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Everything posted by roquefort

  1. Something like a Special Military Operation then?
  2. Thanks for the ID. I spotted lots of them on Laguna golf course in Phuket and wondered what they were. Stunning birds.
  3. We will fight them on the beaches, we will fight them on the seas and in the air.............
  4. My God! Is this an outbreak of common sense among the political elite? Let's hope it turns into a pandemic.
  5. The Central Committee on the Price of Goods and Services - I thought I was reading a piece about communist China. Why can't any of our rulers understand that prices are determined by supply and demand, not government edict. Their net zero agenda demonised the oil producers, so supply dried up and guess what.......prices started rising (long before the war in Ukraine, which they're all now desperately trying to blame to deflect attention from their own disastrous policies.). All "freezing prices" will do is destroy supply and lead to shortages, so they'll eventually have to subsidise the producers to produce more. Economics 101, but still beyond our clueless world leaders.
  6. Wouldn't that require intelligent road users??
  7. Does the same apply for the first extension of an O-A visa? i.e. 12 months of 65k baht transfers prior to applying?
  8. I'm having one done this year at Medpark hospital. Not the cheapest option, but not the most expensive either. Checked out quite a few hospitals and was impressed with the facilities there and the surgeon. PM me for intro.
  9. Recommend OCEAN NEW DESIGN. They make and install anywhere in Thailand and can visit you for fitting and choice of materials. PM me if you need a personal contact (my stepson works for them).
  10. The price of oil is rising because oil companies have stopped trying to produce it and are turning themselves into renewable energy companies to placate the climate change evangelists. Unfortunately they're finding out that the sun doesn't always shine (especially at night) and the wind doesn't always blow. So demand for "evil" oil and gas is going through the roof, while supply is declining. Guess what that means. The price of energy has a knock-on effect on the cost of everything, especially fertiliser. So good luck to the 'War Room' trying to turn the tide of world markets. King Canute comes to mind.
  11. That's not what I said. Please re-read my post. Saying that Thailand's response has been no better or worse than many other governments does not imply support for the "goons".
  12. Like just about every other government in the world then. Why single him out? Do you really think another bozo in power would have done anything different?
  13. Doesn't he know that vaccines don't stop you becoming infected? This is an expert?
  14. How would the BOT know if inflation is going to be transitory or longer term? (it's never permanent) Is their crystal ball better than Jay Powell's? It depends on so many factors beyond their control - the price of oil, supply chain issues, labour shortages due to Covid isolation to mention just three. These economists sit in their ivory towers and think they are the masters of the universe. An economy is the result of millions of individual decisions made by millions of individual people and businesses every second. They control nothing.
  15. The correct woke term is "fat shaming". Careful you're not banned from all social media for such a heinous crime. I for one can forgive you since you've "come out" as Tottenham supporter. We're a long-suffering bunch and need all the emotional help we can get. Come to think of it, we should probably start a support group ,,,,,, call it Spurs Anonymous for want of something more original!
  16. Preparations indicate Thailand will focus on APEC process and protocol rather than substance, Just about sums up they way things are done here. From schools to government, it's all about appearance. Scratch the surface and there's nothing there.
  17. More like Mystic Meg. He has an uncanny ability to predict what every other "expert" was predicting two weeks ago.
  18. So who decides what is fake news and what is not..............the Ministry of Truth?
  19. It's just virtue-signalling from governments that have to be seen to "do something", however ineffective.
  20. "Wishful thinking. The common cold is a corona virus why is there no herd immunity? " The fact that the common cold no longer causes people to die or even get seriously ill suggests that there is some form of herd immunity. The research you've quoted states that immunity from Covid lasts from 3 months to 5 years. So as the majority of the population get infected and build both natural and vaccine-induced immunity, we are moving towards a scenario like the flu where an annual booster jab for the most vulnerable will likely provide sufficient protection. I'm certainly not suggesting that the Covid virus will disappear, but that its effects will become manageable, and infection with a milder variant like Omicron brings us closer to that point.
  21. Level 3 Alert!! Always brings to mind the big white balloon chasing Patrick McGoohan across the beach in The Prisoner. Hmm, now you come to mention it............
  22. Do you have any scientific basis for this comment? Research studies etc Or is it just pure conjecture?
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