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Posts posted by theanimaster

  1. She is a well-crafted figurehead for sure. As other posters have mentioned, its a media age and she's got the sparkly teeth and nice haircut. She bears the hallmarks of advertising, a business famous for its insincerity & ruthlessness. I watched her skillfully avoid an interview five days ago on the Red-friendly Bbc World, with the practically red-tshirt wearing R.Harvey. 'No time for interview, not even a few words." Abhisit did at least 2 different interviews on English networks the week before the votes, each time chatting freely & at ease with no notes or cue-cards or prompting. I sincerely doubt to see that from this lady, and certainly she avoided it pre-vote. Ultimately time will tell. Her claim to fame is that she is the close dynastic relative of a convicted criminal, who stole money from the infrastructure of a developing nation, a nation that urgently requires road-repairs/rural infrastructure/etc.etc. he took an unspecified but undoubtedly large amount of that social-fund cash and went off on an exotic World Tour with it. Thats what concerns me, she isn't famous for anything except being related to a criminal who got caught red-handed. Her being pretty and fluent / educated doesnt mean anything, theres millions of smart & attractive Thais that didn't get primed for the top spot. She's there because of her family. Thats dynastic, and dynasty is the logical enemy of democracy. Democracy as a principle is about people being elected because for example they worked in the the Unions or industry, or medicine or law, for many years & became respected for their views and opinions, which they chat freely about when asked to do so.

    I feel it is a dark day for Thailand, which was slowly on the road to recovery. I hope I'm wrong and she genuinely makes this country a safer place to work & drive vehicles & invest in rural infrastructure etc. Thailand has what some sociologists are calling the "new oil" which is rice. With a global population growing quickly, a nation that produces so much rice will generate ever greater profits in the future. Dynastic control of MOP isn't anything new, neither is the manipulation of the low-educated farming community. I would hope that Thaksin's shady Godfather-like inner circle isnt what all this is about. What would convince me is if this lady broadcast the full red propoganda tapes from last year, including the ranting & call to arms & open enticement to burn property/ cause injury. And orders a full media powered legal follow-up to the Thaksin case with full transparency, including his eventual conviction should he return. This would be a step towards democracy. In my heart though, and most of my Bangkok friends feel much the same, we are seeing a big step backwards today to new previously unexplored depths of corruption & instability.

    Yeah... that's something. How can you be PM and just forget an 'incident' like that?

    "Because we can."

  2. Now we'll really see justice and democracy shine. The yellows and military have to respect the outcome, even if it were bought or not. Let the government run its course and see it PTP's lies (promises) ever come to fruition. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Of course though... the Reds don't care whether the government follows through with its "promises". They're as blind as blind can be. They probably don't even know what a 'government policy' is. They just know this: Thaksin = Happy. They don't know how that would be -- they were just told so. The Thai brainwashing system is truly amazing.

    So yeah, I fully support the new government. Afterall, what more harm can they possibly do? The poor will remain poor. That's all good for them. They're used to it.

    I'd worry about what the elite think though.

    I worry that you may suffer from ignorance. Do you not think thaksin and clan are not elite?

    Of course he is. A war of the clans, but he's got more than one side holding a grudge against him.

  3. Election overturned? We should be so lucky but I doubt it.

    How sad that you would want that to happen . A REAL DEMOCRATE you are. Maybe just order the army in to shoot them all .After all you have tried to justify the slaughter of people before .

    "DEMOCRACY" comes from the word (wait for it) -- DEMOCRAT.

    But I prefer "Democrazy" myself.

  4. He has won, nothing can be done anymore. Just have to see how it goes. If he did not come home or came home and did his time that would help. But he is firm in control now. Maybe things will change.

    To be honest i doubt anything will really change just a change of people who are taking the government money.

    Although I can't comment on the outcome of the vote, I have to say, when there is a change in government parties, you would be correct.

    I have told my wife as long as the government keeps the people uneducated the people will not be able to make intelligent decisions. She agrees. Apparently she knew this before she knew me. She already had 1 daughter in higher education. Now they both are.

    Have you noticed he is not interested in educating the Thai's. He is going to buy all the first graders a computer so they will not learn to think they will learn to Google every thing.

    I can see it all now.

    Teacher What is 2+2

    Student Just second while I boot up.:jap:

    You give them too much credit. What's Google? All I know is Facebook.

  5. Here, here and hope so...mak mak!

    His own auntie said that he should just stop meddling in politics and stick to business. She's right. The guy is gonna throw it all away. He's a billionaire. What more does he want?

    "Money is Evil"

    Some people have too much evil.

  6. Come on! She did NO serious interviews in the press during the elections. She dodged any issues. She refused to debate. The softball interviews she did do, she came off like a typical office receptionist with unusual skill in PABLUM SPEAK. She's pretty, she's there because of her FAMILY. Her business experience too -- her family. Pure nepotism, corruption, 100 percent. Thais aren't worried because they know the truth, she could be a pretty gold chain, she isn't running anything, and never will. She will never appear on a show like Hard Talk, I guarantee that.

    Oh Gawd. I saw an interview w her and the BangkokPost -- she was so outmatched even by the host who was thai! Course the thai host went through a proper education without having to pay 'extra' to obtain his degree. But here's sort of what the interview went like:

    Host: People say that you won't actually be calling the shots, what do you say to that?

    Yinluck: I will run the country in my style. I'll consult my brother, but it'll be in my style.

    Host: What about rumours that you have no qualification with politics?

    Yinluck: That silly. My brother was politician. My family full of politicians. OF COURSE ~I~ have qualify. Even my dog has qualifications.

    Host: So how do you expect to solve the war on drugs in just a year?

    Yinluck: Oh yes, yes. We have strategy. Yes. Strategy. Yes.

