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Posts posted by HansBlinkers

  1. I'm confused. What is a western-style Chinese restaurant? And how is it different than the Chinese restaurants here? I ask because Chinese food, by its definition, is not western at all. (This is not a troll or a flame, just an honest question from a confused person.)

    Chinese Restaurant/Take aways we get in the west are not authentic chinese food, it's Chinese Food made for the western palate. e.g Chicken Chow Main, Chop Sueys ect ect. The same goes for Thai restaurant in the west, if you think about it how many Thai's do you see eating Thai Green Curry?

  2. The number you want is probably the Thai Visa insurance girl in Chiang Mai - 086 181 8383 Very good and extremely helpful

    Best post to date....

    Cheers :)

    OK For those who find PM awkward. If you are based in Chiang Mai I highly recommend This Girl to take care of you insurance. Her name is Jeap her contact number 086-4319485

  3. Yes please post the name for the benefit of all

    No problem in doing that as I understand it. What you can't do of course is name and shame a BAD company. But quoting a GOOD experience is OK i believe

    To be honset I only have the number for the girl that sold it to me and takes cares of anything that goes on with it. I don't want to put her number up in public domain. If you are based in Chiang Mai PM me and I give you the contact number

  4. Got fixed up with insurace a coulple of months ago, had an Accident last week in Chiang Mai where I went over the handle bars of my motorbike. (some kid jammed on infront of me) Anyway disloced my shoulder, rang the girl I bought the insurace off and everything was taking care off. Just recommending this company/girl, if anyone is looking for a new policy or if you and yours dont have any at all, I'd get sorted out quick, because it's well worth having.

    Anyone interested can PM me, and I'll get you in touch.

  5. I would go to the fabric market. Kad Luang. There you can find many different shops and get the exact material that you want. If I remember right it is around 800 meter for cashmere for the higher thread count material. Some might be 1200, but you can pick and chose. Average price for a tailored shirt (just labor not material) is 300 baht, I know of some for 225-250. Word of caution some of the expensive shops send the work to be done at the lower priced shops. My tailor gets work from some of the big name shops and they mark up a lot. Pants are around the same. I usually pay 250 for labor. Jackets are slightly more but usually around 500 baht.

    You will need less than 1.5 meters for pants, about 1.75 meters for a shirt (shirt material is usually under 100-200 baht a meter. Jackets will need around 2.5 meters. vest(waist coat) shouldn't be more than .5 meter.

    I think that you could probably save about 3000 baht if you bought the material directly and found a tailor to do it for you. Just ask around at the smaller shops what they charge for labor.

    That's a good Idea, but that's a lot of hassel also

  6. I'm getting kitted out for a wedding. I've only been to a couple of shops. Got a price at 8000 bath made from his best Cashmere wool inclueds Pants, 2 shirts, waste coat, jacket and a tie. Is this about right? If not where can I get better? How much should I be paying for this?

  7. I know someone that has got some nice framed posters for sale ideal for a nice bar that is into music. Posters include Johnny Cash, Sid Vicious (Sex Pistols) Public Enemy, James Brown, Ian Curtis (Joy Division ) and a few more I can't think of now. Also i think he has a few other bit's and bob's suited for a bar/restaurant. Just wondering if anyone here or know of anyone that would be interested?

  8. Thanks for that link Lanna Reborn. I'll probably go check that out. I followed the link half out of curiosity to see if it's the meaty Pun Pun or the vegetablye-y Pun Pun, and of course it was the latter, which makes more sense. (Oh the trouble with Thai names transliterated... or are they the same '1000 Varieties' ?)

    As for Smile.... I'm still up in the air. Fantuzzi's gonna be great I think. I see he's also performing at Zoe in Yellow on Friday night for a limited engagement. Might go to that instead. It's all gonna be down to my mood this evening. After having asked around town now, I do know that quite a few of my friends will be there.... hmmmm.

    Well. Was it any good?

  9. If it's a big or a small party i don't know depends how many farang go, because most Thai don't like these kind of parties, especially the Chiang mai Thai, they rather hear lousy music and sit a plastic chair.

    I went to the last 2, it was a nice set up but the bands were lame. The bands that were playing were the same house bands that play around town. Don't get me wrong they're all good musicians but they seem to be playing the same stuff for years now. I've been here for more than 6 years and seen all these house bands and pretty bored of them to be honest. But if your new in town or not familiar with these band I'd recommend going, but if like me, seen them all before I wouldn't bother.

    P.S The Hamburgs that were there the last time were the best I ever had in Thailand

  10. California WOW inside Airport Plaza Mall... I think will have what you are looking for.

    That's where we go 3 or 4 times a week.

    A lot of Heavy Lifters There.

    How much is it to join California WOW? Can you pay as you go?

  11. Often when I was traveling down south I used to see many shops selling paintings of various music artists and icons. I don't see any of them in Chiang Mai, I see a few doing drawings but I would be looking for paintings. Anyone got any info on where I could get them? I think they would be an ideal Christmas present to send home :rolleyes:

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