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  1. He says, whilst using a computer. Imagine if you didn't have a computer or internet. You'd have to sit at home and troll yourself all day.
  2. Insults and assumptions. How very trollesque.
  3. Us? We? Ourselves? Funny. It's only you. You've been going on about things that i can't or have never done in an air fryer. Yet, I have done them. Cakes and bread work great. No need to turn over as you suggested. Pizza? NO problem. My air fryer is a Tower. Don't know the model number. I wasn't expecting the Spanish inquisition from a keyboard warrior. From memory it was circa 2000 baht.
  4. I did the research. I suggested you do the same. You declined. Nuff said.
  5. If you can't grasp the fundamental differences between the oven you posted and an air fryer, there is no point trying to show you your other errors. I have an air fryer and a convection oven that you posted, which hasn't been out of the cupboard since I bought the sir fryer. You ask about baking in an air fryer? Did you not read my comments? My air fryer was not expensive. It's 12ltr capacity. Well worth the money considering it's versatility.
  6. No. Not confused at all. The figures are there to see.
  7. No, as I pointed out. They are very versatile. More so than an oven. Not limited at all. I advised you to research that. You appear to have declined. Never mind. Your loss
  8. I have lots of great food every day. All cooked in my air fryer. I haven't used a frying pan or oven since I bought my air fryer. Rarely even boil anything. All meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, baking, roasting, braising. All done in my air fryer. They are energy saving too.
  9. There's clearly alot you don't know, judging by your previous comment. Have a " Google".
  10. You really don't understand the versatility of air fryers, do you?
  11. Preheat? Are you sure you have an air fryer? Absolutely no need to pre heat an air fryer.
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