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Everything posted by trevoromgh

  1. She left it rather late that's for sure.
  2. Also surprised that no-one has mentioned (or I think not) that the 'so called' flagship UK airline British Airways has not flown to Thailand since the pandemic and will not do so again until October 2024 when it will only fly here three times a week from London Gatwick which is better than nothing I guess but is hardly a vote of confidence in Thailand or the economic recovery in Europe. Luckily I haven't flown BA for years as it is rubbish i.e. old planes, old staff, poor service, dire food so it's been EVA or Emirates usually for me.
  3. A simple bullet in the head would suffice.
  4. What next. Now you are wearing a mask kindly put these handcuffs on so it prevents you from committing a crime or stopping our ladyboys from stealing your wallets.
  5. Like other tourists before them they probably adopted the mindset of invulnerability and think they can get high, drive around as fast as they like, ignore the locals rules, wind up in hospital to rely on Go-fund-me appeals to get back home. God help the rest of us who have to live with the consequences of this nonsense.
  6. Need a modern day Egon Ronay restaurant guide. They used to be very good as I recall.
  7. How many more "Bad foreigner did this" stories does there have to be before they turn the land of smiles into the land of snarls then ? I am sure that there are far worse incidents going unreported by locals on themselves but they are deemed too unworthy or unpalatable to be referred to.
  8. Why did 'Business Financing' bother with such a poll if they weren't going to tell its readership how the scoring was done? Without such information passengers and airport management can't make decisions on what to avoid/fix and therefore this article becomes pointless and frustrating.
  9. If the guy is so obsessed with privacy why hasn't he fenced and gated his property rather than leaving it open like the photo shows? Sticking two piddly signs up saying 'No Trespassing' is clearly not enough and shouldn't warrant the reaction which 'supposedly' happened.
  10. No travel insurance will cover her if she intentionally went to the waterfall to jump off but the mere act of hiking up to the waterfall in the first place could in itself be considered a 'hazardous' activity which no insurance will cover unless previously agreed in advance.
  11. Wow. Tremendous level of detail there I'm used to seeing just bare bones but this is amazingly preserved.
  12. Can someone advise me if these new tax rules apply if you live in Thailand for less than 6 months of the year please?
  13. Wave goodbye to half of the Bangkok buses folks. ☠️
  14. It's those darn stray dogs again. They get everywhere you know.
  15. Wonder how many passengers decided to call it a day back in DM though?
  16. Very interesting post Mike thanks. In your experience did you ever come across a hospital medical procedure pricelist for common ailments and if so do you think other hospitals are required to produce such a thing to enable people to compare costs easily. Obviously every medical case will be different but at least it gives you an idea of the likely ballpark figure in advance.
  17. Not such good news if you have a bar shack within earshot of where you live as they've never heard of soundproofing.
  18. I use the PWA website to check my water meter readings and bills each month and for the last few days when I try to access it I just get a browser error message which seems to show the site is down. Can anyone else confirm you are experiencing the same problem there please? On a side note does anyone know of a Thai website similar to downdetector.co.uk which consolidates info of known website problems ?
  19. Rather than roman blinds I'd recommend Zebra blinds (Google it) they come in all sizes for patio doors, windows and even high ones on a staircase. I fitted them in my house and have never regretted my decision. Unfortunately the shop I bought them from in CM has closed now but I'm sure you can find another local supplier online.
  20. Here's a question to find out how many UK retirees read this story. "Why would Neddie Seagoon like the original road sign featured?"
  21. Well they don't make that very clear so when I started getting issues I thought this might've been the reason. Anyway, problem seems to have gone away using the solution I give above.
  22. Sorry for the confusion but I forgot to specify 'UK' in the title
  23. Well the packages they are showing me on 'My AIS' app range from B 998 (2 days) to B 5,990 (40 days) for Voice & SMS Roaming (i.e not Data) but I'm overseas for 6 months at a time which would make it expensive.
  24. Thanks for the suggestion but I cannot see anything in my SIM card settings which allows me to route voice and SMS via Wi-fi instead of the cellular network. My phone is Android by the way. If you can expand I'd be grateful.
  25. It looks like I 'might' have cured the problem myself. I changed the SIM card settings for my AIS sim slot from 'automatically select network' to manually select 'O2 3G UK' instead and it has not lost it's signal since so I am confident the SMS issue should've now gone away with luck. If the problem arises again I shall post an update. Otherwise it's fixed and thanks for your suggestions.
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