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Posts posted by HansBlinkers

  1. The place the OP is talking about is on the Kampangdin Rd, it's buried in the middle of some massage shops, very easy to miss. I had a faze of eating there, thought it was the bees knees at first then I found all the different curries were too alike and I kind of went off it.

    Still, let us know where it they pop up again, I'll go check out their new place

  2. re.

    They are opening a much bigger place a few doors South next to the drug store

    hes right .... here ya go : )


    They've been working on that place for a very long time I thought it was going to be an Indian restaurant.

  3. This type of thing happens to me all the time in 7/11.

    Air Asia are great! no frills, I like it. Buy your flight, be on time for your flight, know your flight, check into your flight, board your flight..pbai Lai!

    The desk is closed, not opening for another 15 min, end of story :D

    I love Thailand

  4. Got this of the pinned list up above.

    UROLOGY (Urinary/Reproductive)

    Dr. Bunnakit

    Chiang Mai RAM Hospital

    053 920300

    If you prefer not to see him at Ram you can go to his clinic in the evening.

    I'll give you his mobile and you can talk to him if you want........0818824085

    Where is his clinic?

  5. They're loads of proper working man snooker halls around town. None of those girlie "good service" nonsense

    There's one kampangdin road , Chan Klan near lanna hotel , one just offThea Pae rd just as you come out from Foxy lady road ( ha ha bet you know where that is :) ) another few down Santi Tham way and loads more, it's very popular here.

    Has no one got any Thai male friends here? if you had you'd know about Thai snooker halls.

    Seems like most farang men that live in chiang mai get sucked into getting their Thai girlfriends/wives (witch is fair enough) but only move around in her circles or other expats at best they got friends in local bars and restaurants and the like..

    Just a thought maybe could be a new topic..

    Blah bah bah

    By the way I'm drunk....... As you were

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  6. I heard the sad news today the the owner of Cafe Del Sol Mana/Jack has sadly passed away.

    Just thought if anyone here used to drink there would like to know

    RIP Mana

  7. Where at the Airport mall or Central. I heard all central had was movies in Thai,

    There's only one Major Cinplex in Chiang Mai.

    Mrs Hans wanted me to take her to Titanic 3D (That means it's now shit in 3 Dimensions) hopefully it will be gone tomorrow and that will be a bullet dodged

  8. Last night around 12.30 there was a gang of farang soaking everything that went past. One approached a car and started squirting his super soaker 9000 through a small gap the window been down.

    This really annoyed me, to the piont where if one got me, I was going to stop and engage in fisty cuffs. Thank fully it didn't come to that.

    This is my 8th songkran and I've not seen this level of stupidly before.

  9. Can someone give me some info on the shop on the bridge, on the right hand side as you are leaving Myanmar.

    They have some really nice clothing and accessories, but still not sure if they're original or just good copy's. It seems that Some of the stuff in there is quite expensive for fake goods?

    Anyone know what's the score on this place?

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