we come with the baggage of western guilt in all areas of sexuality...why do you think so many western men are attracted to this culture, especially the notion that older men are not attractive, for thais this does not impinge on theri psyche..they do not see an old body as something to be repelled by, nor is it a corruptive notion...thai men are not concerned about you age, they are more interested in what sort of decent peron you might be, how refreshing is this??...as an older gay western man how often do we encounter this kind of acceptance in the west, not often in my experience...but I have gone on enough..to each their own, and my observance is that the majority of gay men prefer men of their own age group, I may be wrong, as I often am, thank you PB...but it seems that age differences are not an issue in this culture, or for that matter,most asian cutltures..just had lunch with a wonderful british emeritus professor of English, 78, whose lover is a 30 year old Indian Bollywood film star and the comfort I observed between them both made me proud to be an older gay man in Asia...forget your mantras of the 'WALLET'...not interested in such comments....we are both giving the other something we need...leave it at that... :o Dukkha

  12. :D In my 40 years as a gay man, so often I have found, that what we do, as gays, often takes a few more days for straights to catch up with, not sure if this is being fashionable....I recall my father wearing a pink jumper/sweater...something a straight man would never be caught wearing for fear of being branded gay, funny how a color can denote so much socially....Dukkha......... :o
  13. :D Well I held my tounge for a few days, and that in itself is a major task, if ya get ma drift...

    Disadvantged Isaan MEN...I met my Isaan partner when he was 27, he is now 31, shock horror..worked in a sweat shop as a machinist from 14 years of age till I met him, YES in a bar....he was not a money boy, per se, pardon my Latin twist...he said he had been with a farang once before, but why he approached me because I was ranting and raving in my own speshial thai verbage, some of it made sense to him and funnily enuff, some three or more years later, it still does...I have been so lazy, an ex Ajarn but have spoken thai since we met, he is now attending engish classes five days a week, three hours a day..I have learnt an awful lot about thai kulcha from him, we have different political views, we dont have sex anymore but he is my dearest fiend in ThighLand...I came to intimacy late in life but now am happy I will not die wondering what it would be like to not experience Initimacy, now I know....to allow the trust to enter, that was hard after four years or living here, doin the Ajarn thingo at at a Buddhist University in Chiengmai..loved it madly but saw signs of burnt out resurface as it had when I was 40 in Awstrayia....what am I trying to say....I have found a soul mate, someone who understands moi, and that is a lot to get anyones head around.....we remain togehter because we wish to be together, emotional monogamy is understood, sexual monagamy, not part of our discourso...not for everyone but in terms of an Isaan partner I can make no criticism...not bliss, but comfortable....Dukkha :o

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