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Posts posted by theanimaster

  1. Well, this is EXACTLY what Thailand deserves for pulling off sh*t like the Teacher's Council of Thailand (TCT) tests and accreditation BS et. al. I wonder just how many GOOD teachers they lost through the TCT noose and how many slackers they got to replace those good teachers... I'll bet the slackers all quit a few months into their jobs as well.

    Maybe if this country will stop liasing with Filipino crooks and scumbags (who obviously won't give a shit what happens to THIS country... much less their own) there'd be enough white faces to fill the holes... But hey-- money still seems to talk louder than losing face, even if ever just so slim.

  2. Yesterday in Ubon I tried to buy 4 of 3 1/2 inch 2TB drives for my NAS. The shop told me they would only sell to dealers in bulk, and when I asked how much a drive would be if I bought any I was quoted a price of more that double what I had checked on the Internet earlier. I asked other shops in the mall and was told the story was the same in all shops. My NAS upgrade will wait 6 months until my next leave

    Report it to the police: surely they're "taking advantage of flood victims" here!! 7 years in the slammer and 140,000 baht I think!!

  3. The drainage has been ordered to make possible a boat race in Tak and Kamphaeng Phet provinces.

    Nice to see that they know their priority's in the flood management.

    Seriously, <deleted>

    Don't you all know how SERIOUS these boat races are? I mean c'mon... there's just a couple hundred people dead, a million others that have lost their homes... surely you must understand how important it is to work the dams so that we can have a little boat race. I mean it's not like we need to work these things to like... save people's houses and all, eh?

  4. It's nice how Dr. Pornthep keeps reassuring us that everything will be fine and peachy just because she says it's so. Forget about mentioning even a SLIGHT chance that the sh*t will hit the fan and what plans (or lack thereof) the government has in place to control the situation if it ever does have a slim chance in hell of happening.

    ...and to think I once admire this doctor. It's clear she's been bought, just like every other prominent media figure.

    ... really upset to hear Pogal's account of the situation. I mean, I knew the government was f*cked up, but to hear a first-hand account like this... amazing. Amazing. I can only HOPE that the people will wake up to this fact, and I parrot this over and over... but they do need to wake up. Otherwise it really is only the rich that are benefitting from this whole fiasco, and to see the poor being used like this... it's just sick. I mean, it's not their fault for being ignorant, brainwashed and 'controlled'... now if only there were a way for people in the know to get across to them??

  5. I went back to Bangkok (staying in Pattaya temporarily... of all places...) to check on my house. It was under a meter of water on the 4th of November outside the house:


    We had moved everything up (well, ALMOST everything... we're going to lose a couple bookcases, tables and wooden benches and beds that couldn't be moved) a week before we got hit. The only other thing that was a bit of a consolation was that the water didn't reek. I'm keeping my fingers crossed we don't get ~that~ kind of water... it'll just make things so much worse.

  6. I say open all the gates and let the waters flow freely. F-ck it. Let the whales go as fast as they can, even though it means saving just 10 days. Hell.. I'm already in Pattaya anyways.

    But seriously... in the end the only thing that matters is: WILL THAIS EVER REALISE THEIR GOV'T IS SCREWING THEM UP THE @SS? I'll bet mine they won't. But oh, don't blame them -- the government isn't stupid -- they CREATED this society to serve THEM.

    I think the Thais took Kennedy's words the wrong way : "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" Sorry... the Thai people need to wake up.

  7. How the Hell can we who live here in Thailand, really believe these incompetent so called, “Government officials such as Bangkok Governor MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra and the current PM of Thailand”. They both contract themselves on every point and don’t think.

    Leave it to the people to interpret what they see and need to do.

    Reminds me of the movie, Planet of the Apes,” where the apes think they are smarter than everyone else.

    How DARE you insult The Apes!

  8. I don't think these floods were mismanaged at all. It was all planned from the very beginning -- to cause chaos, suffering, and utter destruction so that one particular politician can come in and play HERO...

    ... the lives and livelihoods of the Thai people for one grossly rich scumbag to become even more grossly rich. Sounds familiar... trademark even.

    But what's more -- it makes his sister look like a complete block-headed imbecile (which she is anyways) while he takes the cake and becomes Saviour of Thailand. It's the perfect plan. No one benefits but "him".

  9. All I could say is SOM NAM NAAAA for those who elected this government, which obviously doesn't intend on protecting the people that voted it.

    Think they'll learn? Of course not. The Education Ministry keeps it that way. Keep 'em stupid, and they'll vote next time, no matter what happens, no matter what they lose. Hey -- at least they get their tablet computers.

    Though I wonder if it would have been a different story if the other side won the elections?

  10. God needed all the cool tech up there. So the bastard just had to take Steve from us. : P

    R I P Steve Jobs. The world has lost its greatest visionary in order to pave the way for new ones. It's been a pleasure living in this age and bearing witness to some of the greatest innovations in consumer technology, thanks to you.

  11. You guys sicken me. All this hate about Nigerians...

    ... and yet not one mention of the 'n' word.

    Oh wait, last time I did that, I got banned for a week. rolleyes.gif Still... one has to lucky with all these.... people... we've have yet to have one really, really, reaaaally unfortunate encounter with them. God willing, I hope it remains that way. I'm starting to feel there's a nasty race war brewing in Asia.

  12. "People died so they could come to power, right? Are they going to step on the bodies without caring?"

    Errrrr....... Yes!!!!! Didn't they know this was going to happen???? It was obvious to me and many others who can see through their selfish and disingenuous intentions!!! They don't care one iota about their dispensible brothers (only Thaksin's welfare and ill-intentioned agenda counts). How stupid of them not to know this would happen - it's too late now though Ha Ha Ha :rolleyes:.

    Next question!!!

    Hit the nail right on the head.

  13. Lets call this what it is: A group of people trying to behave beyond the law.

    It appears that three spoilt kids who have grown up without concept of consequence were unable to control their emotions when loosing face and took revenge.

    Two of the individuals are not connected enough to be protected from an international scandal.

    The 3rd individual is from a connected family and has still not been caught (translated: no cop wants to arrest him).

    The connected parties are perhaps pressuring officials not to extradite the two individuals through fear that the 3rd individual will be fingered.

    If this stays in Thailand it will be a long drawn out process until the case is forgotten about and perhaps some small menial sentence handed out to the offenders. I’m sure they are suspecting that this might be the case and hence the resistance towards extradition.

    Officials are stuck in the middle and now following the best course of action for them: No action !

    “Doesn’t effect me, must bury head in sand”….

    I hope Australia kick off about this. It is about time all people in Thailand are taught to be responsible for their actions.

    Oh yeah ... Australia should declare war on Thailand... That should sort em right...

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