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Everything posted by roquefort

  1. Nonsense. There's a committee going through 11,000 pieces of legislation imposed on the UK by the EU to decide which are no longer required and can be removed. My guess is it's about 99.5% of them.
  2. The Guardian, most of the MSM and the entire civil service in the UK are extremely angry at losing the vote and doing their best to sabotage Brexit. Three years on and we're still struggling to get masses of unnecessary EU laws off the statute book. Rishi need to get a grip, particularly on illegal immigration.
  3. Oh yes it does (is this a Christmas pantomime?)
  4. It is partly to do with the war in Ukraine, very little to do with Brexit, and mostly due the the vast amount of funny money that has been conjured out of thin air by central banks since 2008. The Magic Money Tree, handouts for people to stay at home during Covid, government spending on an unprecedented scale - these are the real reasons for the cost of living crisis. Inflation is caused by too much money chasing a limited supply of goods and services.
  5. I think you'll find that the biggest RTP detractors are the Thais themselves. BTW nice mixed metaphor there. I'd rather have my candle and eat it.
  6. Delighted for Messi. The great man finally gets the only trophy missing from his collection and the one he wanted most. Also puts to bed two arguments: greatest Argentinian player (sorry Diego) and Messi v Ronaldo (no contest). Not sure about the GOAT though.......maybe he'll have to share that one with Pele.
  7. While the international community has put in a lot of effort into resolving the political crisis in Myanmar after General Min Aung Hlaing’s coup last year What exactly has the international community done to resolve the crisis?
  8. You're not the only one. Poor old Joe's so confused doesn't know if he's coming or going. Politicians don't have the slightest grasp of basic economics anyway. Companies exist to make returns for their shareholders, not to push some fluffy ESG agenda or bail out politicians for their dumb decision to impose sanctions that hurt their own countries more than Russia.
  9. Selfishness, laziness….just the usual traits of human nature evident everywhere in the world.
  10. There may be other reasons for younger people developing cancer (possibly the v-word?). But there's no doubt the major factor in the huge increase in cancer across the board is the lack of early screening and diagnosis. My wife got caught in this paranoia and is now suffering the consequences.
  11. The cause is that they succeeded so well in scaring the s**t out of people that no-one went to hospital for screening or cancer treatment for two years. Guess what, cancer cases are exploding.
  12. They serve no purpose in controlling the population. Covid is the bogeyman which allow them to keep people in fear, so the hysteria has to be maintained. Meanwhile, numbers of deaths of motorbike riders wearing a Covid mask but no helmet are not reported.
  13. Not to mention the terminally incompetent Health Minister, now reinventing himself on a TV reality show.
  14. So you judge their professionalism by what they wear? As long as they do their job properly they can wear whatever they like as far as I'm concerned. I'm in hospital at the moment and the nurses are all great, efficient and caring. Some dress a bit sexy, some do not. Who cares?
  15. The last World Cup was held in Russia, as was a recent Winter Olympics. That should tell you all you need to know about FIFA and the IOC.
  16. The last World Cup was held in Russia, as was a recent Winter Olympics. That should tell you all you need to know about FIFA and the IOC.
  17. Your photo is of Tommy Smith and John Carlos, not Jesse Owens. Although his success at the 1936 Olympics was a more powerful statement at the time.
  18. Great video, thanks for posting. Is that guy Jack Nicholson's younger brother?
  19. Sounds like the Damian Hurst quote one poster on here uses as his byline: "I have nothing to say and I want to express that."
  20. That's true, but in my case the calculation of income is open to interpretation. So a well-connected agent could ensure that it's interpreted in the "right" way.
  21. Has anyone successfully applied for the new Long Term Resident 10 year visa under the Wealthy Pensioner category? If so, did you make the application yourself or with the help of an agent/law firm?
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