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Posts posted by theanimaster

  1. On a serious note to those of you with young children, a friend of my wife was in a shopping centre in Bangkok when her 4 year old son was snatched when she wasn't looking. About a year later her son called out to her from the side of the road. She didnt recognise him. He has a shaven head and was missing one of his legs. He was stolen and used for professional begging.

    In another incident my niece was at school in Cha Am and went to the toilet at lunch time. When she came back the 3 friends she was having lunch with had been snatched and thrown in a van.

    I cannot stress enough how important it is to watch your children at all times and as soon as they are old enough explain the dangers of wandering off, talking to strangers, make them memorise your phone number etc. This happens A LOT in Thailand and it very rarely makes the news.

    This isn't just a 'scare story' is it? I find it hard to believe that you were just 'fortunate' enough to hear two tales of this happening from your circle of family. Still, if it's true, then I have A LOT to be f--ing afraid of. I look after my kids all the time, however, my in-laws are Thai, and well, let's just say that they don't take these things as seriously as they should. I know this stuff happens -- just that I find it peculiar that you know of two such cases quite close to your family!

    My wife and in-laws pick my kids up from school (a private school) and the school only allows people with IDs entry (although I've been able to get in all the time without an ID... maybe they just 'know' me?). However, my in-laws occasionally take the kids out after school -- when I'm still at work -- and without my knowledge. They just assume it's fine and don't want to 'inconvenience me' (or inconvenience themselves?) with a little note on where they're going.

  2. More helpful work from MP-Chuwit ! thumbsup.gif

    Perhaps Deputy-PM Chalerm should seek his assistance, in his many initiatives, to seek-out and fight crime, wherever it occurs ! Or perhaps not, as Chuwit appears to actually achieve something, which would never do ! wink.png

    Oh shit. If only you knew.... if only you knew.

    I'm gonna leave it at that. We all know the story. Let's just welcome Thaksin back with open arms.

    There are some people who fight crime, and others -- they ~control~ it.

  3. The Zimbabwe investment could be a sucker move, as the mine could be taken over by 'the government' at some point, either by the current slime or a future version.

    Quite true, only a fool would invest in Zimbabwe the government can sieze all your assets at a whim and there is nothing you can do about it. I am sure there are many expats who could tell a story or 2 about this.

    But who do you think is the bigger con man?

  4. This is the first time I've received such warning about "FOREIGN" terrorists. Don't think they're talking about the redshirts/yellowshirts/blueshirts/blackshirts either. This is serious shit. Also the fact that they recalled the first message moments after it being sent only to send a THIRD warning out saying to disregard the recall. I am not going to take this warning lightly -- our government knows SOMETHING that's for sure~!!

    Be safe everyone and keep an eye out!

  5. Well... there's a reason why the government controls education in this country. It's to produce the sort of incompetent gullible idiots that they need to vote for them.

    Just watch -- the government doesn't need to do anything except make MORE promises. That'll make the gullible fools happy. Just buy more time until the next elections where they can make more promises promising to promise the promises they've promised.

  6. If only all the corrupt cockroach politicians would stop pocketing so much money through their corrupt practices, then the country would easily be able to pay off its debt.

    I mean, the amount of shit you read in the news ... a couple billion this minister stole here and a couple trillion this prime minister stole there... you don't have to be a genius to figure it out.

  7. You want the country to majestically speak English? Well fortunately there IS a solution! Change all public TV broadcasting to English. YES and OMfG! FORCE the Thais to LEARN English through their favourite brain-draining source -- the Telly! But of course this will never happen. You've seen the results in countries like the Philippines -- the people can actually COMMAND the language (albeit with an accent) and ANYTHING that would work in Thailand is viewed as evil and against Thai culture.

    On the other hand, anything that would make money for one selfish greedy little politician......

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