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  1. "the dangers some individuals face"... Only if they belong to the religion of peace.
  2. Well, I do agree with your last point, that there is a two-tier justice system in the UK. Most ordinary people cannot understand why the police are so keen to investigate online 'hate crimes' when they're too busy to turn up for shoplifting, burglaries and what people perceive as real crimes. By the way, the police said when they turned up at her door they were investigating a 'non-crime hate incident'. Yes, that is a thing in today's dystopian UK.
  3. You miss the point entirely (or is it voluntary deflection?). No-one's blaming the two coppers who turned up at her door on a Sunday morning. It's the idea that in a free, democratic society you can be accused of a crime (or 'invited' for an interview about a non-crime in this case) without knowing who's accusing you or why, have your neighbours twitching the curtains as the police cars arrive outside your door, and generally have your reputation trashed because someone (unnamed) didn't like what you allegedly said (unknown) online. It's the law that's an ass.
  4. More desperate nit-picking. It's amazing how you wokesters can twist yourselves into a pretzel trying to justify the unjustifiable. Ms Pearson, having been disturbed by two young coppers at the door while preparing to attend a Remembrance Day service, made an off-the-cuff remark to them while clearly under considerable stress. And you're complaining because she didn't include our Commonwealth brethren?? You and your ilk seem to believe that accusing people of a "non-crime hate incident" without telling them who's accusing them or what they're supposed to have said is perfectly OK. It may have been under Comrade Stalin but not in any free, democratic society.
  5. ...and that proves what exactly in relation to this thread?
  6. We've swung to the complete opposite of Martin Luther King's ideal - that a man (or woman) should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. We need to get back there urgently.
  7. You're the comic around here. Desperately hanging on to your woke ideology while it is crumbling around you. The tide is turning my friend.
  8. "I stood there, trying to process it all, feeling like I’d entered some Kafkaesque nightmare." Kafka, Orwell, thought crime...... Welcome to 1984 in 2024.
  9. You haven't posted any facts, just your opinions. Bye now.
  10. That argument works both ways. The financial backing for the scientists you believe in comes from where? Mostly from governments, to promote their Net Zero narrative. Do you think they're going to risk having the money taps turned off by producing research that goes against the narrative? If the pandemic taught us anything it's that at least 50% of published scientific research is not worth the paper it's written on.
  11. https://clintel.org/world-climate-declaration/ 1,960 is more than a few.
  12. There are plenty of scientists who disagree with the consensus view on climate change. Are you saying that non-scientists cannot make a judgement on which group they choose to believe?
  13. I just wanted to be sure you were talking about 'The Science' which 97% of the world's experts agree on (allegedly).

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