    Host: What exactly is that strategy?

    Yinluck: Oh yes, yes. Strategy. Yes. Strategy is strategy. You don't know strategy? Stupid man.

    You get the idea.

  7. Now we'll really see justice and democracy shine. The yellows and military have to respect the outcome, even if it were bought or not. Let the government run its course and see it PTP's lies (promises) ever come to fruition. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Of course though... the Reds don't care whether the government follows through with its "promises". They're as blind as blind can be. They probably don't even know what a 'government policy' is. They just know this: Thaksin = Happy. They don't know how that would be -- they were just told so. The Thai brainwashing system is truly amazing.

    So yeah, I fully support the new government. Afterall, what more harm can they possibly do? The poor will remain poor. That's all good for them. They're used to it.

    I'd worry about what the elite think though.

  8. Khun Thaksin will probably be back in time for Songkran 2012

    I'm sure he will be back much earlier than that date,I'm not so sure though if he will live to celebrate songkran 2012.

    Why do you say that?

    Because he has no respect for the rules. He's had his fill. He should let the next person have theirs. If not, then he will be taken out more forcibly than he was in 2006.

  9. First off, the word election should not continue to be used. When the votes are all bought, it simply becomes an exercise in how much money needs to be spent in order to get the front position at the feeding trough. A sad day for Thailand....... Thaksin has proven to be anti farang in the past, guess we will have to keep a close eye on what he does, and have an exit strategy to another country

    Do you think this any better than the money poured into parties and the media in the USA? Come on. It is time to shut up, especially if you are a farang, and let them get on with it. Besides, both sides were dishing out money.

    Yep. It's not like politicians in the west are less corrupt.They are just more polished and deceptive in masking it. I can't be too critical of Yinglucks experience when we in the US elected a President with no governing experience and minimal experience in elected office. I hope their experiment turns out better than ours. I doubt the people vote based on which party gives them more money. My sister in law up near Udon says that people take money from both major parties at election time and then vote for whom they wanted to vote for. It's a win-win if you are a voter. For those who were there as expats prior to the 2006 coup, what sort of anti-expat policies did Thaksin promote?

    So true. After the coup, the TCT came out and started harassing foreign teachers.

    And now the TCT has stopped it's business with "ensuring that Expat Teachers were Qualified". They're tucking their tails back between their legs and scampering away into the shadows again. I think it has a lot to do with them knowing the outcome of the election long before it's official.


  10. Everybody i spoke to here in thailand voting for Yingluck

    Same here! People on this forum been so out of tough with Thais I am sure 90% live overseas but are experts.

    This next thing they will say everyone was paid to vote red :lol:

    Unfortunately the poor have been paid to vote. Thailand will stay in the corruption zone. :(

    Give me one country that ~ISN'T~ run by corrupt politicians.

    Thaksin is poisoned with power and wealth. The thing that sets him apart from politicians in the West is that he doesn't know when to stop. Unfortunately for him, Thailand has rules. The Elite have set the rules, and basically those rules go something like: "When you've had enough, let the next person have a go at milking the country". Well, Thaksin is being a spoiled li'l brat and he ain't moving over for the next boy. It's just a matter of time before Thailand reminds him of the rules, and it's not gonna be a nice ending for him.

  11. I don't see what all the fuss is about. I always had to flash my degree and transcripts when applying for a job and when renewing my work permit. Actually no -- I always had a copy of my degree when renewing my work permit but they threw it aside with the rest of the 'we don't need these' documents.

    So this doesn't affect me one bit.

    UNLESS the fuc_ktards don't consider a BDES (bachelor of design) a degree. Now that would be scary. Of course 7 years of teaching and designing teaching materials for other teachers and schools probably won't count.

  12. Off-topic, but just to add answers to the question how you die from drippy-poop: it causes dehydration. And severe dehydration might lead to ketoacidosis, which is when the body starts burning up your fat, creating ketones. This occurs if malnutrition is involved as a result of dehydration. Ketones are bad for your body and are regularly expelled, but in the case of severe dehydration and malnutrition they aren't expelled quite as easily and a high amount of ketones in your blood can result in you passing out into a coma, and not too long after (if not immediately treated) -- dying.

  13. Speaking of big words:

    War on drugs solved within a single year?

    Tablets computers for everyone?

    Why is it these Red Shirts conveniently IGNORE the retarded and OUTRAGEOUS policies put forward by their own puppet leaders?

    And she says they can think for themselves. Money talks.

  14. I hope Pwehh Thai wins so the military can get it over with, start a coup and throw out yet another Shiniwatra on her toes. I wonder which country she'll end up with. No doubt after being arrested, put in a smug prison cell for a day (probably a prison cell with a view of the beach and room service no doubt) and then being allowed bail.

    We all know how stupid stupid, brainwashed farmers can be, but how these filthy rich people with all the money in the world work? Now there's something that makes you scratch your head. I mean... how much is "enough"?

  15. I'm no red supporter, but I vote for Yingluck. She's hot. That's all this country needs -- a good image. How can you people think that good-looking things are NOT good?? Tch. Farang thinking. You and this stupid thing you call 'logic'. Everyone knows that rich people are always good and are rich because they've done good things in their past life. Who cares if they're corrupt "now"? Theyve been good in their past life!! Don't you silly farangs understand this??

  16. The Thais are very self-centered when it comes to death....mai pen rai....

    A few dead Farang is nothing compared to the 1,000 or so people killed ever year during Songkran, and nothing is ever done about the colossal loss of of life. The average Thai is probably wondering what all the fuss is about....

    Money talks in Thailand, and the wealthy usually go unpunished, sad but true....

    6 dead farang and one Thai don't even make the headlines according to red shirts that have been clamoring for 'justice' when 10 of their comrades got themselves shot stupid...

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